Magrider/Scythe chassies

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by z34r4, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. z34r4

    3 questions plus analyse/discussion related to vehicle chassies.-

    *magrider reinforced top armor vs reinforced sidearmor
    Does someone know how big the toparmor and sidearmor hitboxes are?

    *magrider rival combat chassie vs racer high speed chassie
    (they both give improved hover)
    (perhaps both gives improved hillclimbing, not sure?)
    strafe speed
    braking power
    reverse speed
    top speed

    Which one of those 2 is best for climbing hills?
    max speed & acceleration is better than hillclimbing stat for climbing hills.
    but rival combat chassie has stuff like brakepower and strafe which is usefull
    Seems like 2 chassies that can achieve the same thing, but racer can also be
    used on flat ground.

    (hillclimbing is reduction of speed lost uphill overtime, it dosent change
    depending on steepness, its effect is increased the faster you go. suck as-
    a lightning's max 70KM/H vs magriders 50KM/H default)

    *scythe dogfighting airframe vs racer high speed airframe

    turn power
    roll power
    overall agility
    racer High speed:
    top speed (both cruising & afterburner mode)

    So i take it that crusing mode (autorun) is ment as standard W (forward) ?
  2. lordprinceps

    both mag chasis increase hover height and hill climb, but i would recomend rival. race is only good if you frequently reposition your tank, rival is much better in actual firefights.
  3. AetherStrike

    As for top/sides. It doesn't matter where the shell lands on the tank, only where the other vehicle was in relation to the tank when the round hits. aircraft will almost always hit top armor, unless they get very close to the ground.
  4. lordprinceps

    really? thats interesting... so if im a HA, and i shoot a rocket down a cliff and land it on the top of a tank, but i slide down to the canyone floor BEFORE it hits, it counts as a frontal hit?
  5. AetherStrike

    Kinda, honestly I am not sure if that scenario was tested when the info was tested in beta. the testing done was pretty static.
  6. Stigma

    I'd really like to know more spesifics about that... Source ect. if you have one.

  7. AetherStrike

    The source is gone since they wiped the beta forums unfortunately :\ they even came up with a really awesome graphic.
  8. Botji

    Wich is why when shooting at tanks etc you dont want to be shooting their back from an angle because if you have a small ammount of bad luck it will count as a side hit instead of a back hit wich is a huge difference in damage done.
  9. FullMetalMonkey

    That's completely wrong.

    The game uses a projectile system, not hitscan (click, damage dealt instantly at where the cursor was). If what you mention above was implemented into the game, it would be the most ridiculous thing ever.

    Where ever the rocket hits, is where the damage is dealt. Not where you are in relation to the tank. So if you shoot from a cliff to the top of a tank, slide down a hill before the rocket hits and it hits the top of the tank, then guess what, it counts as damage to the top of the tank.
  10. Solafide

    Interesting discussion..I was going to get the reinforceed armor, but 10% just didn't seem cost effective until you really spend a ton of certs...Thanks for the help, great info