blatant cheats

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by supahitecjetfyta, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. TSAndrey

    Yes, the usually recover within days but not always. I'm not going to name the sites, but some of them needed to recode their whole hack from scratch and took months to do that!
  2. Kophka

    You guys are looking at it the wrong way. There's a reason that APB has such a low player count. Despite being an awesome concept for a game and being a blast to play, the hackers make people move on to other games.

    Free to Play games have MUCH more incentive to keep hackers out, from an economic point of view.

    The point of a F2P game model is to gain as many possible players in as short a time as possible. The more people that play the game, the more people will come to play with their friends. The more popular a F2P gets, the more popular it gets again, it's a never-ending cycle of "hey, it's free, it's huge, there are thousands of players RIGHT NOW, and it's FREE! Let's try it out!".

    Players ARE content for the game. Things like hackers, blatant pay-to-win-ism, poor gameplay, etc., drive CONTENT away from the game, making it die out eventually.

    Sony has a LOT invested in this, and when they say they are working on the problem, believe it. They have more incentive than anyone to keep the masses happy. :)
  3. Aelus

    So true. But then there are some that are faster like you said. People also didn't toss hacks people create and keep to themselves that hardly if ever get detected. I'm sure they get detected, but not nearly as easily.
  4. Diamond Sword

    How to eliminate all hacks:

    Program the game so that it can only function with the original data that it was programmed with by having constant CRC checks, so that if anything is altered from the normal code, the game stops working as well as scanning the background for any applications that affect mouse movement (anti-recoil applications).

    Yes; I don't understand programming on the level at which these cheats/anti-cheats work, but I know enough about programming to know that such a system is possible, and it baffles me why no one's tried one.
  5. Mafia Puppet

    Because if the check works by sending confirmation to the server, then you just modify the parameters required to pass the check (Like if 1=1). If the check works by having the client run an automatic check, then you just disable it. "No one's tried one" lol. It's the first thing everyone hacks...
  6. Imnuktam

    Yeah been asking for a way to report people since /report does nothing for people named 1111lll1l1ll1l1llllll1l1l1l1l1ll1l1l1. A hyperlink name in the killspam tha hard? It is in many of the mmo rpg's made by this same company years ago?

    Since there isnt one I just logged after getting shot through walls today. Sad part is the guys (more than one :() were so bad they werent even killing me, but I had to keep running around constantly since there is no such thing as cover when someone can shoot through anything.

    Guess the plan of locking any thread that discussed hacking in beta instead of letting people discuss what could be done didnt work out in the end.

    Time for a new plan that addresses the problem.
  7. Saviourself

    Lot of plane speed hacks going on atm, you notice an ESF coming in to the base, open up on it and it goes from smooth movement to jerking forward 100-200m at a time. From Peris, I've seen a scythe turn and disappear towards the warpgate in under 3 seconds.

    Even more hilarious when you see a liberator pull the same trick (ie. zero chance of being a person on a laggy connection, Libs just don't move that fast).

    Whereas player glitching/hacking can sometimes be hard to detect, ESF's stand out like dogs balls...
  8. AtomicGerman

    You can't honestly want PB.. god, no. NEVER FORGET BF1942 Ver. 1.41
  9. medbot544

    I have spent 45 bucks so far on this game and WAS planning to get prem + buy more station cash.

    But I decided not to atm.

    Guys who can blink around (teleporting/fly hacking), aimbots, wall hackers (shoot through and see you any range with no spot), god mode vehicle/infantry, dudes with no heads (wth?!), LAs with Max stats, etc etc made me think twice.

    Since this is F2P; banning em just aint gonna work since they will just make a new account and then go back to cheating.

    There has to be some sorta detection!

    So yea, I need something official like showin me that they will be dealin with this in an effective way before I drop more money.
  10. wolfva

    Type /report <name>
    If same faction, you can use Spot key (Default Q) to open a menu, click 'send tell', then go to chat window, replace '/tell' with '/report'.

    You can also hit ESC, click SUPPORT (lower L corner) and follow the menu.

    Not really supposed to call people out by name on the forum though; it's in the rules.

    SOE won't tell us what they're doing to prevent hackers because they probably don't want the hackers to KNOW what they're doing. "OH! They're gonna use PB? Well, I'll just get the work around for that! HAHAHAHA!"; that type of situation. Further, when they DO catch and ban cheaters, they probably won't tell us. SOE has a long standing rule that they don't discuss disciplinary actions with 3rd parties. So, for all we know they may have banned a thousand cheaters by now. Heck, maybe they sent a couple of leg breakers to the cheaters houses to break their knee caps; we won't know about it.

    But I DO like the idea of breaking knee caps as a deterrent for cheating/hacking... :>
  11. IshanDeston

    There are some bases (won't say which), that allow you to move around the spawn room, and at the right angle you will clip a bit, and see the inside. I suspect at that point you propably can shoot people inside as well.
  12. Veri

    Every game is going to ave cheaters.
    It's just sad, the amount of cheaters I am seeing in this game at the moment.

    Simple fix for me uninstall and play a different game.

    Far Cry 3 here I come.
  13. Morpholine

    It's a terrain glitch they're abusing, not any external program.
  14. Argg

    I found one of these and bug reported it at the spot I found it about a week ago. I could shoot inside. Haven't been back to see if it is fixed yet.