[Devs] Silencers and Suppression

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sharmanti, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. UberBonisseur

    This is PS2, expect your spawn room to be camped 24/7; so when defending a base consider you have only 1 life !
  2. Antivide

    Lore wise it makes sense.

    "I don't like how everyone is rambo"

    What would YOU do if you had immortality? That's right, be RAMBO all the damn time.
  3. TimeyWimey

    Again, how the hell is rewarding missing NOT nooby? Suppression does not reward good teamwork or experienced players. Experienced players don't miss. They shoot to kill, not to miss. And for the noideahowmanythtime there already is sufficient suppression in the game.

    uh.... shoot him? You know, so he dies?
    • Up x 1
  4. Wahooo

    I don't get to call people bad very often... but you are bad if this is happening to you. The OHK sniper rifles will not fire if you are getting hit it seems. I was going to submit a bug report about it, but this thread made me think it is intentional.

    The best method of suppression? Hitting your friggen target. The number of people that I am able to focus on and head shot after they start firing on me has been around 5. The number of people I have not been able to shoot because they are getting sporadic hits on me from medium sniping distance is too many to count.
  5. Sharmanti

    It was mid-range. Not every bullet hits. I have a 3kdr as a LA going in the middle of the freaking combat. I **** maxs and tanks up with that KDR as an infantrist. So no, I am not bad.

    I shot at him to get the kill, because he was waaaay outta cover. I hit him pretty much, maybe 4-6 shots. Thing is, if I miss a single shot, he is no longer "suppressed" and may just fire and do a 1hk.

    I have player infiltrator aswell. Bloody easy op class. You can rack up so many kills by not even being in combat thanks to such easy to use rifles

    Yea, experienced players have godmode weapons that fire with 100% accuracy over all ranges. How did I not figure.
    My point is, 2 players should be able to provide coverfire when facing an enemy with a superior weapon at the given range.

    Facing a sniper is so frustrating right now. Because the only thing determining if you live or die is his skill. You can basicly just run around sick-zack and pray he doesn't hit you. There's no way you can fight him at his conditions

    I don't know what is so damn hard to understand. Really, it's not about awarding people for missing. It's about awarding people for cooperation. If you're an idiot running around, and you get suppressed. GL suppressing the enemy. You're almost always dead for those kind of mistakes.

    With an ally, even if the enemy is at too far range for him to engage he can still force the enemy to find cover or be suppressed.
  6. ViikZzz

    While there is an artifical "suppression effect" in ARMA you need to understand how it works and why it won't ever work in a game like BF3 or has a little effect in vanial ARMA itself. Unfortunately shooting mechanics in PS2 is a bit simplistic gameplay wise and solution from BF3 aka shake/blur higher spread is probably as far as you can go if you want to make it more obvious than what we have already.

    In ARMA if any projectile lands next to you in a radius of about 1-1.5 meters, your hands will start shaking and this makes it harder to do a precise shots as you point a barrel of a gun not a crosshair. But taking into account typical landscape/scale and the fact that most of the guns in ARMA has a very small spread (comparing to PS3 or BF3 or COD), bullets landing so close to you mean that you being directly targeted and going to be dead or wounded pretty soon. Person in just 3 meters next to you is not going to experience anything related. The "real" suppression effect you get only with ACE mod, wich adds more complex wounds system and single shot might not kill you but will make it harder for you to be effective, even after you bandage yourself and get shots of epiniphrine and morphine. In case if you playing as a sniper this is the end of story as you will have a gigantic weapon sway.
    Basically if you are playing scenario with respawn and you can't get proper medical thretment, it's just easier to get killed and respawn. With no respawn in place the whole thing have completely different meaning.
    What's important is that it's your choice to take cover or continue shooting while under fire. If you skilled enought you still can headshot that bloody MG shooting at you.
    To summarize it, in ARMA actuall suppression takes place only if other player takes a choice to get in cover and as you playing more against experienced players this is going to happen more often.

    So how you can add more advanced "suppression" without doing it in the same way as in BF3. Probably you could start with simulating recoil and gun targeting and then start adding wounds system and stamina. But this brings hell a lot of complexity to network code in order to make experinced more enjoyable than frustating, aka cases in arma when you get killed by the guy who was headshoted by your teammate two seconds ago.
    What we have in PS2 atm is a bit of "suppression by choice" already - you get effect when you actually get hit. I don't like that it makes a bigger bullet spread instead of actually shaking your "aim". But adding adding "shaky blury and more spread because bullet from special gun flies past you" system from BF3 would make it even worse in long term. It might contribute to a teamplay in a sence that it makes it easier for your teammates to not being shot by a guy who you suppress but will make it less fair in one on one scenario.

    When I'm playing HA with my outfit I usually take MG with a higher rate of fire. It's harder to kill somebody on mid to long range as damage is low and spread is high, but I know that every random bullet shot in the direction of group of enemies, will hit somebody and so raises chances that my friends won't need a revive in next few seconds. Effect is not that obvious but basics of suppression is already there, just understand that rambos don't care about suppression and you just need to shoot them. It will get better as more and more people will learn how to handle their weapons, time their shots, kneel when engaging at mid-long range, switch to single bullet fire, aim at head, respawn with a weapon that is better for current situation and so on.
  7. PS2 MEDIC

    Considering that they are using dynamic rendering to keep things as smooth as possible... adding in yet another piece of physics/detection for their server to figure out probably will not ever happen.
  8. Tarrick

    Arma isn't as hyper-realistic as you seem to think. It's still just another video game with decent ballistic mechanics. Most of the hype about it is generated by the fanatics.
  9. Sturmhardt

    Hell no, suppression was a cool effect in BF3 and it was nice for a few hours... but no thanks, don't need it. The screen is blurry enough already thanks fo FXAA :p
  10. TimeyWimey

    Yeah, I just get the impression that the game markets itself as one. Haven't played them after the first ofp so I wouldn't know :]
  11. ViikZzz

    Vanilla is not that realistic in many aspects, have no idea why people bother to play it without all these cool features that
    ACE mod offers. Probably because it's a pain in... to keep ACE up to date and in sync with all the servers around.

    That's a good point, many simply don't realise that making 2k population with 24 hours up server shooter is very different story to 64 players 20 minutes per round.

    IMHO what we have already is good enought as a basis, might need some additional tweaking. Maybe something like bigger weapon sway if your health is critical, then people might start using medkits and complain about luck of resources to have a stidy supply of med kits, granades, mines and MAXs :p
  12. Lavalampe

    Suppression was that fact that brings to much randomness in this game cause it will be luck if you hit or not. This was the biggest fail BF3 had done. No wonder that most BF3 Pro-Gamers hate it (like Lvlcap and rivalXfactor). btw both stream for planetside 2 ;)
  13. Artuskan

    It's not? You must not be doing it right.