Squad voice problems....

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by eSnapShot, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. eSnapShot

    When in game and in squad i cant hear squad members on mic. I see there name pop up that they are talking but i can only hear them when in proximity.. they also report they CAN hear me but I cannot hear them. This is dissapointing cus i cant get full game effect. PLease help :) ps. i have all my voice settings enabled and turned up. still doesnt work I also meet all system specs by far.
  2. TSR-SeanF Customer Service

    What is the make and model number of the current router hardware you are using? Some hybrid devices currently have some VoIP issues with PlanetSide 2 so if you are currently using one it may be the reason why you are encountering these issues.
  3. Pronaxen

    Sean what if I have a similar problem, but in my case no names show up when squad mates talk.
    They can hear me over voice and when i press Z my names pops up on the HUD and so on, but when my squad mates talk no names pop up on the HUD.

    In the settings both recording and playback works fine and it says no error detected. It was working fine in the beta up until the servers got their names, after that patch my voice haven't worked once so its not a router issue unless you guys re-wrote the voip code.

    Got any clues to whats wrong?