Cannot turn VSYNC on

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by gunshooter, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. gunshooter

    This game runs my graphics card too hot so I need to turn Vsync on as I get 100+ FPS which is much more than I need. However when I tick the VSYNC checkbox, the screen flickers for a second and then it's not ticked.

    I have a Radeon 6950 with the latest drivers.
  2. DonnyD.

    I was just about to post about this. I have been getting near 200FPS in menus and loading screens with vsync on and occasionally I will notice being at 62 fps or my graph going above 60 while playing.
  3. Fyrel

    Open UserOptions file in your game directory

    Set these values:

    MaximumFPS= (set to a reasonable amount)

    VSync=1 (turns on VSync)

    Let us know if that helps.
  4. DonnyD.

    MaxFPS at 250 (default) vsync verified on in game in .ini and forced always on in catalyst control center still same issues. It is worth noting that I normally get pretty bad tearing without vsync but even when above 60 I don't have tearing now.
  5. gunshooter

    Thank you, maxfps allowed me to set maxfps to 60 which is basically vsync.