3rd person for infantry plz

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by dyehard69, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. dyehard69

    Why should I buy new camo and armor for my soldier when the only time I get to see it is at login or on a flash? I know being able to look around corners would become a problem but why not disable weapons for 3 seconds while switching back to 1st person?
  2. Travisk

  3. ArbiterMatrix

    Only vain people want to look at themselves all day.
  4. Blatantfool

    3rd person would be really neat so long as they actually set the game up to be able to play that way.
  5. Ileko

    I had to use the ATV to see if my camouflage fits the environment. Still, there should be a better way, or some preview.
  6. D0n

  7. Fox234

    No thanks. The knowledge that its there should be enough for you.
  8. furballhero

    there is a preview, press escape, under the player tab you can see your dude, and even rotate him. I'd like an X and Y axis rotation though, but anyway. you can see what he looks like.
  9. Blackout (N-C)

    1. Go into your menu screen 2. Go to the load-out tab 3. Done There is no point for this and would be an utter waste of time.
  10. m44v

    3rd person view would allow you to see around corners and that sort of unfair advantages, so no.
  11. Rane

    Waste of development time that could be used fixing issues in the game, or polishing what we currently have.

    This would not do anything except make it funner for your warpgate parties.
  12. maxkeiser

    NO third person, please.
  13. NeXuid

    3rd person OP
    seriously you could just stand around a corner in 3rd person and switch to 1st when an enemy appears...
  14. notyourbuddy

    Enable 3rd person view while in the Warpgate. Disable everywhere else if people must stare at themselves. We don't need people exploiting it in combat by looking around corners (3 second timer would do nothing even more so with the 3rd person using VOIP to relay info to his friend standing next to him).
  15. ExquisitExamplE

    I say give them a third-person view they could use only in their own sanctuary. This would satisfy people wanting to take outfit photos and such, but prevent people from using it exploit in game.
    • Up x 1
  16. MarlboroMan-E

    Not just no but **** no. Don't need wall humpers making a come back.
  17. Bill Hicks

    only encourages campers
  18. G1n

    will never happen, what you need is a "preview" of the skin on your char, this might happen at some point.
  19. Audit

    No. This idea is as bad as asking for things with "plz".

    You want to see yourself, do it in the class select screen
  20. Tool