Cosmetic idea: Left handed weapon option.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HunterLuigi, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. HunterLuigi

    So what I mean with left handed weapons is that you can tick off an option in your settings that all the view models from holding weapons are mirrored to the left side of the screen making it look like your character is left handed.

    Me, as being a left handed person, think this will greatly help the left handed people "feeling" the game, like you're really there. I am sure other left handed people will like this too.

    Now I'm wondering, is it possible? I know it's possible on the source engine. I will be happy enough when only the view model is left handed. Making other players able to see if your left handed or right handed seems like a really hard task and a lot of work.

    What do you guys think?
  2. Undead Clown

    Not possible for this game. In source the bullets fire from your head/view point. In this game they actually fire from your gun, having left handed guns would create issues.
    • Up x 1
  3. Zealot

    But would they? I don't think this would be a big problem. Just reverse all the animations. Wouldn't this just be like, an extremely easy thing for the animators to do? I'm not left handed, but I suppose there are a good amount of players who are. To me, this seems like an easy option to put in: "Do you want your character to be Left Handed?"
  4. HunterLuigi

    It's just a suggestion. I wasn't aware of how the shooting mechanic works. So it means they have to change the world model too, and add loads of animations but left handed. It isn't impossible, just a lot of work for just having your gun at the left side of the screen and in the world.
  5. Zealot

    I don't think it would take much effort at ALL. It would literally only involve "mirroring" the present images and animations. Isn't that, like, REALLLY easy?
  6. Undead Clown

    I would imagine it would add a lot more load, even if its just mirrored they have to display 2 separate soldier models instead of the 1 they have now.

    EDIT: In source the swap is only for your player, IE the hud, not for everyone else, in this game it would have to be for everyone else as well, so more things to display.
  7. RetroRayner

    I can't beleive people are making suggestions of any type except suggesting they fix the broken game. Lets worry about cosmetics, new continents and other content once they get this **** sorted first.