I am glad I did not spentd $60 on this , NO hardware scalability whatsoever

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SBGTF, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. caldrin

    This is a good thing... companies not holding back modern games to work with really old hardware..I for one am glad they are doing this.

    Thanks SOE
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  2. siiix

    i have the same problem with quad core 3ghtz and GTX 570... i get only 6 FPS (got 65FPS in beta), setting it to low does not make a difference

    i assume its because i cant uninstall the beta do to an error... but not sure

    ALSO the beta i set for experimentation reasons to CPU rendering and as it did not make any difference i forgot about it... maybe now i pay the price as i cant uninstall or change setting in beta any longer
  3. Anethma

    Nvidia 580
    12g of ram, 8 cores (2 on standby to take the load if one core goes over 25%)
    I run the game at a solid 60-70fps on max
  4. Patrician

    I'm sorry but you're hardware is out of date for a newly released game. You don't say what CPU you have but your graphic card alone in lower mid-range last generation. I'm guessing your CPU is going to be around the same age.

    You will have no issues with may other games because most game released these days is either, as console port, or is dual developed for PC and consoles; they, therefore, use the Unreal3 engine mostly. This engine was released around 2004 and is getting very long in the tooth. The advantage is older hardware runs it fine; the downside is it looks dated now.

    PS2 is a brand new engine and you'll need a pretty "beefy" hardware spec to run it at it best.
  5. Twillidan

    MADE MY ******* DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  6. StockpowerXD

    I dunno what kind of monster PCs you got 3 or more years ago, but my computer doesn't seem to handle this game well... Less than a year old and I can proudly say that it's a pretty awesome one, too, but the game keeps lagging, enemies teleport all over the place and FPS doesn't go above 40 and averages at about 26... At lowest settings... (For some reason there's barely a difference between low an high)

    I have this issue exclusively with PS2.
  7. Patrician

    Core i7-3930K 6-Core Processor
    Gigabyte X79-UD3 Motherboard Core Socket 2011 Intel X79 ATX
    Kingston HyperX 16GB (4x4GB) Memory Kit 1600MHz DDR3 Non-ECC
    Antec Kuhler H20 920 CPU Liquid Cooler
    Gainward GTX580 Graphic Card

    I play with all settings on their highest and am getting 70 to 90 FPS in the open and around 50 to 60 FPS in large battles.

    "Players teleporting all over the place" is an issue with the network connection between your PC and the PS2 servers rather than a issue with your PC.
  8. Grrrumpy

  9. SuperLexatron

    Seems a lot of people in here who know a heck of a lot more than I do... so perhaps somebody could tell me why my game runs at 20 fps in most fights, and anything as low as 5 in the really big fights.

    AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10GHz
    6.00GB RAM
    Geforce GTS 250
    64-bit w7

    I have tried tweaking just about every setting I know of, even turned down the render distance in the files etc.
  10. titan253

    You have a low end gfx card and apparently the game doesn;t play well on AMD cpu's. And that phenom is on the higher end of low range cpu's.

    I'd say 20 FPS on the setup is about par for the course on all low settings
  11. SolLeks

    well shoot, My cellphone has a 1.5 duo core and 2 gigs of ram, thats not far off from OP's rig...

    Remember, the recommended specs is a i5 (i5 is the latest 'set' of CPUs, that spans 3 generations of CPU's on top of that) and a '600' nvidia card (sorry, I don't know ATI stuff so i did not bother to remember that). and when they say 600, they mean like 650 and up.

    Will it run on older rigs? Yes.

    the game does bog down in large fights way more than it should IMO however. My rig (specs in sig) will run BF3 @ 200 FPS on all low settings and 80 - 120 FPS on ultra where in PS it goes from 100 down to 40 depending on where I am (I guess its not that bad really, just wish it was not as much of a jump).

    OP's rig is not a gaming rig or if it is its 7+ years old. For gaming, you should update at least once every 4 years, if not every 3 (I aim to make builds that last 3 years w/o upgrade).
  12. SolLeks

    AMD Phenom(tm) 8450 Triple-Core Processor 2.10GHz
    6.00GB RAM
    Geforce GTS 250

    your CPU has fairly low GHz rating, I would OC that as much as you can and try to get at least 3 GHz.
    Your ram is not bad, but I would get 2 gigs more (or more). Win 7 uses about 2 gigs on its own and I have had PS2 use 5 gigs on its own before (once in a wile even more, but I play on high).
    your 250 is very outdated, get a 650ti or at least a 550ti. the 250ti is a 5 year old card or more by now.
  13. Flarestar

    Sir, clearly every game ever made should be able to run on anything a player chooses to load it on without impact. I demand that SOE immediately implement a pseudo-3D version of Planetside 2 ala Wolfenstein 3D in order to accomodate those still playing on 386SX/25 rigs.
  14. Raquel

    Threads like this make me lose faith in humanity.
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  15. SolLeks

    How much RAM do you have? the CPU is a bit old but the 3ghz should be enough (+ 4 cores) and that 570 should def give you more FPS. IMO try uninstalling PS2 retail and go though and make sure everything PS2 related is gone (delete it all), then reinstall. CPU rendering will hurt you IMO, but I don't know to much about it honestly. GFX cards should handle most of the rendering just fine.
  16. SolLeks

    i know rite, why can't I play this game on my cellphone, It has a duo core possessor and 2 gigs of ram =0

    I have lost faith long, long ago.
  17. titan253

    Overclocking wont fix the lack of cache on that chip. You could cool it with liquid nitrogen and OC to 5GHz and it still wouldn't matter (not to mention how dated it is). Speed is not the only spec that matters in cpus...
  18. SolLeks

    this is true. it is my only suggestion over just replacing the thing though.
  19. siiix

    well thats not entirely true, just for sake of argument i say IF it would be possible to run that thing on about 30Ghtz maybe 50 it would be more then fine ;) of course that wont be possible for more then 1 reasons... i just could not help my self pointing that out :)

    in theory you can always compensate with clock speed the difference between chips is just to great to be possible
    BTW for my issue full uninstall beta and deleting user files did not work,
    still stuck on CPU only

    next i will try to uninstall the game and reinstall
  20. KlyptoK

    Game is a 2.5 - 3.0 GHz min

    The funny part is, xBox 360 system specs would struggle to meet minimum requirements.
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