Trial System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by archelios, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. archelios

    In the trial system, after the 30 minutes are up can you never try it again (havent logged in all day, last ive seen this system was broken). Or does it reset after a specific amount of time?
  2. RasFW

    I think I saw it say 30 days you can trial it again.
  3. Fox234

    Really? They put a time limit on how long you can trial a gun again? First they give you a lame 30min which doesn't give you time for anything but then they put you on a 30 day limit? Why not let people rent 1 gun for 500 Infantry resources for 24 hours and just deny the ability to collect medals, apply camo, and buy attachments. Now thats a trial.
  4. archelios

    oo thinaks
  5. Crator

    ^ I suppose if the resource system was more restrictive that might work. But as is now?
  6. renegadeknight

    I figure it's to make you want to buy the gun. If you can keep trialing it, even with the limitations you pretty much are getting what you wanted for free. Now if they cut you off when you were enjoying the gun, your going to want to buy it so you can keep enjoying it. Pretty much it is to encourage you to spend money.
  7. Fox234

    Idk, it has the opposite effect on me. Being so absolutely heavy handed with their monetary system while being called out as P2W and that the free price is out of control probably causes more loss than it gains. I assume thats why games like Combat Arms and Blacklight use the GP system and still rake in tons of cash.
  8. renegadeknight

    Yeah I can see that, just kind of saying what I think they're thinking.
  9. Cyanide

    You can trial any gun every 7 hours, but to try a gun you've already used it's 30 days. I don't know what the issue is, I've tested a few guns that way and have been very happy with the ability to give them a shot before buying them.
  10. Fox234

    No worries. I assume you're right actually. Just saying their handling of their monetary system and of the upset players is probably costing them $ because they refuse to throw anyone a real bone. Its better to give the custom the feeling that they got a fair deal. Making people grind certs for a month and a 30 min trial isn't really a bone. Although there is no denying that some people will be satisfied with the current system I just think they would appeal to a broader market with a real GP type system.
  11. Rhapsody

    The trial system works like this.

    8 hour delay between 'trying' different weapons.
    30 day delay between 'trying' the same weapon again.

    IF they restrict it like this they should at least give you all the attachments so you can actually compare the gun to your current one.
    "yea going to test this Equinox as a long range weapon for my medic without a scope and no High-Velocity Ammo, sound like a good idea. Oh its worse than my XM9 with Soft Point Ammunition and Reflex Sight, what a surprise..."
  13. Fox234

    Well you can't really be too surprised. Smed threw a hissy fit during beta at the mere thought of letting people try things. The fight to get the AMS back was 1,000x easier. The demand for a trial went from beta start to beta end.