Few suggestions to help out organisation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vindicore, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Vindicore

    As an outfit, platoon and squad leader organisation is vital, yet there are a few things that are bugging me because they are not in game yet would be very useful if we had them:
    • Outfit ranks – need more, at least up to 10. Back in beta there was a (inactive) button that said "Add rank" but it was removed before release. I need more ranks for my outfit, at least give us the same functionality of the original game in respect to the number of ranks.
    • Make outfit tags show up in platoon/squad listings (small, perhaps superscript). This allows platoon leaders to easily see which squad is made up of outfit mates and randoms.
    • Allow squad leaders in a platoon to kick squad members.
    • Make command chat come in two flavours - continental and global.
    • Allow platoon leaders to set themselves as squad leader.
    • Make it show you who is leading a particular squad in the recruiting squad list.
    • Allow platoon leaders to remove a whole squad from a platoon without having to move each person individually.
    • Say how much the spawn beacon certs reduce the timer by in the cert description.
    • Rename squads to their colour - as it is you say to someone to support charlie squad and they have to check in the platoon list to see what colour they are.
    • Change colour of Bravo and Delta squads to a colour that can actually be differentiated between.
    • More waypoints - allow both platoon and squad leaders to cert for extra numbered waypoints.
    • Up x 3
  2. Ebon

    Amen on the Bravo and Delta squad colors. Was leading leading one last night and it was impossible to tell the two apart.

    Yellow and bright orange, red, something.

    Priority #1 for the UI team please. Pick a color and change it. Hotfix that sucker.

    Something else I'd really like that's considerably more complicate is a way to tell what platoon members are in which vehicles. Make sure the right squad members are with the right vehicles and to make sure everyone is loaded and has a ride. It would be nice if the Squad Leaders could see for just their squad and the Platoon could see the whole thing. Possible an extra page or tab available to only people in those roles.

    For example if you have 6 people in tanks, 3 in an ammo sundy, and 3 more in Lightnings it would be great to have that info at a glance even if it took hitting Esc to get to that window.

    Even better if you had some sort of icon or small text indicator for what their loadout was. Are those HE Lightnings? Skyguards? What exactly do you have to work with right now?
  3. SaintPeter

    Love These!

    More Ideas:
    • (Optionally) allow platoon members to self organize (switch squad). Just a checkbox for the platoon leader would be great.
    • Allow (Or fix the UI) each individual squad in a platoon to enable recruitment (This works now, the display is just bugged)
    • Allow Platoon Level Recruitment (x/48 slots open), not just squad level (Zerg? I AM the Zerg!)
    • Platoon Squad Leader Chat! Talk with your squad leaders and let them respond. This would remove my outfits need for a 3rd party voice client (Assuming we can get in-game voice more stable)
    • Map View: Display squad member names on the map when you hover over a number.
    • Map View: Allow Right Click or click quick action menu for squad/platoon members (What is that idiot doing over there? KICK!)
    • Person to person voice chat or user defined chat channels
    • Up x 1
  4. psychobilly

    All great ideas from OP.

    I really want the ability to place squad markers when in deployment mode. It's the best time to update the map, but you can't do it.

    I would like to be able to form a squad with one person and advertise it. While I play in outfit the majority of time, it would be nice if I could form a solo squad and train up some randoms (and maybe recruit the decent ones).

    I have certed into command chat. While I understand the need to limit write/talk access, I think that I should be able to hear and read command chat even if I am not a squad leader. There should be a toggle that I can switch when I want to listen in on command (or not).
  5. RumFive

    Only thing I agree with is MAKE BRAVO AND DELTA CONTRAST MORE.

    orange and brown are too close. the brown is not really an ideal contrast to yellow. I think yellow is an acceptable choice. I suggest using a BLUE for Bravo instead. Light or dark, similar to the brightness of the Green of Alpha squad. Having Bravo brown color on the map display and Yellow for Delta is absurd, it should be self evident that those 2 colors are very similar when units are bunched up it can be very difficult to know which squad it is at a glance. Also when ANY platoon member is in a vehicle we have no way of knowing who it is.

    Please change Bravo squad to Blue( or orange or red or teal or pink).
    Just make a change so Bravo and Delta cannot be confused when looking at the map by making them contrast more.
    thank you.
  6. Mezorin

    Another idea I would like to see is squad number highlighting on vehicles. Show the little vehicle icon with a list of numbers next to it on the map of the squad members in that vehicle. Also on your standard HUD, show a colored number next to each name you see get highlighted as green or what ever so you know who is where.

    The lack of easily identifiable squad numbers on the map makes vehicle coordination a headache, more so than infantry due to the fact that you have no idea where your squad mates are just by looking at the map at a glance other than the green vehicles. Trying to find the right sundie bus to hop into in a court yard is also a game of "Where's Waldo?" that really doesn't need to be played.
  7. c00ter

    I didn't agree with everything Vindicore said here but there are more than a few that I absolutely, completely agree with.

    Please makes these changes to help save the sanity of platoon leaders everywhere!!
  8. SaintPeter

    Another thing that would be handy:
    Allow Platoon Leaders to drop SQUAD Beacons.