Tech Plants - boring and grindy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by tissek, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. tissek

    I don't like fighting at Tech Plants. There, I said it. The battles are just boring once they are lager than platoon vs platoon size. Grindy you could call them. One big meatgrinder. Now there are ways to break up the meatgrinder stalemate and that is through either mass LA jumping over side/rear shields or driving Gate Shield Diffuser equipped Sunderers through them. Both tactics are suicidal in nature, they either fail horribly or succeeds. Hardly anything in between.

    And I think I have an idea to why I find Tech Plant battes so boring and grindy - They are linear. One (persistent) front. Let me illustrate

    Tech Lab Attack routes

    Now, there looks like there are several entrances to the Control Point (CP). But as long as the shields are up (blue, routes B,C) there is only one (1) way in. The elevator from the roof (marked X) bring the players to where route A goes. It doesn't add any other paths. Also, this route very easily defended. The balcony gives not only height advantage and clear firing lines but also cover. It's easy to lock down this route. I don't mind attack routes easily shut down but the problem is that the other routes are locked until the generator (G) is destroyed. And to get to it you get funnelled into route A.

    Another issue with the Tech Plants is that conquering the outer bases doesn't open up any new options for the attackers. Sure they can spawn at more places and get vehicles from more places. But it doesn't open up new attack routes. Taking an outer base at a Bio Lab allows the use of a new teleporter into the main base - more attack routes. And at the Amp station it allows for a full encircling of the center base to really attack from all fronts.

    Before I start presenting a solution to the Tech Plant problem. Take a look at ALL THE UNUSED SPACE!!!. Just look at it. And the view inside the middle area is simply AWESOME!
    So you want to hear about my solution? Oh yes you do. And it's quite simple.
    • Add another generator (blue G) which powers the shields (blue) on the side of the facility. Let the current one (orange G) keep on powering the shields for the SCU (orange).
    • Put the new generator on the middle floor so it can get used. See quite little cottage I built for it. It's closer to the defenders side than the attackers.
    • Add some cover along route E so it is not totally exposed.
    • Add a new elevator around the area where the SCU generator (green-yellow lines) is up to the next floors to open up route D for the defenders.
    • Add SCU shield (orange) at the end of it so attackers cannot use that route to snowball the capture.
    These changes would open up a whole new front in the Tech Plant battles - The upper floors. It would increase the usefulness of air superiority as the new attack route E is weak against air. There is still the possibility of it getting meatgrindy at route A, especially if the defenders can keep the attackers outside so they cannot use the elevator to the shield generator (new one, blue G). But then they can just use airdrops and not have to go through the door at all.

    So what do you think?

    TL: DR Tech Plant battles boring. Solution - add new generator on the middle floor which only powers the side shields. Let the current generator keep on powering the SCU shields.
  2. Slink(FSU)

    Tech Plants are a pain to attack. This is where a Galaxy AMS option would work great.
  3. tehgreenfox

    I actually don't mind Tech Plants at all. What I hate (on large scale) are Bio Labs.
    the booty.
    Admittedly though, it's usually due to attacking teams deficiencies. i.e. Not setting up their sunders in the correct locations, ZERO air support (Lib pilots...I'm talking to you), no one knowing to use the telepads instead of sitting at the base of the "tree", everyone just sitting in the "spawn" room once they actually get up there, etc.
    It's all bad... :(
  4. PoopMaster

    Tech plants are the only place that are actually hard to attack barring the crown. I'd like to keep at least one area like that.
  5. Druidaces

    I can usually sweep up a tech duel on my own. Solo LA, jump the shields, quickly kill defenders in the way and blow and cover the shield while my team clear the SCU
  6. Elbryan

    I love tech plants.

    They are one of the (only one?) bases that can actually be defended against a large zerg by defending few key points.

    For an attack to be successful, you need to take the enemy by surprise and move swiftly to take out the generators.

    Just yesterday we drove in with a gate shield diffuser sundy, instantly moved to take out the gens and took out the enemies who were watching the wrong way.

    Was awesome commando feeling. =D
  7. Druidaces

    Totally agree. Its a good feeling isn't it :D