Which nation is the best, and why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icor1031, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. icor1031

    As per the title.
  2. HittingSmoke

  3. iGamer1990

    TR because those elmos think there soooo coool !! jk Vanu rules
  4. Ribonucleic Acid

    each has strengths and some pretty glaring weaknesses, but overall the game comes down to teamwork, not anything power specific for each faction.

    in the end, choose what you want to play and find people to play with.
  5. VKhaun

    If by nation you mean faction, then VS IMHO. The new lasher is under rated by the community and is fantastic for attacking choke points, their red dot takes almost none of your screen, their tank can strafe to keep it's front armor forward while moving laterally, and their ESF has the best bonus for an ESF.

    Also lasers. Pew Pew.

    I don't drive MBT's much and I'm second guessing myself about the mag rider strafing... to this day I don't think I've ever driven a mag rider in PS2 and I can't for the life of me remember actually seeing one do it. Am I imagining things here? Someone back me up or call me out please.
  6. icor1031

    What are the glaring weaknesses, Acid?

    Also, thanks VK. Lasers are nice, no drop.. :)
  7. VKhaun

    I googled it lol... Mag Rider can strafe!

    Brain fart. :confused:
  8. FA_Q2

    I prefer the VS 'cause the back story and the Magrider. That thing is just fun to drive. Because I bought Alpha, I have one of the only things that would drive me to the NC - the bolt driver. TR, well, they are authoritarian ******** so I can't play them :D
  9. Vlas


    Infantry weapon accuracy + armor abilities make VS top.

    of course in Beta, it was exactly the opposite. NC>TR>VS. GG SoE, flipped everything come launch and piss off NC.
  10. Tamas

    I would say VS - their weapons are the best and vehicles the most unique.
    TR has nothing original, while NC is j"meh" at best.
  11. Brandmon

  12. Vlas

    What do you mean?

    ooohh, you changed it in your quote. :)
  13. Ribonucleic Acid

    if all we are talking about are infantry, i think vanu have a general advantage.

    however, NC easily have the best tank, and right now air superiority is pretty tight between VS and TR.

    in close range TR>VS>NC

    in medium range id say VS=NC>TR

    in long range NC>VS=TR

    for vehicles:

    Air: VS>TR>NC

    Tanks: NC>VS>TR

    but you have to remember, everything you read on a forum is filled with bias. from my own experience, that is the general trend in a good, vanilla environment. in certain situations, in an fps, anyone has an advantage, like shooting someone when they dont know you are there. try to play like people dont expect, and you always have an advantage.
  14. heyimthebanana

    germany is the best nation