Absolutely, unplayable.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bottomfeeder, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Bottomfeeder

    I post this under gameplay discussion, as ABSOLUTELY ZERO, gameplay can be made.

    The lag is so massive, so absolutely englulfing that NOT A SINGLE thing can be achieved in this game.

    You cannot aim, you cannot fire at people as they are warping around. There is NO introduction for new players, NONE WHAT SO EVER, and consequentially getting killed by your own teammates is ten times more likely than by the enemy. At some points today I saw over 15 fighters just soar about, lagging and shooting into nothingness as the lag dominated the scene.

    When you purchase something, or the game inevitably kills itself due to it worthless state, you have to be in queue for twenty minutes, only to have to REQUEUE once you hit the end of the queue, as the interface is completely worthless.

    So there you go, 40 minutes of your free damn time, gone.

    Oh and did I mention that the distance draw and detection in this game is so poor, that you actually have to hover for 10-20 seconds directly above enemies for them to be "seen"?

    And oh, don't forget when the entire colour scheme and world starts flickering every five minutes, when this happy thing occurs, you have a 75% chance of game crash, and when the game crashes. Guess what?


    Ladies and Gentlemen! Queue, for 20 minutes, and have a 50% chance of having to requeue again!

    Are we enjoying this game yet?

    No, because it is.

    Absolutely, unplayable.
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  2. RedKing

    I totally agree
    I was looking to post the exact same thing only to find this post already on

    big mistake to release a game like this

    hope it will be fixed soon else its unplayable UNLESS you have ******** of free time AND patience to sit and wait crash after crash in the enourmous queue of the "FREE (after waiting for 15 minutes every 30 minutes) TO PLAY "

    I have spent roughly the same amount of time waiting to play the game, as playing the game. and I've been playing alot. (or at least trying to)

    oh and dont you even dare to get yourself a cup of coffee or tea from the kitchen... else you'll be kicked for inactivity and have to wait again for the queue :)
  3. Fox234

    We tried to warn them in beta that performance was a massive issue but SOE went full steam ahead anyways.
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  4. Conure

    Fine for me - paid for a premium account and skipped the queue. No issues with gameplay. SoE aren't a charity, buy premium and you don't have to wait.

    I've been playing for 12 hours since release and I've not had a single issue. Nor has anybody in my outfit - 65 of us played without issue all evening.
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  5. Bottomfeeder

    A product is only FREE if you do not have to any spend time getting it. As time is worth money, I'm currently wasting way more cash than this game is worth, not playing anything and as a matter of fact just getting furious.

    The state of the games content, weapon and faction balance, metagame is IRRELVANT. As long the game cannot be played, how much does bullet drop matter when my LMG shoots repair beams?
  6. PoopMaster

    Man, with all these useless posts that don't even try to add anything to the game I can't imagine how you would react to the MWO beta.
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  7. Marzipanzer

    I've been issue free as well.
  8. Greenbaumberg

    The lags on the european server Miller are horrible. Tanks flying throu the air, planes driving throu the flor and infantry flying and flashing all over the place. not fun
  9. Fuse

    So any time you're not actively trying to play PS2 you make money? How can I get in on this?
  10. Spectral Haze

    OP's forum handle tells the real story here.
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  11. RedKing

    I agree

    this is not really "FREE TO PLAY"

  12. G1n

    you know, deadlines to meet, money to take...
  13. Conure

    So does that mean people that claim benefits from the state are actually paying for their benefits because they have to walk to the bank to collect their cheque (which takes time) ?

    Nice. Do me a favour and don't go into anything related to economics please.
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  14. QuantumMechanic

    Conure, honest question: do you and your outfit mates not have any issues with players warping / vanishing/ rubberbanding? Sure, it doesn't stop me from playing, but for me it's a big issue and I see it happen every night.
  15. Kommissar Klose

    You're really going to have to explain how that works. Certainly, time is money, but its your call to be playing a game.

    By this reasoning, no game is free. At which point, its just a matter of what saves you the most money. If you're that concerned about losing "40 minutes" perhaps it would be best for you to consider subbing and getting the priority access.

    However it seems your problem is greater than just long queues. To that, I cannot solve your problems. Its probably some bad driver interaction with your particular system. Maybe it can be fixed, maybe it won't. Maybe you're in some .1% of the game population that simply isn't profitable to make patches for.

    At the end of the day, its your call. Submit a help request for your technical issues, and as far as lag goes, please understand the game did come out just now, its going to be laggy/crowded. Perhaps try a smaller server?
  16. Jammer5150

    I would tweek your system. Set EVERYTHING to Low settings or "off" in your graphics. Then try upping one at a time until it becomes unplayable. There used to be a Game Client tweek thread. I will see if I can find it.
  17. Roadhouseman

    well .... Currently it is not very pleasant :oops:
  18. Conure

    Yeah honestly, all evening trouble free - though I do admit there are serious performance issues. A number of us have pc's which should not be dipping to 35fps, but hopefully that'll be fixed with time, and as this isn't a twitch shooter it's not a huge issue atm!
  19. Raquel

    What the hell does that have to do with laggy servers ?
  20. efx00

    not the game. your system or net connection. did you do ALT-F to get your frames up? when you do that it will tell you if you are CPU or GPU 'bound'.

    Also, turn render quality to zero to increase frames.

    Have a nice constructive post day.