AU server shutting down in 15 mins

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by FullDread, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. SpiderOz

    will this also fix the voip issues on briggs ?
  2. FullDread

    Are you stupid? They had the entirety of beta to sort their ****. Everyone said 20/11 was way too soon, everyone was right.
  3. Marinealver

    Yeah well we had a beta to show them the problems and after launch there are still game crashes and server ques and what not.
  4. zgunner

    How about this. You ever played an MMO before? I'm going to assume you haven't. EVERY SINGLE MMO out there has something called "downtime". If you think every game released is perfect then you must be blind. Just about all games are released not 100%. That is why there are things called patches.
  5. FullDread

    Since when do SOE fix all the bugs then?
  6. HvcTerr

    "Did they launch hastily" aside, if they've got a bug which is preventing a lot of people from playing, then they're damn well justified doing a hotfix.
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  7. Rossinna-Sama

    I can only speak for myself, but for the time the server has been active, it is great. The hotfix could not have come at a worse time, we had a massive battle going on at whatever the far eastern tech plant on Easamir is called.

    Just have faith and patience, things will settle in due time.

    And honestly, if you don't have the patience to remain on the AUS server... buh-bye. Don't think I'll be missing you anytime soon.
  8. crazykiwi22

    Who cares... as long as the bugs are fixed!

    It's for the best, you do want a working game right?
  10. Veratu SOE

    Would it be a little irony if we took the game down to hotfix your play button problem? :) That's what we're fixing. It'll be back up soon.
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  11. crazykiwi22

    yup. I'd rather sacrifice a little bit of our playing time to get a working game. Remember there's always tomorrow to play anyways.
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  12. FullDread

    Why does this problem even exist? What was beta for?
  13. Streetrip

    Dropping servers for about an hour to fix game breaking bugs isn't too bad. The online players will come back (and let's face'll be back) and the offline players who couldn't get in can also join.

    One of the problems arose here´t-log-in-char-screen-play-button.48816/unread

    They tracked it, gathered information and they came up with something to fix it. 1 hour down time is a small price to pay for an attentive tech team.

    Edit: By the way, for those saying "what's beta for?". Face it. Bugs get through beta. It's not perfect. Is there an MMO which hasn't been patched post-beta? Is there any game at all?
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  14. Cilvaa

    From reading all of your posts in this thread, I am guessing you are aged between 10-16. If you're older I'd be very surprised. I am 30 and have been playing games for more many more years than you. A limited beta can only show devs so much. When the game went live, 3x the number of people were playing than what was in beta. This server load revealed things that were not visible with lower traffic.
    Day one bugs are inevitable. Get over it and be patient.

    This issue has been explained, it is server load and packet loss. As there were many less people in the beta, it did not become apparent till now. Such is the nature of software.
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  15. SpiderOz

    just a spring chicken then :p
  16. mrcyberpunk

    its not the end of the world.. but if it continues it will kill the game at least for Australia. They need to know now before it actually does hurt them. I just hope they put Australia on its own schedule, having it on the US and EU schedules would be extremely bad in the long term.
  17. FullDread

    SOE are incapable of stress testing their servers? Face it, SOE rushed the release and the customers are going to pay for it.
  18. crazykiwi22

    When the game is fully optimized they wont drag the servers down as much. People just need to be patient and bare with it untill they sort out all the bugs and performance issues.
  19. sirinon

    seriously though, two outages in the first two nights...... this is not beta !!!

    I never complained in beta but this is terrible.
  20. mrcyberpunk

    you're right they did rush the game, regardless of stress testing (they should've let more people into Beta), there are some major software issues unrelated to the fact that this is an MMO.. things like Camera's bugging out or UI elements disappearing. Basic stuff like this should've been taken care of not in Beta but rather by a professional QA team. It definitely does feel rushed.. but this server issue is related to the infrastructure- for that regardless of what they did, they would've encountered this anyway. Its just when they choose to fix it that's the big issue here.

    With that said though, even with its bugs and questionable Pay system- its still a good game and I'll be playing it for months to come. (Hopefully years, as I loved Planetside 1).