The New Conglomerate is Massively Underpowered

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cheronobyl, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Broviet

    Dear god, this thread is hilarious.

    As it's already been said, it has nothing to do with your faction's equipment/vehicle options whatsoever. You have some of the best in the game.

    It has everything to do with the fact that the lead dev in PS1 said, "Hey, Jimbo, what should we model the New Conglomerate after?"

    Jimbo: "SOUTH CAROLINA!!!!"

    Lead dev: "Hm......I like it, let's go with it"
  2. Degenatron

    No, it's lame. The TR get the big orchestra, the VS cool techno, and we get...rock-a-billy. We should have gotten METAL.
  3. Morpholine

    Banjos. Dueling ones.
  4. HadesR

    The general problem I have noticed about the NC on Connery is the fixation with trying to warpgate a faction ...
    Now this might be down to the bad defence rewards , but time and time again Ive seen us attempt to warpgate an opponent while the 3rd party is taking all our land behind us ..
  5. Vreki

    License AC/DC for the NC, and we will have +50% pop in no time.
  6. VoidMagic

    Dood the game should turn into who ever locks the most cont's gets to have a metal soundtrack for a period of time...


    Also... Vanu ... we get Dubstep cause ... well disco + metal...
  7. CaaKEE

    uhnnn some of our weapons are bad ... but we arent that UP

    On Waterson we are controling Esamir and Amerish right now.
  8. Jenks

    I would say NC appeals to the same people the Horde did with its huge bulky weapons and contempt for the man. TR seems like it would appeal to the Alliance with its good guy, law abiding ways. And then we also have VS who like the elves of both WoW factions appeal to women and homosexuals. It's fantastic and I'm glad everyone has something to choose.
  9. JKooL

    You have no idea what rock-a-billy is.
  10. Undead Clown

    How is the empire with advanced tech an empire that appeals to women and homosexuals? You must be an NC player with the homophobia and women hating.

    I hate trolls.
  11. Plunkies

    This isn't a PVE game. We're all here to kill not farm giant rats outside the warpgate.

    It's funny hearing a VS say anyone else has better vehicles. The vanguard trades all mobility for one extra shot of armor. Things that are slowest are generally easiest to hit, so that one extra shot is easily negated. Meanwhile, against TR, it does less dps and dials in on ranged targets slower than the prowler. Against VS, the main gun is harder to aim than the magrider and the Saron is far better than any other secondary tank weapon in the game. So once again NC has another situation where their faction specific gear is hardest to use and easiest to play against.

    The reaver is the least used ESF according to higby, and for good reason. Speed is convenient but the current flight mechanics mean it's not a decider of fights. It doesn't take much testing to see why the scythe is generally considered the best ESF, and has been since beta.
  12. Esch

    I was on last night when 666 showed up on Connery/Indar around midnight pacific and we just got slaughtered. NC had taken most of the continent in about a half hour while also being slightly under-populated compared to Vanu and TR.

    The situation on Connery is highly dependent on the time of day and what groups are online. I could just as easily have taken a screen last night of NC with 80% of Indar and 30% of population and made an argument about them being OP.

    In my experience, the one thing that unorganized NC do poorly is Sunderer logistics. Random Vanu zergs regularly have at least a half dozen AMS Sundy's at any given time. Too often cleaning out NC is simply about pushing them back to spawn and camping them in during the cap, or simply clearing them out and forcing them to spawn behind the line. This could simply be an artifact on my server and/or playing times, but do a little more with logistics and you should have more success.
  13. Jenks

    It's called misogyny, and I find it quite humorous when a troll gets angry and starts accusing others of trolling. I said nothing negative, so apparently you aren't just a troll, but a homophobe and misogynist. Good day, clown.
  14. Vreki

    This begs for an Apple joke, but I will show self-control and refrain from it.
  15. Degenatron

    Notice the "..."? It implies "searching for the word". No, it's NOT really rock-a-billy. Nor is it what I'd rock. Frankly, I don't know WHAT to call it, except "off topic".
  16. DorkChop

    Why does everyone keep trying to tell me the TR are the good guys? Their music sounds straight outta the Sith Empire and they look like Equalists.

    I like the NC cause their soundtrack reminds me of Firefly. Just wish there guns were better... :(
  17. Rivenshield

    You've always been that way. A decade ago, that was the NC -- lots of cameraderie and user-friendly firepower and no support or coordination whatsoever. And we Terrans -- we thougtful souls that *liked* the idea of belonging to an organized military, even with the ****-Commie color scheme -- hunkered down in small mutually supporting groups behind minefields and waited for you. (While the Annoying Alien Bastiche Empire acted like the merry pranksters they were and backhacked everything, then jumped on the loser. That's the sort of personality type *they* seemed to attract).

    Unfortunately, you can no longer stick a surge implant and Jackhammer onto light assault and close with and one-shot people. Maybe the solution is a slight increase to infantry TTK acros the board, and a slight Jackhammer buff. But those are only game mechanics. They do not address the fundamental shortcomings of your corporate culture, and that relies on the people you attract.

    OP's pic tells the story. And ultimately, you will adapt or wither.
  18. Degenatron

    Also, directly to the "boo-hoo, we're under powered at range" complaint, I recommend this:

    Default Guass-SAW + Advanced Foregrip + 6x Scope + Compensator

    4 rounds at 75m starting at solar plexus and allowing recoil to climb slightly. Kills everything except an HA that's quick on their shield or a max. The HAs don't last much longer and i regularly solo maxs with that rig at any range between 50 and 20 meters.

    My short-range kit for biodomes is the Guass-SAW with 2x Reflex, laser pointer, and suppressor. I regularly go +3 kdr with that rig in those situations.

    What more do you really want?
  19. Degenatron

    Unfortunately, I must agree with your assessment.

    But I'll die alone on my feet rather than live with others on my knees.
  20. Rivenshield

    Random thought: Do we even *have* anything like a Surge implant in the new game? (We sure as hell can't lay minefields, which would be a surefire cure to all the tank spam everyone complains about.) That could help the NC get within optimal range for their blunderbusses.