Meanwhile, While Miller Is Down: Graphics Settings

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NewSith, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. NewSith

    Here're two lag-free setups for rigs of my level:

    This one is the one I used in Beta:

    This is the one I use in launch version:

    Both setups should be nearly completely lag-free even in a very dire fight. Also, the 2st setup is more visually attractive to the eye, despite all the setting pointing otherwise.
  2. VodkaGR

    1280 x 1024? What are you playing on,a smartphone?

    Of course it will be lag free if it runs on such a computer on 1980 settings
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  3. Fleabag

    Your beta settings, apart from the resolution and lack of V-sync (how people play anything without V-sync on I don't know) are how I always have mine. Good for a mid-level-computer. Shadows and flora are easy things to sacrifice.
  4. NewSith

    That's called trolling, the thing you do, and it doesn't make you attractive.

    I'm using a VGA monitor, so HDMI-like settings do not work. =)
  5. maxkeiser

    For the record I use 1280x1024 as well (monitor is not widescreen) and I was playing the BETA with everything maxed out at 100+ FPS.

    I have a very good machine as well - with top of the line processor (overclocked), 16gb ram, 580gtx etc. I just prefer the ultra fast framerates you get with 1280x1024 (it uses far less power than 1920x1080). also, your eyes don't have to cover so much screen and you can therefore zero in on targets more easily. I usually finish at the top of BF3 games etc so the resolution isn't a hindrance.
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  6. VodkaGR

    No it's called common sense.You have a i5 and a GTX 465 and 8 GB of ram..
    ..and you say this is a lag free setup with freaking 1280x1024 resolution?

    That's like saying,here i managed to make counterstrike play with more than 60fps on a GTX580.

    The game is extremely unoptimized,you should be able to play 1920x1080 all at low at least lag free

    I have never ever seen anyone use Vsync in my life
  7. Fleabag

    I really notice the tearing and it makes me want to vomit.
  8. Mazzio

    I'm sorry if this sounds bad OP but 1280 x 1024 is such a horrible resolution at 2012 that even most smartphones and tablets do better than that. You can get decent fullHD monitor practically free from any electronics store and thanks to Xbox360 generation of games, even several generations old hardware can max out 60hz monitors at all settings high.
  9. NewSith

    Lol, you obviously never thought of the fact that I only manage to get 40 fps in sanc with my rig if I have everything maxed out... But why so? I must be lying obviously. :) Not that the game is totally hostile towards i5.
  10. Durandalx

    1280x1024 on a small monitor as good as it 1080p resolution would on a large "HD" monitor. I myself have one, and it's great. It's just enough for my eyes to cover (I sit pretty close to the screen), so I have no need for a larger monitor or resolution.
  11. maxkeiser

    This. My monitor is a 19inch Hyundai L90D+ - great monitor for gaming. Games look stunning.
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  12. NewSith

    Here goes, to all of you non-believers here, MAXED OUT game with my rig (take a note of the lower left corner):

  13. Elahhez

    Resolutions don't matter alot on todays cards.. oddly enough, unless you go to the 640*480 level kind of resolution, then you may see an increase in fps..

    @max, spend your next money on a good sized fullhd monitor.. you would be in for a treat with a rig like that ^^

    @Newsith make sure windows indexing is disabled for your ps2 folder, can mess up performance of most games
  14. RBN

    Most people turn vsync off because most likely you will have mouse lag issues if you turn it on.
    If you cap the fps to like 60 and your pc is able to handle it you hardly need vsync.
    Mouse lag is really the last thing you want.
  15. Intrinsic

    Windows indexing should just be disabled on everything, it's completely pointless.
  16. Intrinsic

    Press alt+F ingame instead of the meh overlay ;p
  17. NewSith

    In-game fps have very slow refresh rate, so now.

    I believe the problem runs deeper - from what I can tell - it's my CPU that causes the game to lag, despite being rather powerful.