Please Tell me your Joking.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Kaligor, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Kaligor

    So i just convinced a friend of mine to give Planetside 2 a try.
    So he makes an Account but is unable to log in, i Try to log in and it works.
    We skulk around the registration page and find that he is unable to make an SOE Planetside 2 account.
    And i'm unable to transfer my Alpha squad stuff to the ProSiebien Account.

    So what your telling me is that we can't play with each other unless i give up my entire alpha squad investment.
  2. Mansen

    What you are most likely experiencing is the Pro7 account issue - lots of people are having issues with them. And SOE are trying to work this out as Smedley's twitter account can attest to.

    Basically anyone who was in the beta can keep their American SOE accounts - anyone from Europe who creates an account post launch has to use Pro7's account system. They are in charge of everything european.
  3. manfromh

    It doesn't matter if one of you is on SOE and the other is on ProSieben. The servers are the same and you can still play together.
  4. Kaligor

    Not a Troll just Genuinely confused by the sheer incompetence and lack of communication.
    Thanks for the information, i will relay it to anyone that asks.
  5. Mansen

    Yes - I forgot to mention that.

    The only difference is that Pro7 handles the accounts and servers in the EU. You - the player can play on either the american or european servers as you want. It is just the issue of Pro7 having problems on their end (I assume) with their account system. The actual servers run just fine.

    Oh not you - the person who responded before me (post now deleted). It was nothing more than "Sony doesn't care - you're doomed" bile.
  6. Seallone

    same here windows 8 issuie, Just download firefall peeps sod SOE