Planetside 2 level cap, what is it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vasive, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Vasive

    Can't find any information on the planetside 2 level cap, anybody know anything about it?
  2. Stride

    Does it really matter? Battle rank doesn't really do anything.
  3. TheGroggyOne

    I've seen br30+, it's all I know.
  4. Phasics

  5. 12987

    could be br 40 or br50 i dont know for sure.
  6. disky00

    Since Battle Rank doesn't actually mean anything, why would there even be a cap? BR is based on the XP you have gained, just like cert points. Since they are basically linked, I am led to believe that there is no cap. I have never heard anyone from SOE mention one.
  7. DiabloMuerto

    Not sure either but as mentioned it doesn't really mean anything. I honestly don't even know why they have battle ranks this time around. Cert accrual is not really based off the battle ranks and certs is what gives you things. I don't see any unlocks or anything that go by BR so I'm not sure why they even have it. Plus even after you cap your BR you keep gaining certs so again, kinda pointless unless they plan to do something with it in the future.
  8. Phasics

    I guess just one more thing to compare against other people
  9. Frostttt

    I'm pretty positive that it is 50.
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  10. Jourmand1r

    The Level Cap is your credit card limit.
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  11. Seph Kurai

    It does have a big role. If I ran an outfit I would choose someone with a BR of 50 over a BR of 1. If you would do otherwise you fail.
  12. TheBloodEagle

    Pretty sure there is a cap because they list percentages on the cert page that shows every class & vehicle.
  13. Shake

    It's 100. I heard the title for TR is field marshal.
  14. Vanath

    The Planetside Universe wiki has it going up to 100. I have no idea if that's accurate but they have rank images for all of them.
  15. Hellspawn

    Haha you win..
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  16. McWafflez

    Its 100, Supreme Commander.
  17. Seph Kurai

    You're right. Those camo vanity items really help me win games.
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  18. Jourmand1r

    uh... what game are you playing?
  19. TheBloodEagle

  20. McWafflez

    Rocket pods day one sure are balanced.