[Suggestion] Confirmation Toggle in Settings for Outfit Orbital Strike?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AntDX316, Apr 6, 2024.

  1. AntDX316

    Confirmation Toggle in Settings for Outfit Orbital Strike?

    I misclicked while tired and did an OS instead of a Steel Rain wasting massive amounts of resources.
  2. ChUnKiFieR

    Don't worry about it. The hacking is out of control these days. It wouldn't have mattered either way! Now the game dies and obviously DBG isn't even trying to stop it anymore. The sure sign of a dead game!
  3. AntDX316

    Make an account on Emerald now, the game is not dead.
  4. ChUnKiFieR

    I'm on Emerald. If you haven't seen what's going on there then you are obviously not!
  5. ZORN777

    Another whiner