Miller EU is bonkers

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Jannepanel, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. Cimota

    Harry ? ! you heathen his name was Hammy, Hamster. Memory is not strong with this one o_O
  2. Fleabag you're right, it was, sowwy. In my defense it was nine years ago and I buggered up my short term memory many years before that as well. I'm allowed to have senior moments!

    Er...what was I saying? :eek:
  3. Cimota

    Actually I heard they made fertilizer for Dutch Tulips out of him :( you know how they do that don't you ? well you put a Hamster in a blender add some suger and then you get from the mixture "Tulips from Hamster jam" lol[

  4. Aldaris

    I've just switched continents from Esamir to Amerish on Miller and grenades are exploding/wreckage disappearing. Can you guys confirm what continent you are on?
  5. Nasher

    It can't be down to heavy load, because they have player caps to prevent just that...
  6. Stromberg

    finally ... restart in 10 mins, yey!
  7. Karrade

    They've breached the warpgate wreckage is everywhere! Where do we fall back too??
  8. Maarvy

    Today will be a good day ....

    If you plan on going out for lunch and sleep it off on the sofa watching motorsport .

    If you want to play ps2 .... not so much .
  9. -Deadeye-

    YES YES thats all very nice graphics glitches and alike i can understand. but last night how the hell were their purple team members in red warpspawn blocking the doors and unable to kill them and when someone pushed them out of the way with a flash they just moved back and blocked it again ? \hack\glitch ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  10. Azreale

    Hmm, really wish SOE would take the issues on Miller seriously. I have seen no formal statement that they even recognize a problem exists?
  11. Aerolath

    I'm really glad we had that open beta
  12. InfraRedPS

    I guess with the server crashes fixed, we now see these new problems, which wouldn't have appeared if the server had crashed every few hours like it used to.