Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niklasgunner, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Niklasgunner

  2. Vlas

    If you are VS or TR.

    NC... not GOTY, ever.

    Also, L2 Aspect Ratio.
  3. Braincage

    I'm getting the same thing. Aside from the flickering/missing game world players are warping around and ground vehicles are flying through the sky. The flickering/missing gameworld is caused by server desync and latency.
  4. Vicis

    I can hear you crying from Canada. o_O
  5. Vlas

    Server De-sync eh?

    That makes sense. The only time it happens is when the game goes to 2fps and about 10 seconds later it recovers with that problem.

    Entirely SoE related...
  6. Niklasgunner

    You missed the point off the video. Good job.
  7. Vlas

    No, no I didnt.
  8. Niklasgunner

    Why do you go in threads and complain about gamebalance completly unrelated ?
  9. Vicis

    It seems to be the prevalent trend in these forums.
  10. Gromwort

    Any site that at least nominate this game to the GOTY award will lost all creditability in my eyes.
    It's have potential but this 'release' version should be called early open beta, it's half done and they are already trying to make money on it.

    Faction unbalance ( NC and they terrible guns are a joke)
    Heavy Laggs
    Visual bugs
    Some aircrafts are to strong
    Definitely p2w
    FPS drops (runs fine most of the time thu)

    It's fun but it's too unfinished atm

    Best shooter this year ? - No (Spec Ops The Line is definitely better in this genre).
    Best game this year ? - No,hell no (The Walking Dead,Mass Effect 3 and Dishonored any of these should win).