Ahhh, so this is another Pay to win?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by crus, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. zeez

    It really is a from of p2w.. not in the strictest sense, no.. but anybody who is denying the benefits to early spenders is kidding themselves. If the majority of players do not have something as good as your item (YET) or a counter (YET), then you have gotten a big leg-up on them (FOR NOW). Obviously, a smart spender who is looking to max/min their investment will pick items that will give them an outsize advantage.. this may not be every paying player, of course; maybe some people will exclusively spend cash to be a zebra man. Getting A2G rockets before most people have caught up with proper AA is clearly an advantage. Yes, there is nothing stopping people from spending cash to get AA after being burned like that (which is part of the business plan), but, again, denying the advantage is pointless.

    The benefits to this system are that 1 year from now when my friend decides to play he can spend a bit of cash and "catch up". It also keeps the lights on for the devs. They've done research into it and subscription for MMOs (outside of WoW, sadly) has failed. The Store and Subscription in this game work because they appeal to people by giving them an advantage in exchange for their cash, as opposed to just letting them play the game for a subscription.

    So.. yes, getting an advantage is a form of p2w.. not the worst possible form, but still in the same family.
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  2. DonBH

    There were a lot of unbalanced weapons during the beta (like the T9 CARV) and I got killed by them all the time. I haven't encountered a single weapon that kills me much more than others in the launch. I haven't really seen any good citations of what overpowered weapons people are buying and winning with. This all sounds like people are getting killed and then just kind of blaming money for it.

    I think that there is an unfairness in so far as there are organized platoons, full of experienced players from early beta that are ruling the maps because they understand the confusing tactics that actually work in PS2.
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  3. DonBH

    Er, no good citation with the exception of early AA. But you can definitely play infantry just fine with basic weapons. Remember, not everyone can have a K/D ratio above 1 some people will just die more.
  4. Randomguy365

    Are you afking for hours on end or something? I make 50 certs an hour without trying too hard.

    Rocket pods are probably the most broken thing right now because yes, almost nobody has anti air unlocked.
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  5. M4r3ch4L

    1000 certs for a weapon is outrageous.
    1000certs= almost 40h of play time...for a single weapon

    yea i can earn almost 25~30certs in 1hours playing as a lonelywolf maybe around 50~60/h if playing in a good fast and efficient outfit...
  6. Randomguy365

    It's actually about 20 hours max for a weapon if you're actually being useful in fights.

    Medics and Engineers earn a boatload of certs right now.
  7. kevinSlivez

    More like 25h, nevertheless - what the **** is wrong with stock weapons?
    I didn't even bother buying new weapons in the beta, a cheap weapon sight is more than enough. Go buy the cheap necessities first(armor, sights, smaller upgrades(actually the stuff that boosts you the most).
  8. Motown

    That makes no sense. Also, I've been playing MMO's since Neocron and Ultima Online. I've played in over 50 MMO beta's and alpha's. This is not a "Pay to win" game.
  9. MrBloodworth

  10. ShriekXL

    Humor me: Which weapon makes me win Planetside 2?
  11. Deneroth

    Pay to Win is when you can only aquire some power ups with real life cash, this is rather Pay to get Stronger... and it's this or get a game with monthly subscriptions...
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  12. Lazaruz

    The game is not pay2win.

    And even if it was, between the Station cash discounts and the in-game weapon sales/bundles, a single weapon will cost you about 1-2 dollars. If you can't afford that, you shouldn't be playing a game in the first place. And instead be looking into some alternative life choices.
  13. Marka Ragnos

    There are accually very few things that cost 1000 certs that are accually good and they are only for vehicles. The rest are crap.
    All weapons that cost 700+ certs for infanty are no better than the starter guns. the differences are so small why would you want to buy it? Example VS Bolt actions, XM98 cost 250 certs, V10 cost 700+ ---for what? EXACT same stats just the V10 bullet travels slightly faster. Is it worth it???
  14. MobileAssaultDuck

    The definition of P2W:

    There are performance enhancing things that only money users can buy.

    Example: World of Tanks has "gold ammo", ammo that is better than normal, and can only be bought with real money.

    If everything in game is able to be earned through grinding other than cosmetics, it is not P2W.
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  15. Captain Demacia

    My god I used to have no weapons and I still ruined kids that had rocket pods with my mossie XD
    Skill out weighs fancy guns guys, by a long shot.
    Plus "100$ a day" REALLY!?!? considering I now have nearly every gun in the game already after just spending 60 bucks plus my alpha squad lol and I still don't always use the new guns, in fact some are just not good at what I like to do. They are all decently balanced. And you died by a reaver with rocket pods because your Infantry I really don't see the problem if a reaver decides to waste an entire brace of rocket pods on one lone soldier to get a kill. He is just hurting himself.
  16. Grubfist

    C4 on my medic helps me have fun. :O
  17. fauxhammer

    I paid but I'm not winning. WHATS THE DEAL?!?!?
  18. StrangerDanger

    Pay 2 Win use to mean: i can only get this dominating item if i pay money and am at a huge disadvantage if i dont

    Pay 2 Win now means: W..TF you guys wont work for free and expect me to pay for something OUTRAGEOUS. Also why on earth did i not get maxed out progression wise for completing the character creation GRIND...wow this game is OUTRAGEOUS!!!

    I weep for the future. Kids today (and deadbeat adults) have zero concept of reality. Get a job and deco items wont seem so darn outrageous at the steep price of under $20.

    And if cert "grind" is a grind for you dont play the game if you dont enjoy the gameplay and consider it grind. If your getting low certs per hour then your doing it very wrong.
  19. Cyridius

    This game isn't Pay2Win. If you think it is, you don't know what Pay2Win is.
  20. nukularZ

    Some of you act like you're the only ones who haven't spent a dime on the game, where as everyone else has already dropped a few hundred dollars. Most players who stick around will probably spend $20-$40. There will be a few who will drop bank on the game, but let's not pretend they make any significant portion of the player base.