Prices on stuff.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Poerisija, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Poerisija

    I see prices were (more than) doubled from the beta - yet cert gain remains the same at 1/250.

    People weren't buying enough Smedleybucks or going for a quick money-grab there SOE?

    Was there any reasoning behind this change?

    SC costs are way too big as well.

    Microtransactions don't work like this - there's nothing "micro" in a 7e/weapon prices.


    I think its designed to get you to buy a subscriptions, I think prices are a bit high but they need to make money so oh well
  3. Tool

    If people really think these prices are high, go check out APB:Reloaded. I'll see if your opinion changes.
  4. Poerisija

    I'd be more inclined to spend money on game I enjoy. Frustrate people into paying only worked for World of Tanks and only because the playerbase there is ********.

    Did you notice subscription is also designed to milk money from you - you only get full benefits after 6 months of subscription!

    That's doesn't justfiy the costs at all. ABP does it wrong, why should PS2 too?
  5. General Epeen

    I do find i coincidental that you can get a six month sub and you will have almost the same cert gain as you did before the prices were increased it beta.

    They have to make money however.

    Always buy SC in double and triple events and the costs are then $3.50 or even as low as $2.33 for the 700SC unlocks.
  6. Poerisija

    That's still almost 2 and a half dollars for one weapon.

    You can get an indie game for the same price!

    You used to get the WHOLE GAME for 50$!
  7. Tool

    In APB:R many items can only be aquired through purchase, PS2 has few and none of them, so far, effect core gameplay.

    "You used to get the WHOLE GAME for 50$!"

    You can download and play Planetside 2 without spending $15 or $50; and do so freely with exceptional minor handicap.

    SOE is making strides with PS2 in the F2P market, you have to look at the F2P market as a whole and consider what PS2 offeres compared to other games.
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