Briggs (AU) problem still happening for me...

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by william mcgregor, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. GunSlingerAUS

    Strange, I thought you said you had 12 cores? Oh, that's right, Intel doesn't even have a 12 core consumer CPU in existence, you're simply getting confused about HyperThreading. Might I suggest you educate yourself on basic PC technology, the complexity of MMOs and remote hosting, not to mention basic manners, before you post any more?
  2. GunSlingerAUS

    I know a lot of people are worried that AU players will stick to other servers if this keeps up, but I honestly don't think it'll be a problem. Sure, you might lose a few day's progress, but compared to lag-free, silky-smooth gaming in a server that is filled during our peak hours, rather than a ghost town of a US server, and I really can't see it being an issue.
  3. Nuferious

    Just adding my support, as evidence that something is up with the server. I am also unable to get the 'Play' button to work ;o(
    • Up x 1
  4. remdog29

    yay another comment from the idiot who is nieve to all the problems in this game. if you knew anything about computing you would know that when you unpark the hyperthreaded cores in your computer they act as seperate cores, so in turn i do have 12 seperate cores. it may be a 6 core but it has 12 seperate cores for doing different ****. so there for when playing planetside 2 only one of my 12 cores is doing anything.
  5. Darklight67

    Quote from Veratu on another thread:
    "We're aware of the issue, it's impacting multiple worlds. We're working on it, should have it resolved soon."
  6. Tsicar

    I also am having problems for the 1st time. My play button doesnt seem to work at all, even when starting the launcher as an admin. Everything was working fine, even playing on my laptop via mobile internet last night and early this morning. Hope SOE can have another go at fixing this issue for us
  7. seanomccool

    You have 12 threads, not 12 cores.
  8. Sukumei

    This crap is happening to me too. I want to stay at daily kills #1.
  9. Sukumei

    It seems like some people are getting in fine anyway. I've been trying for the last couple minutes.
  10. Sukumei

    Oop 'Server Locked' now.
  11. DirtyHarry

    Hooray! Its a 5th thread on the first page of the tech support forum about this.

    It sucks, the devs know, they are working on it en masse. Sit tight and post in one of the other threads so there is room for people with other problems to be seen on these boards :)
  12. Meandmy10

    i wounder what has happened this time...
  13. DerpAlert

    Atleast the team pays attention and is trying to fix it, unlike other devs who would happily watch us suffer.
    But you have to admit its partly out of their control, as Australia has arguably the worst internet in the developed world.
  14. mdhoover

    If we are being pedantic, he has 12 strands
    /me runs
  15. Craige1

    I'm also having trouble with the play button :(. What has changed since beta for the play button not to work?

    Also remdog,
    "unparking" your cores does not mean you magically get 12 full cores. Parking is a technology that allows unused cores to be shut down when not in use, but turned back on when the load needs it. This "parking" can happen in millisecond time frames and is not noticeable in nearly all aspects of computing. Hyperthreading is a technology that allows a second tread to use to spare resources of a core while the main thread is not using them. This does not mean that the second thread has the full power of the core. If this was true, a HT enabled CPU would be twice as powerful as a CPU with HT turned off. In reality HT will only add 15-20% more if your lucky.

    If you have a 6 core CPU, you have 6 core CPU. HT shows 12 virtual cores to windows, but that does not mean you get the power of 12 cores. All forcing your CPU to be unparked will do is add waist energy and create heat, which, with speedstep can cause slow downs in your CPU.
  16. seanomccool

    Not sure what you mean. Or are you using Thread (virtual cores) as a homonym for a piece of material or "Strand".

    It's not being pedantic, it's two very different things. Cores and threads are not the same thing.

    But I just want to make him shut up about his i7 he probably doesn't even have.
  17. remdog29

    it doesnt matter if i dont know the details behind how threading works, what matters is that a game released near the end of 2012 doesnt even utilize more than 1 core
  18. remdog29

    whatever, it doesnt matter. 6 cores or 12 this game is still only utilizing 1 of them, and that is the point im trying to put across. no multi core rendering = bad, because either your going to have to oc the **** out of the cpu or deal with bad frame rate
  19. mdhoover

    Strand is to core as thread is to process. One deals with hardware, one deals with software.
    Strands are hardware threads of execution.

    Indeed, I was just being a pain in the a*se ;)