Why are we playing?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZetaSkandalo, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. ZetaSkandalo

    I started play this game 4 days ago, it's a great game! I like it, but.... what is the purpose of this game? If the Warp Gates can't be captured we can't win or lose... it's stupid! People play games for win, win is the purpose of all games.
    So... if we can't win, why are we playing?
  2. InterSlayer

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  3. Freyar

    Why do people play CS:S over and over? If the map resets all the time, then what's the purpose?
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  4. ZetaSkandalo

    I don't play CS:S :D
  5. Freyar

    Don't get me wrong, I love a good story. I just don't look for one in things like UT2k4, CS:S, or Black Ops multiplayer.
  6. Sghignifiss

  7. Loki

    Why do people get more satisfaction from winning a ten minute match in COD against 12 people than they do taking a base against 100+ in planetside 2? Because it says "you win" at the end before it immediately resets?

    I will never understand...
  8. Believeinsteve

    The game is going to die a lot faster than planetside 1 did if it keeps up the way it is now. If I remember right planetside 1 had more than just 3 continents?

    Its been almost 2 1/2 years since I played it but a rough guess would be 7 or so. Granted planetside 1 didn't have as big as an atmosphere & the little tweaks planetside 2 has that 1 didn't makes it look bigger.

    But gaming is evolving and so are the expectations. More continents are going to be expected, new ways of playing the game as well as meta game shifts.

    New features as well.

    I just still abide by the fact the game was not ready for the official release yet. They're going to need to be working around the clock to keep this game alive. If not I expect the 3 server pandemic planetside 1 ran into in 2 years tops.
  9. AuntLou42

    Why do you need to feel like you won? The game is persistent so there is a constant flow of winning.
    When you kill someone: You win and get xp.
    When you take a base: You win and get resources.
    When you take a continent: You win and get a global discount.

  10. ZetaSkandalo

  11. Sobieski14

    He has a point.
    * It would be nice after a faction has conquered a continent, that it would be locked down for a certain time.

    It would the player-base of the winning faction a type of "ownership feeling" that all the fighting was worth it.
    * It seems pretty stupid that right after you conquer your enemy, that they can just start capping back immediately.

    Not to mention the ****ing lone wolf back hackers!
  12. Loki

    So go play Left 4 Dead.... Problem solved.
  13. KestrelM1

    Because putting two anti-tank mines on a bridge and watching an enemy Sunderer loaded with 9 people explode makes me uncontrollably happy.
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  14. Believeinsteve

    The system in planetside 1 made it feel like you had a home. I forget the exact home continents for each empire but I remember you had them in planetside 1. You had to control an adjacent base in order to cap another. So you had to push out eventually.

    This, is whats missing from planetside 2, leading to pretty much what the op is saying meaning you can't really win.

    I remember playing for days really when I didn't work in the winter & was not in school then. I'd push with my outfit & empire, apply pressure elsewhere to ease the tension & we eventually won continents because of this. It'd actually take 15 minutes or so to get from point a to b with your whole squad. If you tried to HART drop in by yourself chances of succeeding were low.

    When you finally pushed them back to their home warpgate, they fought hard & back. They had no where else to go.

    Right now, you have a home warpgate on every continent, and even if your pushed back, you can just backhack with a big squad.

    The world was persistent in planetside 1, but it did have a winning factor. It wasn't easy & required a good amount of empire effort to reach it. Now theres almost no effort. One overnight playing and we can cap amerish or esamir easily. I did this with esamir 4 days ago & amerish 2. Even though it was over night, it took more than just a bit for this on planetside 1.

    Proposed fixes

    More continents and we're talking 5-10 more.

    Bring back sanctuary or home warp gates to each empire & keep one seperate to each continent. This cannot be done unless we have one more continent added though.
  15. Binkus

    they have yet to add:

    more vehicles so you spend more cash

    a new shiney helmet that you simply must have

    the latest [insert storyline] latest tech assault rifle that you must have also...$

    what they probably wont add is:

    Character dev <--- now this i would spend cash on

    like beleiveinsteve said above i think people will jump ship after 3 or 4 months unless they do something

    they had something awesome and forgot about the real reason people play...... for some reason....... some bizarre reason they think people only play to spend money?

    (bought alpha and membership before people start, I've paid my dues)
  16. caldrin

    I play for fun...................................
  17. ZetaSkandalo

    That's exactly what I will do! :D
  18. Loki

    Have fun with that. To each their own.
  19. AuntLou42

    Right now the game does not support that because there are not enough continents to do so. If a continent actually was locked then the other 2 would get packed and cause large ques. Sorry I didn't make this point before but it just seemed very obvious to me. Let them get more conts made and then they can lock.
  20. Gavyne

    Having fun and working up your character progression is not pointless. It's only pointless if you don't have fun, and you have nothing else left to get for your characters. To spend hours upon hours playing, having fun as you indicate, you even call it a great game, then complaining about it on the forum is bad form. It makes no sense.

    Having a winner/loser scenario in games that reset levels, BF3, CoD, etc.. only creates one condition.. You can be stuck on a server where you always win, or you always lose. Guess what happens to servers where it's lopsided? It empties out, it does on FPS online games all the time. Do you want that to happen to a server you play on here? I didn't think so. When that happens to servers, it sucks for both winners and losers. For winners, you could have worked up a character, nicely equipped, with upgrades that you want all setup...but no enemies to play against. Wow talk about a buzz kill.

    There's no need to reset maps or declare a winner and reset everything. There's a reason why it's called a MMOFPS, it's not just a FPS game, it's a MMOFPS. The worlds are persistent. I'm not sure if you played DAOC before or not, but it's the first MMO to have a persistent battleground that were level capped. It was wildly popular, people didn't want to leave them but they ultimate had to because they level out of them. Persistent maps means you can have fun for hours upon hours, without ending it. It means if you got beat or you are doing badly, you could hop to another continent and see if you can do better there. Persistent maps mean if you joined a game "late" you wouldn't have to get stuck on the losing side knowing you're going to spend the next 30 mins losing and getting very little out of it. Or getting spawn camped at your only spawn spot, which is what some of you are indicating that you want out of this game and I have NO idea why.

    What exactly do you want the game to do? Lock the taken territories so you can be declared winner, and reset it all? Or lock them and not reset them, making them unable to be taken for a set amount of time? If you do that, you are allowing the game to dictate what you can or can't do, it'll become even more restrictive. When thinking about these types of things, always put on the shoes of the other side, and weigh in the pros and cons. Don't just look at the good times and the pros, you have to look at the cons and the consequences of what you are asking for.