To Vanu and New Conglomerate Players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LairenyX, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. AbysmalMax

    The Homeworld peoples will choose sides, and know, that Technology Equals Might!
  2. RottenGroinArea

    If they reopen the wormhole, I wonder if they might bring in some guns that weren't designed in the mid 1960's...

    27th century, my ar-se.
  3. Rhapsody

    to be fair... the smallest 'gause' rifle in the world at the moment is mounted on a destroyer. Though it is sad how something that is fired with pure magnetism.. somehow has more 'kick' than something fired with an explosive charge.. You'd think scientist who could create a hand-held rail-gun (which is what the gause basically is), would be able to create an ACCURATE one.
  4. LairenyX

    After reading the lore, it appears that the homeworld is more technological inept about space travel then I originally thought.

    The most likely outcome is that people on Auraxis would unite on their own or 1 faction conquer the other 2. They study the alien technology, doesn't have to be Vanu, to learn how wormhole physics work and master it. They then would re-contact the Homeworld like children visiting old parent rather than Vice versa.

    The people on Auraxis stand a higher chance of mastering Wormhole technology than The homeworld because of their access to alien technology.
  5. Rec0n412

    How will things go?

    First, the leadership on all sides will more than likely be executed.

    Why the TR leadership? Because current evidence points towards the explosion of the spaceship discovery 9 being a plot by Waterson(the guy currently in charge) to kill Connery(former expedition leader, and former president of the TR back on earth).

    Waterson and co. will also more than likely be executed for gross negligence and incompetence in executing their duties. Especially considering that the "choice" given after the discovery 9 exploded was a choice between doing nothing or fascism. Which was an obvious ploy to start a war with dis-satisfied elements within the expedition, and therefore a cover to declare martial law.

    The NC command will also be executed, and a large chunk of the mercenaries in their employ may also be executed. Although this will really depend on how brutal the current TR have been in trying to "pacify" the dissatisfaction with the current TR leadership(before the war broke out). If the Expedition leadership was brutal in attempting to maintain "order" then a lot of the NC ground forces may very well be pardoned on the basis of their "choice" being executed or fighting for their lives.

    The VS will also suffer i the same way as the NC, but with the difference that their leadership appears to be compromised by alien influence. This will lead to all VS soldiers, scientists, and civilian workers being under suspicion of being under alien influence. If the home world TR cannot figure out a way to tell who is or is not under alien influence, then they will be forced to either imprison or execute everyone.

    There is also the very real possibility that things have radically changed on the home world. In which case, no one knows what will happen.
  6. LairenyX

    I like the amount of execution in your assessment.
  7. Diirva

    I would just like to chime in and say that imperialist states and their colonies are not, in any way, like a family. The English, Spanish and French did not establish colonies because they wanted to be one big happy family. They colonized other regions because they wanted to tap into resources not available in their own lands, and to expand their military and political influence.

    If you'll think back to your history lessons (you know, that class you napped in), you'll remember that one of the causes of the American Revolutionary War was a little thing called "taxation without representation." In layman's terms, this means that the American colonists were expected to pay taxes to the English and follow their laws, but were not entitled to have any representatives in the English government as other Englishmen were (According to the English parliament, the colonies were "virtually represented," meaning that parliament spoke for the interests of all British subjects rather than just the subjects from their electing district. Needless to say, this was a controversial idea, and there were several who called bullsh** on it).

    My point here being that the 'home' world/country doesn't think of its colonies as family. More often than not, they're seen more as tools to gain power and resources, and I probably wouldn't be wrong in thinking that Terra will treat Auraxis in the same way, especially if they're as resource-depleted as I've been led to believe here.
  8. RKB

    What if the aliens turned up at earth and wiped everyone out.
  9. DrifterBG

    To quote a CoD commercial (I feel dirty quoting that stupid game, but it fits):

    "Zombies..." *cawks shotgun* "Groovy."
  10. Total_Overkill

    "Pew Pew Pew Pew"
  11. Triptych

    I am more than willing to fight a war against an inexperienced but numerically superior military force without respawning technology, with a numerically inferior but far more experienced military force with respawning technology. Also lasers!
  12. Rec0n412

    Orbital bombardment?
  13. LairenyX

    No that's a myth. The cause of the American Revolution was not tax without representation. "Taxing without Representation" did cause for some protests like the "tea party" among many other that you might not be familiar with. The English loved their colony. They would try to negogiate with protesters peacefully to calm them down. Further more the English government DID allowed the American Colonist to vote so they did have some representation. Protest over taxes resulted in negogiation NOT revolution.

    The Revolution were dued to the Colonist being crazy lunatics with crazy ideals that weren't in synch with reality. For an example:

    There were hostilities between the American Colony and Native American. Both side would fight constantly. The English government, so loving their colony, send in the Red Coat to protect the Colonist from the Indians, however the crazy lunatics that is the Colonist decides they want to look at this as "Military Occupation". This caused a propaganda campaign by some rebels to sway the pupblic's opinion. There were ALOT of loyalist. Infact perhaps 1/3 of the colonist were loyalist maybe more. That is easily 4 out of 13 states.

    If a good amount of colonist viewed protection forces as military occupation, they arm themselves, and this alarmed England. In response England would try to quell what they percieved as "spontaneous rebellion". The colonist's unreal ideal escalated the Revolution. The colonist were the bad guys.

    I insist that, especially in interstellar space context, homeworld and planet colony should be viewed as a family relationship. The colonist is loyal to the Homeworld and in return the Homeworld provide it with order and protect and sustenance in some case.
  14. Entil'Zha

    sigh... why do people keep thinking that the NC is the FREEDOM and **** faction. It is fairly obvious that their stated MO is fanatic libertarianism but you would have to be blind (and deaf) to not see past that charade. Take their name (New Conglomerate) or nearly all of the voice overs "time the close the deal", "we just gave new meaning to 'hostile takeover'" and it is painfully obvious that the major driving force behind the NC are mega-corporations (it is also explicitly stated in their lore). So it follows that most of the NC's forces, except probably for the upper echelons of their command, are comprised of extremely impressionable vigilantes, absurdly gullible freedom zealots and (likely the majority) amoral mercenaries. And while abolition of corporate oversight for the intentions of increasing profits is pragmatic, seeing as how the de jure government is cut off from its ability to irresistibly enforce its will. That is hardly a successful base for a propaganda engine to work with. So they simply fell back to the tried and true "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" propaganda that, at this point, has been moving hearts for millennial. ~btw THIS is why I play the NC i like the feeling of being a corporate scumbag
  15. Mansen

    And a society where resources become increasingly scarse have the opposite effect on militancy.
  16. Prince Damien

    What if the Alien's from Auraxis returns and see the VS as loyal subjects and the TR and NC as expendable trash if they wont join them.

    I can't help feeling that the NC's kinda left out on this. TR ruling the homeworld, Aliens that might return if they are still out there somewhere.
  17. DeltaGun

    We VS will simply retreat into the webway back to our craftworld.
    • Up x 1
  18. Thardus

    TR are radicals just as much as the NC and VS. They've simply been motivated by conservatism.
  19. Aurus

    How the factions react will really depend on whether or not there's a blue triangle or a red triangle over their head. If that fails, it depends what color they are wearing. Regardless, someone will probably accidentally/intentionally run over the representative with a tank/sunderer and get us a fourth faction to fight.
  20. JojoTheSlayer

    [Too lame people reading. Yes, we know its just sciFi lore. Its not real, but it is a little fun extrapolating themed lore.]

    They wont?
    If a place has been isolated for a while I am pretty sure Auraxis TR would not necessarily have the same goals as the home world TR. It might become a British and the US kinda thing back during their revolution. NC built the TR empire. They where/on Earth are? partners. So you might just as well end up that its the Auraxis TR that are portrayed as the bad guys, Auraxis NC gets better treatment and Auraxis TR leaders are executed for some legal sounding reason because the have become accustomed to their power at Auraxis and are therefor a threat to the TR Emperor or whatever leader/gov form they have.

    (VS is a Auraxis only faction, I think, with kinda Naazi views of other people so I reckon they would fight any Earth based human regardless.)

    NC back story.