Have to purchase guns again if switch server.....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kenda, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. RyanMDanks

    Um...so? I still give them money, on a monthly basis, which I'll stop doing very soon if they persist in giving me little value for my money.

    I don't care who I'm talking to, company wise, there are plenty of other companies that make video games and if SOE wants to treat my support and loyalty with little compromise to what I, and many others, see as valuable for that support, I'll take it elsewhere.

    If they want to compete, they need to act like it and listen to their customers. This is extremely short-term thinking.
  2. PharmD

    Can someone please explain this to me? Who makes a character with the intention of making another one? This isn't your typical MMO with designated classes. There is NO reason to make multiple classes. You can do EVERYTHING in the game with just one character. The only thing you cannot do is transfer to other servers, at least currently. I am positive that SOE will be adding in a server transfer option fairly soon, although for a small price I am sure.
  3. Jaloro

    This is incredibly lame. Was thinking about changing server after playing a bit last night. Now I know I cant.
  4. Overdosed764

    I don't agree that u you should lose ur purchases but at the same time it one char per server so even if u don't pay for a thing you lose ur unlocks for deleting ur char and most likely are switching sides (lose ur guns for being disloyal to ur empire). As for taking ur same char to a new server they might be able to do that in the future. Just a guess thou.
  5. RyanMDanks

  6. PharmD

    Yeah, there's obvious reasons as to why you can't have multiple characters with the same unlocks. If it were like that, what's stopping me from making a character from each faction on every server? I could play a fully unlocked TR character while simultaneously owning another character from NC with every unlock, all with single station cash purchases. If you want to be disloyal to your faction, expect to pay twice the amount.

    When they implement server changes, this thread's complaints will be absolutely invalidated.
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  7. bobby_m

    Reasons to change servers: Population is low on yours, your friends play on another server, your server is down for maintenance, because people on this server are genitals in general.
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  8. RyanMDanks

    I'm not asking for weapons to be account wide, as they are also purchasable with certs. I want SC only purchased items (the cosmetics) to be account wide. Especially for the obscene price.
  9. Phasics

    This is what you don't understand, they are shortsighted, they don't care what their customers think, they just want your money, if you don't like it they don't care .

    Just look at their track record it speaks for itself
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  10. Replay

    I fail to understand why you would need it to unlock for the entire account. Pick a server, play on your server. Honestly it sounds like people looking for a reason to complain so far.
  11. RyanMDanks

    I picked a server but it is unplayable because of the population. I want to play today, but I would have to go to another server and lose my spent money.

    For others, it's a matter of friends choosing a different server and they want to move over to play with them. It could also be someone wanting to try different empires and keeping the empire-neutral cosmetics they already bought.

    It's not like we're talking about the one-use items, these are the $5-$7 permanent items. If I bought a game for $60 I would expect to have the options of that game that came with that version unlocked within it. I've spent almost that much here, and I have such a small proportion in relation to it. And no chance of starting over (cert wise) but keep the real money value I've sunk into it.
  12. Phasics

    you haven't lost anything

    if you want the convinence of two characters with station cash upgrades then pay twice
  13. PharmD

    You realize you're playing a free game. Sony has to make money for this game to have continued support. You honestly sound like a free-loader who just wants more for less.
  14. caldrin

    well not really at the end of the day they are out to make money, they are not charging you for the game client and there is no monthly sub unless you watn to pay it, so selling weapons and other things are they only way they are making cash. I have no issues that i would need to buy them again on a different server, after all they are not expensive and if you dont want to spend real cash just play the game and unlock them over time and play for nothing.
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  15. PharmD

    Exactly. I'm honestly glad this is the only major complaint I've read so far. SOE really is doing an outstanding job.
  16. Arandmoor

    Um, yeah. How, exactly, do you expect them to keep the servers running genius?

    This 'ain't a charity they're running.
  17. Kenda

    i wonder if there's some legal action we can take for this.
    Because I really don't remember reading any where that the stuff we purchase is per server.
    I was under the impression that the stuff purcahse is for all the servers
  18. Phasics

    ..... Bwahahahaha :p
  19. Copyrighted

    So you think that if you start a vanu character, buy a weapon with station cash on one server, than it should carry over to your NC character on server number 2 how?
  20. Guy Montag

    I would like to sit in a room with the Sony money guys who came up with the financial plan of this game, Higby, Smedley and maybe a dozen or so current players. Then I would explain, in no soothing terms, how complete and total of a **** up job the financial team did in creating a business model that encouraged new players to spend money. I would then tell Higby and Smedly they can fire their ENTIRE financial team and hire me for, let's say, a flat $10,000 consulting fee. Then I will completely restructure the payment plans as follows:
    -Cut prices on cosmetic items 50% to encourage people to buy more.
    -New Cosmetic Items are available for a premium price (you can even keep the early access to subscription members!)
    -Reduce CERT cost of new weapons 25%
    -Re-Lock all weapons unlocked with Alpha squad. Give all Alpha Squad members 8 non-cash unlocks of their choice (these would be character bound, not account bound, so you could unlock 3 for your NC toon, 4 for you TR toon and 1 for vanu, etc...)
    -Membership gives you a flat 30% cert gain increase and a 30% XP increase, as well as access to free Membership-only cosmetic items, priority Que, and Early Access to all new content that is released during one's subscription
    -Lastly, Subscribers get priority forum posting abilities, so that the Devs can more easily see their feedback.

    BUT you will double your sales. How do I know? Because I would purchase a membership with the above plan, not with the current plan.

    If it were possible for me to get a refund on Alpha squad, I would without hesitation. I will continue to play the game, but I will not be spending another penny on it, and I will encourage my friends not to as well.