Free to play or pay to win? Video inside

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Matti, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Matti

    There has been a lot of talk about this, here are a few of my thoughts
    Please enjoy
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  2. Convoy

    You make a lot of fantastic points, which are all true. This game easily could have been PTP instead of free. I'm glad to hear someone voice the same opinions that I have about supporting the game and devs. I find I'm doing decently with the default gear and I'm having a lot of fun even with just that. You can lay down some cash to access high tier things immediately or play for free and unlock them over time. I don't see what everyone's beef is about.
  3. Warro

    I agree with you the main point the Key point you said is right. This is a F2P game and like many other games out there like Blacklight Retribution You pay to unlock things sooner and that's all. If you keep playing you will eventually get these items that people are paying for. People like things now and want things now.

    Ps. What are you using to fly a mouse or a joy stick? I cant turn like that for crap and get killed all the time so for now im just a ground pounder.
  4. Tooks

    Not only do I agree with your statements about the F2P/Pay options, but I'm in awe of your piloting skills. Jeeeez. I struggle to even HIT another fighter when im piloting, let alone get that many kills.
  5. Aktarus

    nice world of warplane video , now its time to defend your lobby vs the AA is fine dont buff it post
  6. Matti

    thanks =) I have a few more vids of flying in Beta and more is coming. I also do some factioin comparison and I will continue as much as I can
  7. Tooks

    Do you do any videos revealing your secrets? I always get jealous running around as infantry watching two fighters wizz around in the air above me in a ballet of grace (apart from the ones that crash miserable into each other/buildings/the floor)
  8. Bierno

    The game isnt pay to win at all. You can do just as good as any player that premium or bought weapons with the stock weapons.
    I have yet to spend any real amount of creds or SC but on the top list of my server using the default LA weapon. All I bought was nanoweave armor which cost only 1 cred which anyone can basically buy after like a few kills

    I havent play PS1 because it was pay-to-play but glad PS2 is free2play as its an amazing game. I played all type of shooter and this one is just as good as COD/BF3 or even better

    Also guess what. I can invite all my friends and they dont even need to spend 50-60$ to join in.

    Only problem is since I came from COD/BF3, these aircraft are annoying as hell as I have nothing to counter them.
    Tank and all the other stuff are easy to avoid and kill as Heavy Assault
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  9. Cysquatch

    I get so annoyed with the incessant clamoring of "MORE!" from those who think they should be given everything the game has to offer without needing to invest time or money. The fact that you can get a high quality gaming experience of this caliber for absolutely no cost whatsoever is mind blowing.
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  10. KorJax

    Posted this as a youtube comment but I'll comment here too.

    While I disagree that paying members no question have an advantage (me getting faster resources and 500sc per month by being a subscriber doesn't give me any advantage, because almost all the weapons in the store have trade-offs), the rest of the video is rock solid.

    The thing that most of the P2W whiners don't realize, is that by FAR 90% of the store features perfectly balanced sidegrades. There are probably only 4-5 weapons you can get in the whole store that really offer a straight upgrade, like Rocketpods (though you do lose most of your afterburner when you get them), but the vast majority are not "pay to win" at all. And even then, having rocketpods doesn't mean you -win-, even if you could only get them by paying (HINT: YOU CAN GET THEM WHILE NOT PAYING), you simply now are really good at doing ground attacks as well as what you were able to be good at before.

    Having 4-5 weapons that are straight upgrades in a the store while 90% of them are not, doesn't make the game Pay-to-win. It just means there is some balancing/tradoffs to be done for those weapons alone. Especially since, if I can get it as a free player (I can), then it technically doesn't qualify as pay 2 win because p2w means that the players who buy weapons -will- get better stuff than those that do not. And this obviously isn't true, because everything in the game except cosmetics can be gotten without paying.
  11. Matti

    I clearly state in the video, what you must have missed "HINT: YOU CAN GET THEM WHILE NOT PAYING" It's in the video lol.
    But if you think rocketpods evens out with the loss of afterburner you dont have much knowhow about flying. The thing you also might have missed is the lack of upgrades you can get if you need to spend Certs for weapons. Still we have an amazing game that is free to play and I clearly state that, sorry if that was unclear to you.
  12. Vicis

    Good video!
    Well done sir.
  13. renegadeknight

    Good vid and amazing piloting.
  14. daicon

    Nice video and great pilot.
    I'm glad the game is free. If it had a box price or a monthly fee none of my friends would be playing with me now. The cash shop is as fair as it can be in nearly all regards imo.
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  15. Crator

    Well said! Props for doing a video series on this too! ;)
  16. Tross

    Its funny when someone actually presents skill lol. Awsome vid man. Keep it up!
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  17. TheBlackAdder

    Your topic is misleading OP .The question is: pay to win or not? And as I see it you are OK for the game to be P2W which is fine ,there is people that accept and like it and people that don't.
  18. Bogarth

    Wow, I'm about ready to give up on the forums.
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  19. ACExWOLF

    Here is what I think the problem with this argument. It's not because you can get something in a game while not paying $$$ that it don't make the game pay to win. It's all about accessibility and how much time it take to get by exemple the weapon.

    Now let's say im doing a comparaison here : Let say NC players are using exclusively Station Cash and the other 2 factions don't. NC will be dominating the map, skill equals. Yes, eventually, the other 2 factions will get those weapons, but how fast? They will maybe have a harder time capturing a base, etc etc. So, and that my opinion, a game can't never be clearly stated that it is a pay to win game or not, but we can say if the advantages given to the players are acceptable or not for the nonpaying players.

    Do I think this game is pay to win? Yes and no, as I think skipping weapons is a significant advantage, but it is acceptable.
  20. gilrad

    I agree with the video, there is no "pay-to-win" in the sense that everybody can get what they want by just playing as a free player.

    What I disagree with however, is how the small number of weapons that are a direct upgrade (who would choose the default HA rocket launcher given the choice?) just so happen to cost 1000 certs. For average players, that's a month worth of grinding and not upgrading anything else.