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Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bejita231, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Bejita231

    Vanu - Easy Mode
    TR - Normal Mode
    NC - Very Hard Mode
    • Up x 1
  2. Predzo

    • Up x 1
  3. Valeriu

    Vanu - normal mode
    NC - hardmode

    TR - who cares you outnumber everyone massively and have the best weapons and vehicles so skill does not matter.
  4. Chopptimus

    Anyone with personal experience will tell you that the other races are more powerful than their own. The stats say that its mostly balanced in terms of TTK but NC do have a point in raising balance issues with a couple of weapons (namely the jackhammer and the default LMG). The game is only just released and im sure it will be patched heavily in the months/years to come. Balance is an on going process that involves both patching AND learning to play the game.

    Yes I am TR but i cant be in the only outfit where ts/mumble is often filled with rage at how op the other factions weapons are. And yes, people in my outfit complain heavily about the "OPness" of the NC guns, funny thought it may seem to anyone who believes what they read on forums.
  5. PoopMaster

    I disagree about the vehicle part at least; they're stuck with the prowler. My vanguard eats them for breakfast.
  6. Painwalker

    At least everyone thinks differently about each of the vehicles. It means that the power differences are small enough that there's no clear winner.
  7. AuditMF

    Best vehicles is new to me. Last I checked the Prowler and Mosquito were outclassed by their counterparts.
  8. Chopptimus

    As someone who very rarely uses vehicles for anything other than transport, its very hard to tell whether the prowler is godmode or terrible from reading the forum posts...
  9. Shadestrike

    ******** is strong with you, my child. The prowler is fantastic AI but terrible AV.
  10. Valeriu

    ok so its not like uber op, but that double shot on the prowler is very nice, and whilst people go on abut magriders, at least prowlers can go hull down and dont have to turn side on to look round...
  11. maxkeiser

    Vanu is Normal, surely?

    TR - Easy
    NC- Hard.
  12. Zaik

    A lot of the people who think the prowler is garbage are either old beta players from when it was, or just listened to old beta players without ever actually using the tank. It used to do 50% of a vanguard's damage per shot, but you couldn't just fire two in a row because the recoil was pretty bad so it did a lot less damage overall. They fixed that at least a week, maybe two before the end of beta by increasing the damage of each shot and decreasing the recoil from shooting a good bit, and I think also increasing the reload speed to be the fastest MBT(though i'm not sure on that last one). You still see TR zergs comprised of 99% infantry and an HE lightning or two though, it's rather silly.

    The Prowler is definitely the best tank for fighting infantry, it's HE gun can one shot infantry with either shot which comes close to doubling it's effectiveness compared to the other two in that regard.
  13. Fligsnurt

    NC best AV MBT, TR best AI MBT, VS Best all around MBT.
    NC best carbine (cost $ / Certs), TR best weapons by default, VS best Carbine as default (2nd best carbine in total).
    Most of my weapons claims come from the normal engagement range of infantry that is 50m> which is predominately dominated by RoF, Recoil, and Deviation per shot. Also Sorry VS but out of all the pistols you guys got shafted on the default. Between recoil, deviation, and RoF its outclassed by both alternatives. Not sure on damage though but I've never had an issue with it. (Have videos showing that its non compensated firing is aweful.
    As far as ESFs go, IDK they all seem pretty beast when the AA can't scare them away fast enough to save any of your friendlies.
  14. Malgalad-NC

    TR Weapons - Overpowered period
    Vanu Weapons - Mix of Overpowered/Balanced
    NC Weapons - About as strong as throwing wet noodles at people

    That said, all factions air needs nerfing to the ground, Liberators do way to much damage, Scthes/Mosq/Reavers do to much damage with certain weapons much much more than ground vehicles is capable of inflicting on aircraft even using AA turrets (tested this yesterday with 6 people, tried a range of different ground weapons/vehicles vs aircraft and almost all the ground weaponry was virtually ineffective to the point of not being able to protect ground structures/vehicles reasonably)
  15. Roitsue

    i Pick NC its alot of fun being the Underdogs..... still trying to take indar on Helios though : / and Vanu...