"Trial Period" timespan seems a bit harsh.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Daesir, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Daesir

    So I have all this station cash, and no idea what to spend it on. Giving us only 30 minutes to try out a new weapon seems okay, except that you may not necessarily be in a heavy combat situation for a lot of that time. In addition to making us wait 8 hours before we can try out ANYTHING else... how are we supposed to compare guns and make decisions when so much time has gone by that we can't remember the pros/cons of the previous gun? I'm fine with waiting 8 hours to try other stuff, but then at least let us use the trial weapons for 1-2 hours... Or if the 30-minute limit is needed to restrict players from using uber weapons w/o attachments... then at least reduce the time needed to wait for another gun, ESPECIALLY if it's for a different class, or of a different type.

    Oh, and making us wait *30 days* before we can try an already-tested gun again... that's just unacceptable. I really wanted to try out the Warden battle rifle, but thanks to a client crash and long queues, I'll need to wait an entire month before I can find out if I even like the damn thing.
  2. Otleaz

    the 30 minutes isn't my problem. 8 hours to try a different gun?

    I wanted to compare the shotguns, because the stat page clearly isn't useful. How do I compare guns 8 hours apart?
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  3. Sighpolice

    seconded - server going down and bugs ruined my trial period too. RABBLE RABBLE.
  4. Lyken

    There's just a few things you NEED ... or I would recommend to buy.
    1.) Dual burster for max
    2.) Dalton (lib)
    3.) Tank Buster (lib)
    4.) Grounder (heavy)
    5.) Rocket pods (mossy or your equivalent.)
    6.) Shotgun of your choice

    That's pretty much it. The actual individual guns are different yes.... but not extremely different. Just check the stats. With the trial period you're not going to be able to put the proper sights, foregrip, compensator, ammo, etc.... that you would have on a gun you decked out anyways.

    Let it be said though, 30 days... that's freaking rough.
  5. saltin

    Be happy you have any time at all to try,they didn't want to give us any try out at all,it wasn't until massive amount of complaints and many threads later they finally decided to add that feature.
  6. adecoy95

    protip: if you want to try a weapon a second time, make a throwaway character. cooldown is reset for it
  7. Tullerion

    They need a training center like in PS1 where you can go and test out all the guns and stuff.
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  8. Feroc

    I would prefer that, too. Just some sort of shooting range, maybe with a little shooting scenario, a little base with cardboard enemies or something like that.
  9. RoaRawR

    most my reason why I miss sancturey, throw right into the battle after intro is worst idea ever
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  10. Daesir

    Sactuary VR was alright... but it never gave you a real idea of how useful each weapon was out in the field... which was fine because the weapon selection was quite limited in PS1. This game's method of trying stuff out while shooting at other people is fantastic, IMO, but there's just no way of accurately testing guns every 8 hours. I'd be totally happy if it were 30 minutes to test a gun, 30 more minutes after it's timer expires before you can try another (so you get to test 1 new gun per hour)... and if they really want it for whatever reason, then it can be where you can't re-test a weapon for 8 hours... 24 hours... whatever, just not 30 freakin' days.
  11. wokelly

    Should be 8 hours to try the same weapon again, not 8 hours to try another weapon at all.
  12. Moxin

    Excuse me, but I thought the trial will be at least some days or hours and not just some minutes......30 minutes is too short for certain weapons or equipment, way too short to find out the potential and use of it.

    Equipment is not account bound and now you cant even test it for at least some hours ? ...lol
  13. Mansen

    An offline tutorial scenario will likely sneak its way into the game at some point. Simple movement and shooting tutorials, Certifications, equipment and shopping and most importantly - base capturing and spawn mechanics.
  14. Khoziel

    Sorry for the somewhat rez here, only a couple days old. But have you considered making new characters to test these weapons? Every time you make a new character, they have their own trial timer. So you can just keep making new characters to test out every single gun in 1 day. It prevents your K/D from getting jacked(if you care) if it turns out the gun sucks, and is fair because it prevents players from boosting their main character via trial abuse.

    Also.... I have had my trial gun for nearly an hour after its expired now. I'm not really sure why. I have been sitting at warp gate, so I'm not exploiting it. But it lets me shoot it, resupply it to full ammo and even switch classes and switch back to it(edit: I can even switch my gun back to the default, and then switch it again back to the trial gun, post-expired).

    Again I am not exploiting it, I have fired it at 0 enemies since it expired. Are the guns supposed to jsut vanish from your selectable weapons post-trial?