25 min+ loading screen

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by TheKaptain, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. TheKaptain

    system specs meet minimum requirements as far as i know, im not tech savvy but would like to at least try out this game. Have yet to even see what gameplay looks like, all i have encountered so far is an "Erasmir" loading screen that gets stuck at 98%. Have all setting set to the lowest so i could see how the game runs. waited for a full 30min at 98% the 3rd time around with no further progress.
  2. Tombrah

    same problem for me, i ran the game perfectly fine during beta now its just getting stuck at 98%
    • Up x 1
  3. TSR-JoshuaM Customer Service

    Are you receiving the G37 errors when this happens?
  4. Psyzzle

    Don't know if they are, but I have the same issue and am not getting any errors at all. I'm just stuck in the loading screen indefinitely.
    Just to be clear, I'm refering to the respawn loading screen. Entering the zone worked fine after logging in, but after my first death and subsequent need to respawn, I select a spawn point and get stuck in the following loading screen.

    Friends can see me idling in the spawn tube, but I'm stuck at 98% in the loading screen. Also, alt-tabbing and clicking 'Close window' to attempt to kill the application results in the female robotic voice saying random things like "Generator repairing..." right before the application dies.
  5. TheKaptain

    no errors as far as i can see, i logged in, created a character, and attempted to enter a server, then stuck at 98%.
  6. Believer

  7. Psyzzle

    Seems unlikely. I've been able to spawn in the zone, just once in a while when attempting to respawn it locks up.

    If I were to guess, I'd say the networking code is sketchy. No retransmissions of lost packets? Client somehow getting out of sync with the server and being unable to catch up?
  8. TheKaptain

    well i was just able to get into a game, attempted to fight some Vanu guys but got pwned because it was so choppy i was dead b4 my gun started firing. never respawned though, just sat there with a blue screen for 10 min
  9. Zachuzachya

    For the note i am crying like a lil beyacht cuse IM GETING STUCK AT 98 ON LOADING SCREEN i make or enter char gose to the edmir or somthing thing and gets stuck at 98 I CANT EVEN PLAY 30 MINS OF GAME I WANT TO TRY THE GAME OMG
  10. Zachuzachya

  11. Warro

    This is just starting to happening to me... Funny thing is I just signed up for the monthly membership maybe I should of waited an hr...