Why is it so hard to get transport - So tired of getting kicked out of vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Goden, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Goden

    Within the average 2hour play session I get booted out of vehicles around 4 to 6 times. Outfitters never lock their vehicles until after everyone has piled in and is waiting to get going. So they all grab seats, sit and wait (while all the other sunderers leave) and then they get kicked out and the sunderer drives away - leaving them with no wheels.

    The worst are sunderer drivers that either refuse to pick up MAX's or kick MAX's out of their vehicles after alternatives have driven away. MAX's cost resources and cannot ride in any other vehicle than a galaxy or sunderer - you have just wasted their time and resources. Playing as a MAX has literally become a chore, NOT because of the MAX's combat prowess or weapons but because people have a near phobia of transporting them.

    My worst experience yet would have to be: I died and saw a region flashing on the map so I spawned there to investigate. There was a small outfit group of around 5 people there who were defending the point all by themselves. I grabbed my carbine and helped push back the attackers and we achieved victory. I hopped into their parked sunderer and took a non-gunner seat so I wasn't in the way. They piled in, started the engine, and then proceeded to kick me out and drive away. Leaving me by myself in the middle of the road with no transport. There wasn't even enough of them to fill the sundy. Needless to say, they drove for 1.5km and deployed it, where I then spawned on it and wrecked it with my c4 as a token of my thanks. Don't even get me started on the tank drivers who let me gun for them for awhile, I defend them from aircraft if they have the Walker or I help shoot AT heavies - in return? I get booted out a few klicks down the road.

    Why is getting a ride from A to B so difficult? Sometimes getting a ride is more challenging than the battle you just fought.
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  2. Pandiano

    People are a$$holes. Comes dow to pretty much that.
    I don't mind if they lock it beforehand, nor if they make sure all their 11 comrades have a place to ride in. But to kick out random people in the middle of nowhere is being a d1ck!
    That is the reason I seldom find gunner for my sundy I am driving a lot. Few people try to get a ride and empty patybus is not fun withour party :)

    So let people drive along for god's sake!
  3. ron1n

    Can't speak for others, but I routinely have to kick out random players because they they apparently have the attention span of a 5 year old and feel the need to constantly spam my primary and secondary guns shooting at nothing en route to a fight and subsequently use up ALL THE AMMUNITION -_-
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  4. Nocturnal7x

    join a squad.
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  5. Fluff

    I totally agree with that, worse is when they deplete not only my precious ammo but attract attention to my sunder when there is no one to back me up, I will warn before kicking but if they continue I will kick everyone. Any other situation tho, I will make it a point to even reverse so I can pick up someone running after me, I don't pick up friends or squad only, I hate squads and I don't have friends but I wouldn't ever choose a friend over a stranger, people just get in my sunder or in another :p
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  6. Sifer2

    Use a Flash they are cheap. Only problem with it is Sunderers seem to go out of their way to run you over.
  7. Goden

    There are enough a-holes in this game as it is, last thing I want to do is get in a group with them.
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  8. oOCKYOo

    Personally only boot people that get in the way, meaning if my squad cant fit then you're walking. Other reasons would be wasting ammo as stated. The other thing ive seen is people just cant sit quietly in one place and wait.

    Some of these entitled little brats even start yelling at you asking why the sundy isnt moving when there are only 3-4 people in with troops enroute to get in.. These people I normally drop out as they annoy everyone else in the schoolbus.

    I get where you're coming from with max'es as they cant drive anything. I think they should be able to use flashes.
  9. DeadlyShoe

    I only boot people for squadmates.

    MAXs are supposed to be squad tools, they're supposed to require heavy transports.
  10. TetrisIsUnrealistic

    Yeah this happens a lot to me too. But I just play with my mates and that makes it fun again.
  11. Goden

    If a small squad is doing clean-up work around less defended regions then surely having a MAX with them would be a great asset in battle? Even if it isn't in their squad/outfit? Apparently not.

    I don't get it. 12 people loaded into a sunderer is a hell of a lot more effective in battle than 5/12.

    Not every random public player is terrible. Some of us can actually hold our own quite well. Some of us are also very eager medics/engis and can help provide support.
  12. ExarRazor

    i agree.

    it's gotten to the point where if i see a half empty sunderer or galaxy that's locked and clearly not waiting for people, ill just grab something and flip it over/ force it down.

    if you dont wanna be a team player, thats fine, but dont use team-player vehicles to do it
  13. Goden

    I don't mind if someone has locked their vehicle to begin with - the problem is when they let it fill with random people and THEN kick them out. Usually after having them wait or after traveling a short distance. This is even worse if the people they kick out are MAX's who cannot get any other transport and are pretty much robbed of their 100 inf points.

    If they do stuff like that then it is just wasting my time so I usually waste their time in return - with a nice loaf of c4 on the back of their sunderer.
  14. SunnyDee

    Ever stop to think that maybe, someone forgot to lock their vehicle so once you join they lock it once you join?
  15. notyourbuddy

    I was walking along a road as a MAX. A Sunderer with 2/12 pulls up. Stops. I hop in. Other Sunderers drive off. I get kicked out. He then proceeds to drive up the road at 2/12 capacity with no other buddies of his in sight for him to pick up.

    I ended up committing suicide rather than suffer a long walk of shame. I feel your pain.
  16. renegadeknight

    Don't understand why they wouldn't bring you if they had the room. One more guy increases your chance of survival. Even if he wasn't good, it's one more thing for the enemy to shoot who isn't you.
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  17. Goden

    I would be more accepting if the driver gave me a friendly message in chat with an explanation - that or dropping me off at the spawn house or something rather than dumping me in the middle of the desert like some of them do.
  18. SunnyDee

    Right, because the game, isn't about people who already have teams, but lone-wolfs. I get it, you want a ride, use a flash, they are faster and meant for this exact reason.
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  19. Goden

    I don't understand what your post is implying.

    I like to get rides so I have a team to work with when we reach our destination. If I go by myself I'm just going to get shot. If I'm a MAX....well, they can't take any other form of transport. I don't have the cooldown time nor the resources to keep throwing Flashes away every time I want to move around. They are handy for getting to the front lines or for moving around with transport is not available. The point, however, is that transport IS available but people choose not to share it with their supposed teammates.
  20. SunnyDee

    Right people choose to not share, because other people (not you) are dependent on that transport.
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