TR and their weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReactionDT, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. ErrantPilot34

    Fire the TR default goes up a left without controlling it...the recoil is horrid, the damage is horrid...but that's balance so meh...ok then...
  2. VictoryTR

    For my shame, I joined the continent seeing we were imbalanced and that we had nearly destroyed the NC and the VS looked like they were on the back foot. I wanted to help conquer it first.

    This was an hour and a half later, with blood literally everywhere. GOOD FUN, but you know, you expect such an imba empire to dominate so easily. It just doesn't happen. Server: Miller (EU)
  3. Niast

    VR have great accuracy and low bullet drop

    NC are tanky with stronger weapons

    TR are low COF, high ROF and decent damage.

    Their all great in their own way, I play Vanu and I love the accuracy and low bullet drop but accuracy and bullet drop really dont matter in CQC, low COF and ROF do, Terran curb stomps me in CQC scenarios.

    P.S. I'm not saying im Grand Master Space Marshal Supreme Highlord...I'm decent at the game (I'd like to think). Just my opinion.
  4. xtoph

    TR and VS weapons are better. Bottom line, you can't say otherwise and be serious. I know of 2 BIG outfits that switched to TR and when I asked them why they ALL SAID it's because the guns are easier. I honestly think VS weapons are the easiest for me but I stick with NC because of my outfit and I like the NC.
  5. Garrix

    Everyone has the same health. 'Tanky' means nothing. TR and VS fire approximately 40% faster by default, faster in most situations since they can use much larger bursts or full auto. The NC take a single less bullet to kill someone than either faction. In most cases that is 6 bullets instead of 7. It's still a much longer TTK than either faction.


    I could post the reddit tables again, but I have a feeling they will be ignored by someone claiming that numbers mean nothing in two posts. Le sigh.
  6. Milkman111

    the nature of the game is long distance stopping power means nothing if you cant hit your target. NC wpns are the lamest.
  7. Sakharov

    Reddit also is Vanu, who have a bit of a reputation for whining until the game is handed to them. If you had alternate sources who were not VS, I would be willing to trust the data, but I don't trust the Redditors not to make things up to support their own positions.

    That said: As a Terran Republic soldier, the NC need a bit more accuracy on their rifle/carbine, and I suppose a teeny bit more on their LMGs. Their recoil is really rather high, and I've found that even though they'll drop me using my scout rifle (when I'm OPERATING OPERATIONALLY in an OPERATIONAL ZONE), if I switch to my light assault I shred pretty much every NC I come across unless I have a serious burst of lag. That's just wrong. Conversely, the Vanu need to actually have some kind of visible recoil if they're not going to implement damage falloff. Seriously, it's a plasma carbine, not a laser; you can't be flinging something that has mass without it pushing back against you.

    That combined with some of the frankly weird physics reactions makes me wonder if it's a coding issue, or if some of the dev team actually failed physics forever.

    tl;dr version: Yes, NC guns are kinda weak, give them better accuracy and see how it works out, don't go crying out for a nerf on other factions, unless you're a Vanu apologist trying to give them yet more of a buff.
  8. Mattressi

    I don't know if accuracy is what NC weapons need. Certainly they are inaccurate and have high recoil, but the biggest issue for me is that they have the highest TTK of all empires. This is for 100% accuracy, raw TTK. Then you consider that they're also inaccurate and have high recoil.

    I would be perfectly happy if the recoil and accuracy stayed bad and the RoF was still relatively low, but the TTK was lowered (whether by increasing RoF a little or increasing damage). This way, NC would be great at close quarter fighting, which is better than being worse at all ranges.
  9. Gambles

    TR>VS>>>>>NC seems to be the general consensus.
  10. SpruceMoose

    that or theres more NC crying on the forums then usual
  11. Cute-CandyPants

    TR do own most of the continents, TR are pretty overpowerd and vanu in ways also, NC are the weakest and underpowerd faction.
  12. Cute-CandyPants

    says the N O O B playing Vanu with the N OO B friendly weapons a baby can shoot.
  13. SpruceMoose

    ^ see
    there we go
  14. xtoph

    So a bunch of NC are crying just to cry? Obviously if everyone is saying something it true and not just 1 or 2 bad players complaining you derp. If I play Vanu I'll more than double your k/d.
  15. SpruceMoose

    ^ and some more
  16. SpruceMoose

    come on I got 2
    lets go for 3
  17. korpisoturi

    broblem is that there IS NO TIME for bursts too much cos TTK is so low and what makes broblem worse TR and VS dont need to burst they just spam and still get better accuracy in 0-25 meter area than NC.
  18. SpruceMoose

    here we go

    this man has a point
  19. Antivide


    Every single Terran Republic primary weapon.

    (BF3 players will get what I'm talking about)
    • Up x 1
  20. Garrix

    Huh? The data was originally not from reddit, it was just posted there. It also shows VS guns as the strongest. So uh, that doesn't support their position at all. Way to know what the hell you're talking about? Derp.