Why can anyone kill a liberator with a drop pod?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by countzero, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. countzero

    What's the point in avoiding ground AA, A2A from other aircraft, stationary turrets on bases, when a BR1 player with no AA capabilities can just deploy on a base and take me out with no skill or effort? It was funny the first few times, now it's just a routine "**** you" to anyone that enjoys flying.
  2. renegadeknight

    wait they can? I thought that was gone. Landed one once and didn't do any damage. As for landing on you, that's because you were hovering. If you hove you deserve what you get. If he hit you while you were moving he either got lucky or is pretty good and probably deserved it.
    • Up x 1
  3. Hetzau

    If you get shot down by a drop pod, you deserve to die, your flyer be set to 3 day cooldown and your weapons locked for a whole day just because this is one of the things that doesn't happen very often (and the lack of skill as stated above).
  4. RykerStruvian

    Its not very hard and is more about random LUCK rather than skill. And the thing is it is something which is quite possible to do over and over again considering you can steer the drop pods.
  5. Sharkweek

    Pretty much this.

  6. ElementalFiend

    I drop podded an enemy Lib. My pod died and he got the kill on me. He flew away just fine.

    Perhaps what you are seeing is a bug?
  7. renegadeknight

    see, this is what happens to me.
  8. Lightwolf

    I fly that lib. It deals half damage, and there's allot of force behind it so you have to be quick on the controls or it can send you spinning. But its perfectly survivable.
  9. Snarkyfoo

    Why can they do it? Because [within the planetside universe.], it's a big ol' chunk of metal crashing down from orbit.
    [within planetside game balance] it costs them a life to destroy your lib, so it's pretty fair.
  10. Tipsy McStagger

    Same. I've done this twice and got the same result. Not only does a pod not outright kill a Lib, it only does like 20% damage.

    OP was obviously heavily damaged when the pod got him/her. The pod just finished him off which I do not see a problem with.
  11. KingSnuggler

    Are you done raging now?
  12. Policenaut

    When you kill something with a drop pod, you also get a "ram bonus", so it's actually promoted
  13. RykerStruvian

    Dude, your signature is always AWESOME. Nice.
    • Up x 1
  14. Warlyik

    I've killed a Lib with a Drop-pod before. I literally burst out laughing. Oh, and I survived to hit the ground. Man, I bet those 3 guys were pissed.

    I think it's fine - personally, I'm sick of seeing Libs up in the stratosphere raining down hell on everyone with relative impunity. If you get killed by one, just chuckle and move on. It's an interesting quirk in the game - and you probably shouldn't be directly above the area where drop pods are gonna come down anyway. It's a very narrow area that you can steer a drop-pod so.. gg.
  15. Fox234

    Do you know how hard it is to drop on something? The game drops you in a random spot around the base and allows you to navigate about 6 feet in any direction.
  16. Ryloxx

    If you can hit something with the drop pod you deserve the kill, and it's awesome that is a part of the game this time around. Drop pods were cool in PS1 but this brings it to another level.
  17. General Sherman

    My first kill after launch was a lib drop kill, got done making a new character and got the usual first time drop on Indar. Poor guys were reloading on a ammo pad when my fresh LA came crashing down killing all three, best part was that I lived and got one more kill before dying. Hell of a way to get your first post Beta kill.
  18. SenorBeef

    It appears to do around 75% damage to your aircraft and really ruins your orientation. It's survivable but you have to be in good circumstances.

  19. Liquid23

    if you are in a plane and get killed by a drop pod you are either a very very bad pilot doing something stupid, in which case you deserve it, or just unlucky, in which case that's just the way the dice rolled deal with it
  20. miniKAD

    I was flying my Lib yesterday, got hit by a drop pod, took quite a bit of damage, but got the XP for the kill and the Drop Pod kill.
    Flew away laughing.

    OP did you have like...10% health when you got hit?
    Quit complaining.