How to use Scout Rifles and what attachments to use

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by ThElement078, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. ThElement078

    Moving on from my list of suggestions for Scout Rifles, how exactly do you use scout rifles and what attachments do you use, I figured maybe I was playing it wrong or something? Anyway give your loadouts/attachments and your playstyles while using scout rifles.
  2. Wrek

    My loadout is the Stalker scout rifle (20 round automatic) with forward grip and compensator, using 2x reflex for scope.
    it makes the weaposn easier to control.

    when shootign something its kind of obvius to aim for the head. aiming for the upper chest seems to work well since the recoil will kick the weapon into face height.

    i also play mostly on amerish so i go myself some green camo. it worsk suprisingly well to hide in bushes, specially at night. I also tend to usign the radar dart to find out if stuff is around corners etc.
    the rifle definetly took a while to get used to but i feel like im getting the hang of it, wouldnt mind a bit bigger mag though.

    If im using the semi auto scout rifle i tend to go a simmilar setup but with 4x or 6x scope, there too aiming for the head. but you really need to get the first shots off and rapid firing seldom helps. only use this at a distance and frankly usign the standard semi auto sniper would almost be more effective.

    probably not the most optimal way to use em but it works for me.
  3. Benton!

    Don't spend any certs in the auto scout rifle. There is no point to using it. You can kill people faster with the pistol at mid-close range.

    The semi-auto one is pretty good. I would actually recommend a 1x sight on it. If you want to engage targets at more then 100m it's not worth it. 2 head shots or 4 body shots are needed for medic/light/eng. So sniping is worthless. But you can get 4 shots off in about a second so you can kill someone in about a second if you can manage recoil with it, which is really nice. I really recommend using a 1x or 2x scope on it, I have tried 3.4x and 6x scopes on it, and it seems to have too much zoom for it's effect range. You can kill people really fast at close range, don't fall for the trap of using it like a sniper rifle. Use it like a semi-auto assult/battle rifle.
  4. Neodymius

    Regarding the Artemis (20 round automatic), I personally really enjoy it, it's the gun that I use more than any other by a long stretch. I clearly play a different style to Wrek, much more in the heat. I'll list how I use it:

    Attachments: Laser dot (so that I can more reliably use it at close range with firing from the hip, massively improves the speed of your kill when you don't have time to stop and aim. The gun has so little recoil that the forward grip doesn't make any real difference). Silencer (It really doesn't make you much quieter, but it does stop you showing up on the mini-map, which I find really helps me keep killing when behind the enemy). 2x Reflex sight (Helps extend the range of the gun, if only slightly, doesn't hinder you at close range.)

    I find that the best way to use the gun is when there are a number of enemies focused on attacking a specific point (such as lining a cliff top, attacking a small building), and then cloaking in behind them and picking them off by starting at the back and working your way forward. I always cloak when I reload, the battle is hectic and they assume the sound is an ally infiltrator in the group (keep moving whilst you reload, or sit perfectly still behind the next target, you either want to be hard to hit or hard to notice, not a mix). Always reload after each kill due to the small clip, unless you have at least 12 bullets and the next enemy is almost unmissable.
    If there are no easy ways to work behind a group, cloak in towards the rear of a group, kill the most stationary targets that are focused on the enemy, and then move quickly, don't stop to check if you've been spotted (you probably have and you'll find out quickly enough).
    If there are constantly enemies coming in behind the group, you will be killed very quickly trying the first tactic, instead find the best cover you can (with the cover behind you, so that the incoming enemies can't see you, not many in the group will be turning around, but you will be seen when they do) and just sit stationary picking off the enemies one by one, cloaking to reload after each kill (if you fail to kill any with a single clip, you will be murdered so hard that the cover will die with you).

    On top of that, if you simply don't have a good way to get behind or into the enemy, the gun works great for support fire from within your own squad. Standing with your men, the low recoil and high fire rate allow you to pick of injured enemies or hit multiple really quickly, and then the small clip means that you will be ducking out to reload by the time they've started hitting you.

    TL;DR It kills people extremely quickly when they don't know you're there, and at very close range.
  5. Outake

    I'm TR I use use this.
    HSR-1: Forward Grip/IRNV/Suppressor

    I like it shoot a few shots into some1 then knife = dead
    and if there moving then just take aim and unload the full clip, its only 20 shots.
    but i really try hard to get close enough to knife them i ran after i guy for like 5 sec before i just stopped and shot him.
    tip the only hope of your cloak working is if you don't move/move only when crouched
  6. HvcTerr

    There are two very different "Scout Rifles" in the game. One is a 20-round fully automatic quasi-carbine, and the other is similar to the default 10-round semi-automatic sniper rifle, except with slightly different recoil characteristics and the ability to fit different scopes suitable for shorter ranges.
  7. Uncle_Lou

    This is gonna sound stupid, but do the scout rifles suffer from bullet drop like sniper rifles? I was using the HSR-1 at medium (maybe 150m?) range and was not scoring any hits with the crosshair on the enemy's head. I just could not see any pattern to where the bullet impacts relative to the crosshair.
  8. SteelNutz

    I go with red dot, 2x reflex and suppressor - TR semi auto (really didn't get on with the full auto one). Having a lot of fun with it behind enemy lines & flanking. Not showing up on the minimap is fantastic and if combined with a bit of elevation/cloak/cover people really cannot see where they are getting shot from.
    re bullet drop, there is a little but I've found at the ranges I'm limited to with the 2x scope its negligible. Though with the suppressor added it becomes pretty huge :(
  9. Kaska

    Play VS, no bullet drop *trollface*
  10. Daejin

    For any Fully auto rifle that you plan on using in close-medium range, you should use the Forward Grip and the Compansator when available. the optics are more towards preference, but I like the x2 Reflex. Pretty much and open sight, and the x2 zoom helps when you're firing from behind shelter, or to the next room over.
  11. Fafnir

    When you fire within specific distance from enemies, you show up on their minimap automatically. Compensator doubles that distance, so I wouldn't recommend it for infiltrating and close-medium range combat. Learn to compensate for vertical recoil, it's easy with scout rifles.
  12. WingMaker

    Plus I would expect a forward grip to be pretty negligible in handling recoil. At least with the Stalker, there is almost no horizontal recoil to begin with. Might as well stick with the red dot.
  13. Daejin

    In all honesty, I haven't spent the certs on either, jus' goin' by what I learned in the Beta about close-medium rifles. Also, I'm a VS, so I don't have the Stalker to choose from, I have the Artemis. (Spelling?)
  14. WingMaker

    My understanding is that the weapons should be pretty similar.

    It's easy to check for horizontal recoil though, just do a mag dump on a wall. If you pull up and to a direction (left or right), there is horizontal recoil. If you're just going up, then just vertical.
  15. Clutcher

    As I said in one of the other threads, I use the Shadow (semi-auto scout rifle) as well. I agree with Benton that if you're looking for a versatile weapon for actual infiltrating it is your best choice as it puts out higher damage. I often go on large streaks and cap side bases solo with it.

    The Shadow's ROF is similar to the handgun's with much higher damage. If you click too fast it's rhythm will be difficult to predict, which is why the full auto Artemis is an easier choice for doing consistent small damage to a target, particularly in lag or panicky situations.

    The Shadow on the other hand is lethal at close-medium if you can control it, finally putting the infiltrator on even ground with its (heavier) counterparts. Face to face even a heavy assault will go down with a couple of headshots, but I'm not here just to attest to its capabilities.

    I use it with the silencer, 2x sight and laser. The laser makes it *SO* much more effective in close infantry fights where you can't afford to sit still. Obviously the silencer adds greatly to the element of surprise and sneak. After using the 1x scope I felt that the reticule was too big for it's accuracy- but that's preference.

    My Advice: Certify the health slot in your suit since it might afford you the time needed to take care of -or escape from- enemies that catch you off guard. Switch to pistol while cloaking to shrink your character as well as hide the laser (as turning it off does not turn it off for your opponents anyway).
  16. ThElement078

    Pretend I never posted that..... Don't know how to delete only read the start and not the whole thing
  17. ThElement078

    How by the way is the horizontal recoil of the guns?
  18. Daejin

    If you're VS, use the Nyx. FAR superior to the Artemis, unless you litterally rely on spray and pray.

    You can edit your post.
  19. Vindiana Jones

    I posted yesterday about the Artemis seeming weak, but after some more time with it last night, I can honestly say I'm starting to like the thing. In a few more days I might actually be adept with it. The only attachment I'm using right now is the 2x reflex sight. I took the laser off because someone mentioned it might be visible while cloaked, and that's just not good. I've found that aiming for the neck and tracking your target will almost always net you a kill, and that you can in fact go toe to toe with any class aside from an HA with his shield up with this gun from mid/close range if you aim it properly, even if you don't always get the jump.

    I've also found it to be quite competent for mid-range sniping, working decently well even on moving targets from range, and with only a 2x reflex, no actual scope. 2-3 shot bursts to the neck/head area will kill a target in a few sequences if your aim is good. Any more than that you'll probably be wasting shots. As I noticed when I first bought the weapon, the recoil is almost entirely vertical, so I doubt a foreward grip will do anything. It's possible that there might be some horizontal recoil if you blast away your entire clip in one push of the mouse button, but if I'm doing this I deserve to be killed.

    I'd suggest spending some time with the Artemis or TR/NC equivalents (the 20 shot auto scout rifle). It's actually quite a nice weapon once you get the hang of it. It's only taken me a few days to grow accustomed to, and I can only get better from here.
  20. dwnld

    I use the Stalker with silencer and forward grip, as well as the 1x NV scope. Good for hunting other infiltrators going for shields and terminals.