Magrider Exploding on Impact

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by d1spatch, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. d1spatch

    This has happened to me a few times today when I either back into something and it gets stuck, or someone else backs into me. Anyone else notice this? Numerous occasions the thing would just blow up when I backed it into things and give me a suicide.
  2. RykerStruvian

    Reminds me of tanks from GTA where you could just dink a Geo Metro or something and it would go up in a massive explosion. Except this time it's inverted.
  3. AetherStrike

    escaping from an enemy in reverse, bump off a corner of a door/barrel/box, etc and go boom instantly...15 minute timer to get a new mag :(
  4. d1spatch

    Exactly, seems like pretty obvious and bad bug.
  5. notyourbuddy

    Well I'm glad Magriders have at least one weakness.
  6. Bavieca

    how fast are you going when it hits that thing? I dunno, but everything I drive blows up when I run into something at fast speeds. Might be intended. I just wish there were more ramps for me to moto-x on my flash
  7. Chronic4Life

    My lightning does the same thing randomly at the beginning of a bridge. I actually fear bridges now. Always in the back of my mind..
  8. AetherStrike

    I have blown up mags against terrain at every speed. including super slow as I try to do something dumb like navigate areas in bases that are supposed to be infantry only.
  9. d1spatch

    My magrider barely nudged another magrider and we both exploded just now.