whats the point in creating an outfit when...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by henrikcomn, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. henrikcomn

    1. You cant see your teammates on the minimap (Luke When your in a squad, they are green)

    2. Your teammates names have no special color/sign to them when playing in game (again squad members names are green)

    3. Can some explain the the different roles in an outfit ? (Officer, kradse, privat and so on) whats the Deal with that?

    4. Why cant You set an outfit waypoint like You can in a squad?

    .thank You in advance
  2. Diamond Sword

    1/2: Outfits are large. They help organize Squads and Platoons. If you have an Outfit only Squad/Platoon, this becomes a non-issue.

    3: They are like normal MMO guild roles; certain ranks allow certain actions to be performed, such as inviting new people to the outfit and such.

    4: See my response to questions 1 and 2.
  3. Bazon

    Squad = up to 15 players. Platoon = Up to 4 squads of 15 players (60 in total). Outfit = 2 to 1000's of players.

    Point 1: Join a small outfit who squad together and you will always see them on the mini-map. Up to 60 players who squad/platoon together will be shown on the map. If you join a larger outfit then obviously you will not see more than 60 of your outfit members.
    Point 2: See point 1.
    Point 3: The roles (ranks) are set by the Outfit leader, so he/she can promote each member to a higher rank as they see fit.
    Point 4: Every person in a squad/platoon can see the waypoints.
  4. Vindicore

    Just squad up with them...
  5. Mansen

    Surely you mean 12 players, Bazon.