Hey guys look what we found

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BaneofLife, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. BaneofLife


    Amazing, isn't it?
    Thanks to Kneemongler for recording and uploading, my internet would have had an aneurysm if I tried to do it.
    -Connery VS, Beamers United
  2. Bags

    It looks worse than WoW and Skyrim's water.
  3. BaneofLife

    Eh, at least now we have some dumb pointless place to splash about, right?

    I miss all the water in the old game. I hope the new continents will have more
  5. Gr33D

    My jacuzzi! Hope more places will be found/implemented as the game progresses.
  6. Kalocin

    I think I remember seeing a big pool of water in Amerish...Tried to jump into and ended up dying.
  7. BlueWaffle

    This little haven was show cased by Higby a few weeks back in one of his twitch streams where he tells us about the latest game updates during beta. But grats on finding it :) Something for my magrider to glide over.
  8. Gr33D

    There will come a time when some ppl will fight over "lore" rather than objectives :)
  9. General Epeen

    Everybody stop fighting!

    We are all going for a dip in the pool. (NC could do with a wash anyway).
  10. Kongstad

    I miss water too yes, but I dont miss fighting those %/()/"#¤"@ magriders hovering on water. Hard enough to hit as it is with their sideways hovering and the loss of the lock on AV Enforcer gun for the vanguard :p
  11. Painwalker

    How far up did you jump from? XD lol
  12. Painwalker

    Easier to hit with lock on though at that point, so it's a trade-off.
  13. DerpyHooves

    my prowler got stuck in that not too long ago. I wasnt excatly sure what it was as i wasnt wearing my glasses. I found out later after it suicided my tank.
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