What Attachments Should I Get? (Vanu Flare)

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by JoshQuake, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. JoshQuake

    I'm wanting to do more for my gun, but unsure what I should be getting. Here is my current Setup:

    Ammo: N/A
    Barrel: N/A
    Rail: Foregrip
    Optics: (Day) VHO (2x) | (Night/Bio Dome) HS/NV

    I'm fairly set on my non-weapon attachments, so right now I'm just looking for tips on weapon attachments.

  2. ExarRazor

    grip and compensator are a must for the flare.

    sure it hits about as hard as the gauss saw, but its got even worse recoil

    i say go with reflex 1x for the sight.

    got the flare on day 1, and spent my first 230 certs on grip comp and reflex 1x, and now rockin the 1000 kills medal
  3. Zwan

    lmao! are you serious? it has no where close to the same recoil as the saw. im loving the flare, ridiculously easy to get kills vs all the NC lmgs. it does have recoil for a VS weap, but nothing like the recoil or bloom of the saw, still easymode imo
  4. Stocking

    Are you guys sure the Forward Grip actually does anything on the Flare? I don't notice any horizontal recoil by default, and I'm pretty sure no VS weapons have it. Or at least, that's how it was in beta, as the Forward Grip was pretty much completely useless.
  5. Tetryon

    Grip is used mostly for when you're strafing with A and D keys as it prevents the recoil from sending your bullets left and right.

    I use the Flash suppressor and Forward Grip on mine though I'm tempted to just get the extended mag and never have to reload. Don't have many problems managing my recoil.
  6. Stocking

    I see.
  7. MartianDiscoFish

    Get a compensator definitely, this gun is basically the gauss saw, so having controllable recoil is very important for long range engagements
  8. Dovahkiin

    Compensator and soft point ammo.
  9. Blays

    lol? Put a teammate by a wall, get at medium range and unload a clip, then see how many holes you'll on it with and without a grip.