waterson server issues

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Synapticsin, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Synapticsin

    currently on waterson server nothing that can be destroyed is destroyed, vehicles show destroyed icon but are still fighting, and grenades are not going off
  2. Yohimbine

    Same for Soltech
  3. Brusanan

    Confirming the issue on Waterson.
  4. SGTalon

    Yeah any you can keep flying/driving vehicles as long as you don't exit them. But they can't be repaired or reloaded.
  5. SGTalon

    Also terminals that are destroyed can be repaired but they are no longer functional.
  6. Atillius

    Just came from waterson, and this is the case, many ammunition types not registering either, and map is not updating.

    Same issue, Servers lagging like crazy. Dead tanks running around killing people, Tanks taking hundreds of rockets to kill. Also vehicle resupplying is not working.
  8. nubler

    Confirmed issue on waterson. Shut the server down already...