TR loyalist tries hand at being a Vanu...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roman, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Roman

    I feel dirty...

    Seriously though, Briggs was down were my kick *** TR character lives. So like many others I decide to try my hand on another server just to calm the jitters of not being able to play.

    Step into Connery server, and well why not lets try something different and go with the VS ( sorry NC but you suck so very, very much :) ) Magrider is a little out there but fun, big *** on the tank made me bump a few friendlies but no more then normally happens in a tank.

    Now the fun bit, jump out into the action and start firing off a few.. umm... rounds? Lights? Plasma balls? whatever, and damn I dunno if it has something to do with the iron sights or the muzzle flash but damn I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if it was strapped to the tip of my gun. Yes, yes I know *insert TR learn to shoot joke* here. But in all honesty I felt weak and innacurate whilst playing Vanu. To make matters worse I have some kind of *rustiness* stuck on me now as when I returned to my TR I was not performing to my usual decency.

    So - TR Loyalist says please give those filthy barney's a slight weapon buff cause damn it was bad.

    Evolve or Die!!
  2. Doublefrost

    It takes a little getting used to the Vanu ironsights but they're actually really good ones. I prefer them over the TR sights.
  3. Roman

    Fair enough, but the VS are just to *alien* ... get it? And I look fat in purple.
  4. Thardus

    Did you maybe forget that Vanu use more sophisticated methods of dealing death than simply accelerating hot lumps of metal through the air, and therefore don't need to worry about their projectiles falling to the ground?
  5. Roman

    Hmm... Your fancy words have me intriqued! Sophisticated? Isn't that a bug spray?
  6. squairs

    vs guns are overall pretty good actually, as for the iron sights I think TR has the worst, with NC having the nicest imo.

    if youre a fps player of the last few years and youre used to shooting slightly above the enemy at a distance, it might take some getting used to to actually point directly at them ;)
  7. Thardus

    Some damage fall off at range, but most Vanu bullets move in a perfectly straight line. Just wondering if perhaps you were having issues because you were trying to compensate for non-existent bullet drop.
  8. squairs

    btw. isnt that "evolve or die" line pretty close to what the VS chars say at times?! ^^
    I mean TR is about conservatism :p
  9. Roman

    Lol, valid point. Though truth be told I played VS to begin with in PS1 before finding my way to the light of the TR. Still some things are hard to shake I suppose :).

    Could be right with the whole 'leading' concept I do automatically lead targets with out even thinking about it so could be spot on. Must be horrible to go from VS to NC/TR then after an extended session. Personally I love the TR ironsights, they can be a little screen hoggish on some guns but overall they give a decent sight picture.
  10. Fugly

    Well Roman,

    You got a taste of what it's like to actually have to aim when firing. Still, even a masterful NC or VS player with superb accuracy and aiming reticle control of drift and recoil, they don't have the TR weapons faster fire rates, faster projectile to target, and greater maximum distance on LMGs and Carbines. Plus the TR heavy assault get a chain gun, while Vanu heavy assault get a god damn ghost buster ooze sprayer. You can literally sidestep and dodge lasher projectiles they are so damn slow and useless..... RAGE 3%#$%#$%#$^$%&$^& WANT MY 700SC SPENT ON LASHER BACK :mad:
  11. bamelin

    Lasher is great indoors ...
  12. Xecutioner

    The lasher has great splash damage it's a dangerous weapon to use up close cause not only will it hit them it will hurt yourself as well.
  13. Scorponok

    ive tried VS as well got ALOT of kills probly because NC was messing around and had no clue what they were doing at that time being..and i gotta say i loved that solarice or what that start carbine is felt good ^^ . ive now played all 3 sides and i can safely say the worst one is NC.
  14. HawkyGaming

    VS look like they're from the 80's. If you know what I mean. Still, classy balls of death coming at YO FACE.
  15. AlesTwo

    VS doesn't have many bullets to shoot per clip, so you need to learn to aim properly. *TR pun intended*
    On the other hand, once you get into aiming, you can be really devastating, as VS weapons tend to hit very precisely even at medium and long range.

    Mag is a great tank as long as you can stay at range, if the enemy gets too close you are usually dead within seconds.
  16. DaninTexas

    I tried VS once. Found the weapons nice. But being I play a TR and a NC toon on servers where the VS ROFLStomp every one - I just can never get into them. When on the battlefield - when faced with both other factions - no matter what it is - the purple bastage is my priority target EVERY TIME
  17. Piepants

    I do by far the best on my VS character even though the faction is my least favorite. I like the feel of real guns firing real bullets so I'm not really into the trekkie beam weapons. Also I'm not a fan of visors or the color purple.

    Still, I did really really well with that gun their heavy assaults start with (orion?) and I LOVE the Magrider. I may prefer the look and feel of the Vanguard, but I find the Magrider to be far more effective (for me). The ability to strafe out from cover, snipe with that amazing accurate and devastating main gun, and strafe right back into cover again is incredibly powerful (as long as their aren't a lot of infantry around to accidentally run over, lol).