TR and their weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReactionDT, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Sakharov

    Alright, I'll admit that if the data does say what you're now saying it does, then perhaps it's not complete propaganda. I'm still unlikely to trust it without other sources that back it up.

    However, I believe I've made my opinion on Reddit clear, so you should be able to infer that I do not go to that morass of a website. You made no mention that it was merely posted on Reddit and did not source from the users of that website, so while I was not aware of that, you didn't exactly say it before attempting to take the position of 'look at this guy, he's so dumb'.

    Way to insult someone for not having information that you did and chose not to say and then attempt to bring it in later to make them look bad.
  2. Garrix

    It was your choice to claim bad data without looking at the data mate. I can dislike someone and they can still be correct. The same goes with reddit.
  3. BadBas

    In beta i played most of the time as HA-NC.At the end of the beta i played a little as TR to compare the weapons. And there was this epic fight in a very tiny area with all 3 factions. I unlocked nothing , just running to the area and made a few kills at long range. After that i ran closer and was one of the first soldiers in the frontline . After a few minutes i watched my score and k/d. It was like 40-2.

    As NC i cant do that, but i really like the harder nc gameplay. Sounds are also better , TR sounds are like airsoft.
  4. Tirunus

    Can we stop posting ****** anecdotes? I am tired of seeing people post maps and their own little stories in defense of their position.
  5. korpisoturi

  6. Spude

    Every faction is OP NC are ******* OP then VS is ridiculously OP and TR is OP
  7. RobotNinja

    It's okay if my faction weapons suck...because I make this look gooooood. :p
  8. korpisoturi

    1.COF/recoil extremely high compared to TR/VS
    2.ROF much slower compared to TR/VS
    3.smaller ammo/clips

    in other words NC IS most inaccurate empire , can put less bullets to air/sec+ have less bullets/clip to shoot before need to reload , few % stronger bullets have absolutely ZERO meaning IF your enemy can aim and land bullets more accurate no matter if close combat or medium and same time have higher ROF + larger ammo clip.

    please people shut you traps forever about "just burst/control you fire" remarks ? in most cases there is just no TIME TO "burst" cos of TR/VS weapons severly lower COF/recoil and faster ROF+ large clips, TR/VS can basically shoot frome the hip and still be VERY accurate.
  9. korpisoturi

  10. Tobax

    Oh well, back in PS1 it was NC that was always called easy mode, now in PS2 its TR.
  11. Fleabag

    Yay! That means in nine years time it'll be the Vanu Sov's turn! Er....right? ;)
  12. Conq

    I've spent plenty of time playing LA on NC and VS as well and would much rather have their carbines, they actually function at range.

    The grass is always greener and ****.
  13. ArbiterMatrix

    And so, we solve this problem by rolling in with ten of them. YEAAAAAAAAH TR!
  14. Isilith Tehroth

    Funny now that Nc doesn't have 80% of the population and overpowered everything like in beta that makes every other faction overpowered.
  15. korpisoturi

    it REALLY amazes how so many players here act like there is nothing wrong in NC weapons and harbour this myth, "we" as TR players across ALL servers are just better and that why we win so easily , dont yoy idiots get it NC needs and will get that buff how about giving costructive feedback insted of "n00bs learn to aim" cos tables might turn soon when sony overbuff NC and prolly same time nerf TR.
  16. Antivide

    Replace NC with TR and you have the situation currently. Don't act like you're high and mighty and that your faction is "holier than thou".
  17. FPSgamer

    NC lmg's are peashooters compared to TR/VS. Devs better fix NC weapons or soon you will see large NC player migration to TR/VS.

    T9 carv/carv's aka God weapons:
  18. Palerion

    I can attest to this. I migrated from NC to TR for that very reason, and here's my take on it: TR doesn't exactly need a nerf, but NC needs a buff. Really, I mean if you take a look at the stats, it could be fixed very easily. Balance out the damage per shot and rate of fire of NC weapons to match the time to kill of TR weapons. It seems like a relatively simple concept to me. I personally don't feel like NC or VS are overpowered when compared to each other. I had trouble deciding which faction to be between those two, but ended up with TR simply because I got tired of EVERYTHING being purple. Still, I agree that NC weapons are a bit crappy when compared to the other factions and they need some buffing. Also, on a side note, the Trac-5 is the lowest TTK TR carbine... Really now? They shouldn't make the first gun you get have the lowest time to kill. Why get anything else?
  19. Dmaias

    I play as NC HA and... we have the worst weapons? really? seriusly I really don't care, not only that, I'm happy that our weapons are crap because I love to go hardcore in games.
    Now, what I want to say is that most of you are ignoring one thing.. This is a big war game, wich means that you are killed so fast by so many oponents at the same time if you don't have a really good point to go in and out (like inside an inside base fight) that exept 1v1 - 1v2 or 2v2 you really are alone with your tactics and skill, gear isn't worth **** if you get killed in 2 sec by the worst weapon of the game shooting at your foot.
    Besides maybe you all noticed this, if you have more of the map controled the fights are less important than when you are defending those last 2-3 bases of your empire, that's just so awesome that makes me enjoy the game a lot more.

    PD: sorry if you disagree with anything i said. oh and i'm from Argentina, so really, english isn't so natural to me.
  20. NightCross

    omg more NC crying about getting owned in CQB by TR..

    Play to your strengths and if you have to do battle in CQB ie a biolab( i mean meat grinder) then pull our your carbines/shotguns like you would IRL and go at it.

    the people crying either cant aim or are trying to use the wrong weapons in the wrong situations.
    if you want baby proof weapons go play VS