Bought 100 cert upgrade before woodman went down , still got certs.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Niklasgunner, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Niklasgunner

    SOE should try to look into this.
    *grabs certs and runs*
  2. Noktaj

    Lucky you. I activated a trial option for a weapon, used it 2 mins, then server crash. When the server went up again, I had no trial weapon but got the 30 days cooldown. FRAAAAK ;)
  3. Niklasgunner

    Well i can't complain, but SOE should know about stuff like this as it might also cause trouble with high amounts of certs like weapon purchases or SC
  4. Noktaj

    My guess? They know pretty well, we just need to remind them 'bout it nonetheless ;)
  5. Vodkabeast

    Was about to buy 1000 SC item wonder if I woulda still had it :rolleyes:
  6. InfraRedPS

    I had this on Miller, but you can't spend them, certs just don't unlock when you click them.
  7. Megacheez

    just had it happen as well, i unlocked something just before server went down, and i got back in to find the unlock and my cert points still there. i could also spend them as well,

    just mentionign here for reference, dont wanna get banned for cheating :
  8. Niklasgunner

    Well it is not like you can delete the certs yourself so...
  9. Megacheez

    yeah true, but i dotn want to get my account deleted for cheating :p