Medic Spam OutFits Are More of a Problem Than "Infiltrators" Full CLIP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ps2pIayer, Dec 28, 2023.

  1. Ps2pIayer

    important highlights of this footage @ 1:40 Marker and @ 2:50 Marker.

    Outfit VKTZ (and not just them) Abuse The Medic Spam Mechanic, This is one of the soul reasons why in the games current state we are playing "spawn room simulator"

    As you can clearly see in this video, Defenders. No matter how good you are, CANNOT properly defend a base without a Overpop CounterZerg / Outfit OS Spamming

    There is No "Reward" For Killing The Heavy Main With unlimited Ammo Because There is an Engineer Supplying him and over 10 Medics Behind him Revive Spamming.

    This is Pretty much Why Zergs are a thing in this game and why just about every fight you go to is you either Spawn Camping as an attacker, or Being Spawn Camped by the Attackers.

    Add that ontop of the HESH Tanks outside the Base + Air to Ground + Maxes + Shield Barriers at Doorways.

    No matter how good of a KD you have or if your ontop of the scoreboard on that fight, as a Defender, if you dont counter overpop, you wont be able to properly defend the base.

    One of The Simple Fixes to this is to have a Cooldown on Medic Revives.

    This will give defenders more of a chance to use those extra seconds gained by killing the Heavy main to get inside a building and start deleting the medics. at Best a Medic should have a 10-12 second Revive Cooldown. Clearly you can see in this clip medic multipliers will still cause this issue, but if a revive cooldown is placed upon them, then it gives defenders a better chance at actually "Defending"

    this will have a tumble effect as you will end up seeing much more better balanced fights instead the constant Overpopping one region and overpopping the next region, as well as more spread out fights per region 24-48 fights and not just one 96 VS 96 in one region per faction while the rest of the map is entirely dead as a rat.

    P.S This is Emerald Footage, It May not happen in your dead server, but its the bread and butter here and it needs to be adressed after all these years.

    Just incase somone tries to make this stupid argument - (battlefield allows instant revives, but battlefield also has a much lower playercount per server, if they had a revive cooldown, action in that game would be much more stale because of the lower player max count) this doesnt work well in this game and it shows.
  2. Ps2pIayer

    Another Blatant clip of Medic abuse inside a building. Every door in this game is copy pasted across all continents. this isnt fun gameplay in any shape or form and is the literal back bone reason of why zergs exist and why you go to a fight and be spawn camped or spawn the one spawn camping. defenders have no way to properly defend without the use of an Veteran outfit/OS spamming (which is already cancer), which shouldn't be the case and this kinda look to a new player is definitely off putting especially when you have a long respawn timer behind it and all the other Junk that comes in with a Zerg. Please, all you have to do, is put a revive cooldown on medics, reduce their res nade counts and you will see much better gameplay instead of the same old junk that this is.

    more people dead = more FPS = less lag = less latency = spawn timers can be adjusted instead this annoying 13 second respawn / dumping a clip into a heavy only for him to delete you in 0.75 seconds or him being simply revived and kills you while your reloading behind cover.
  3. 0storm1

    I am very interested in the issues you raise.
    However, for whatever reason, maliciously exposing a specific individual or outfit name is a clear deviation from what is stated in the forum guide and is a hindrance to healthy discussion.
    At the very least, using a medic is not spam or anything. It is in accordance with the current game specifications.
    I am using a machine translation, so it is possible that I am getting the story wrong.
    If that is the case, I apologize.

    However, without emotion, I agree that the medic is too powerful when you consider the translation.
    My suggestion seems to be the following methods.

    Number 1.
    Triple the resuscitation time.

    Number 2.
    Make it impossible for the medic to equip the Grenade Bandolier

    Number 3.
    Medic needs to replenish Nanite Revive Grenade at a cost of 150 Nanite.

    Number 4.
    The effect range of Nanite Revive Grenade will be narrowed.

    Number 5.
    If revived, the medic's strength and shields are halved, and halved again on the next revive, making a third revive impossible.

    Number 6.
    Make the Medic's Medical Applicator a use-all type with a limited number of possessions, and add the concept of reloading and refilling. Requires support from an engineer's ammo pack and is twice as slow to refill as a launcher.

    Slow down the regeneration speed of the medic's personal shield by 1 second.

    Number 8.
    Change Shield Recharging Field recovery from immediate to 2 seconds after being hit.

    Personally, I would like to see the developer adopt all of these items.
    I don't know if it is technically possible or not, but I have listed them here anyway.
    If we combine too many of these items, we may face the problem that the medic is too weak.
    So I would very much like to receive opposing opinions.
    However, the current revive is too strong because it can revive at almost the same speed as hitting the head and knocking it down.
    Personally, it seems to me that a good balance of offense and defense would be to be able to revive one person fast enough to kill two people by attacking the torso with all bullets.

    The ability to equip 4 Nanite Revive Grenades is something that should be adjusted early on.
    Shield Recharging Field is also an instant healer, and even though it cannot heal itself, it is very strong in a fight of equal skill.
  4. Ps2pIayer

    well what do you know.
  5. TRspy007

    What an interesting totally impartial thread that doesn't seem to reflect any anger towards outfits that try to play in coordinated squads. While the medic is a powerful class, especially in combination with others...that's the point of a medic lol. And basically every class except for the infil is stronger when in groups.

    The issue you're having is dealing with groups of coordinated players. It has nothing to do with the class. The reason these squads are so effective is because you need a coordinated push to counter them, however this rarely happens. As you can see in both videos you linked, there's a clear difference between the way the squads are defend against the attackers. It's clear they're communicating, they stick together and are overall coordinated in their approach, by moving together as a team they're able to hold their ground against much higher odds. Contrastingly, the attackers aren't systematic in their approach, rather some try to cautiously pick off what they can from a distance, while others try to peak or go in one by one, while others remain in the spawn room or run around like a headless chicken. Obviously the coordinated squad which is communicating and supporting each other is going to do better. The proof is they're not the only ones with access to medics. The attackers have similar or greater pop, yet they're unable to use the medic effectively since they're not communicating. Had they been playing as a team, they would've been able to easily coordinate a push to break through the defenses. You can't revive when there's a dozen dudes pushing a doorway at once. You can only shoot or rez.

    I had situations where I had the opportunity to join a squad of coordinated players a couple times, we would drop in the biggest fight between the 2 enemy factions, and hold the point as long as possible. Most were HAs or Engineers, we didn't even have that many medics. In fact many times our medics died and we held out for a long time even after that because of how coordinated we were, while the other faction's players were only pushing one or 2 players at a time. Our record was we held out for over an hour at the indar com triple stack, against 96+ on both sides, while we were barely 12. We held so long both factions gave up and left the base, since we couldn't even cap it as we had no lattice.

    I've been on the receiving end as well, where no matter what I try my team won't support me. Even if I charge in a MAX or manage to clear nearly all of the coordinated squad, my teammates never push so they end up getting revived or simply respawn and return to their position. That's not the medic's fault, it's the players who refuse to participate in teamwork.

    The medic I think is in a pretty good spot, if I were to tweak it I would simply add a small movement penalty when reviving or make it take slightly longer to rez someone. As for rez nades I think they're already expensive as they are, and sacrificing flak in that environment to get a bando is already a pretty hefty tradeoff. If you have trouble with rez nades, get yourself the banana knife, jump around and spam it when someone pops a rez nade. Infinite ammo commish, 1hk every person getting rezed. You're welcome.
  6. Somentine

    Med spam is a problem, on about the same level as Infils, just a different flavour.

    Three big problems:
    1. Rez nade.
    2. Safety
    3. Quantity.

    1. Is self explanatory; 4 x 10, per medic, revives that you can't stop... CompetitivePlanetside.gif

    2. Both the Medic and the person being revived have way too much leeway. A good example of revive mechanics is from BF. Medic is actually vulnerable, person being revived is actually vulnerable, there is no 10 second invincibility, they revive in a vulnerable state.

    Implants, and absolutely trash movement/clientside that allows a person to slide across the ground, also contribute to the safety.

    3. There is no CD, and the speed of revives is ridiculously fast with a R5 tool. You can revive 3 people in the average weapon long reload time.

    There's a lot you could do to fix this, but I think the best way (and addresses all 3 points above, directly or indirectly) would be to allow people in the 'revived but not accepted' state to be shot, AND, if anyone who was revived within the last 3-5 seconds dies, remove their body.

    This would stop mindless revive spam, one way or another. This would make revive implants even more important/impactful. This would mean killing someone actually has impact. This would mean people need to protect the people being revived.

    That being said, it would need to come with a spawn time decrease.
  7. Ps2pIayer

    Lol No. You can still be Coordinated AND not use a full spread of cheese. this clip is pure abuse of cheese.

    sure man, a guy just wasted nanites c4ing somone and he gets instantly revived whilst having more medics behind him, thats not "coordinated."

    im sorry dude but this game is leeching players and there arent many "coordinated" players to behind with left except on VS, i know exactly who you are, and i know you play on emerald, and you should know both TR and NC start a farm FAR AWAY from VS, why? because of this exact sort of cheese you call "coordinated."

    basically, what you're saying, is you have to use cheese against cheese, sorry tell break the news to you, most players left are in a outfit, but they don't coordinate, they're in the outfit souly to get anvils or mobile OS's to spam and general casual play, and its been ruined everyday by the VS of emerald, and i dont even need to show you proof of that because its literally there everyday and people say the same thing about VS everyday for the past 2 years.

    But Aight bro lemme just right click on every player at the fight full of randoms at 1 minute left and maybe JUST MAYBE i can get two randoms to join my squad while 70% of the rest have squad invites disabled, tells disabled, chat disabled, and maybe they might have a maxed out grenade bandolier even though theyre a infil main or light assault main, maybe just maybe the 3 of us can coordinate to take on a whole outfit that does nothing but spam medics / heavies / enginners while also having aurax'd weapons lmaooo.

    how can you say that when you weren't even at that fight, this fight happened months ago and i still remember it, there weren't any "higher odds" this was a outfit zerging a bunch of random nobodies and flexing behind a shield wall and getting deleted only to get mass ressed again?

    VS doesnt have to be systematic at theyre approach, they have "no bullet drop" as their faction trait, so the VS player that is facing the NC player in a shootout, the NC player still going to die by the 3rd party heavy main across the other part of the base at a fast rate because of no bullet drop. This was a zerg drop and absolutely nothing could of been done unless there was another full on "coordinated medic spamming cheese" to fight back, AKA HOUR or Recursion followed up by 3-4 outfit orbitals to stop all the mass rezzing.

    oh whats that? you pushed out R18? no matter, they will watch the map until they see the pop drop down to 1-12 12-24 enemies because they know your outfit is too naive and instantly redploys elsewhere, so they instantly come back Via Steel rain and take the base before you realize they never actually "left"

    yeah this is just a rant here.

    Medic Spamming and res nades are no different then when you had NC players ghost capping the sides of the map in
    1-12 12-24 fights and you would 90% chance lose against 1 max 1 engi 1 medic holding the point because the engi sat back and healed the max and if both died the medic was there to revive them again.

    Thats literally the same concept of medic spam outfits only worser, because its more revelent in larger fights and cost efficient in larger fights.

    and what do you know, max revives are gone, and ever since i have not seen once the cheese that NC players used to use ghost capping side bases this way anymore.

    as i said before and point already proven as the devs are taking away the res nades,

    T h e r e I s N o Re w a r d F o r K i l l i n g T h e E n e m y W h e n T h e y J u s t G e t I n s t a n t l y R e v i v e d

    less people alive = more fps = better cpu / gpu temps = better server performance = more spread out fights.

    medic spam and res nades can kick rocks, they are un doing wrels nightmare and so far theyre doing a good job at it.
  8. TRspy007

    You're jumping all over the place dude. You're saying it has nothing to do with skill or coordination, then proceed to complain about how it's impossible to get a squad of coordinated players unless you're on VS. It's not 2012 man, everyone plays on all factions, especially those small coordinated outfits.

    If you know who I am then you should be familiar with the fact I'm a below average player that runs solo, my fit is a solofit and I rarely tag along in squads, much less coordinated ones. Yet I have no issue dealing with this sort of stuff, in fact I usually prefer those fights. Sure it sucks sometimes that you have 0 support from your teammates, but it's a great way to test your limits. Sometimes I am able to clear the whole room by myself, sometimes not. But to act like a medic reviving someone or throwing a rez nade is doing anything more than feeding you free kills is a bit odd. Seriously rez nades are the best, I've auraxed so many knives in big part thanks to those. And when I can't breach them, well it makes sense. Obviously you're at a disadvantage against a coordinated squad if you're going against them solo or with uncoordinated randoms. Has nothing to do with the weapons or mechanics as you've stated in this reply.

    Seriously dude, you're gonna bring up faction traits into this? Has nothing to do with medics, and besides very few vs weps has 0 bullet drop, and in the cqc point hold scenarios you're commenting about, it has no impact on the engagement. Same for the comment about aurax weapons, dude half of them are worse versions of the default with a reskin. Sure they improved them a bit now by letting you pick attachments, but again it's a pretty comical statement to make unless it's your first hour playing, and again has nothing to do with the issue of medics you tried to raise. And I'm the one ranting :rolleyes:

    All these specific scenarios it really sounds like a personal issue.

    Your issue is with the fact they are coordinated and likely above average in terms of skill. If they were playing any other class you would complain the same. If they removed revives and we spamming fully supplied HAs from the 0s cooldown beacons you'd be just as enraged. Sure the fact they can be revived amplifies the effect of effective teamwork. But it works both ways. Why do only their medics seem to be effective?

    Try to spam revives and rez nades, see how fast you die and run out of nanites. Nade bando isn't even common because of how squishy it makes the medic, plus just drains nanites. 300 per pull assuming they're spammed like you said that's almost the cost of a MAX. And seriously you're complaining about reviving people at half health? Literally a free cert piñata as I said grab a knife and slice. If the devs actually plan to remove it whatever, it's not my cup of tea but I've never had a problem with them.

    The xp? And they don't get revived instantly. First the medic needs to make sure the threats are eliminated, otherwise whatever that killed that player is likely gonna kill the medic tryna revive him or simply constantly farm the player getting revived. Then the medic is vulnerable while giving the revive, which takes long enough to kill him, not the mention the swap time needed to switch to his back to weps. Sure they can use a rez nade for 75nanites, 4x maximum before they need to revive the guy at half health. Again unless the medic has dealt with the threat, the guy that got rezzed gets instakilled. I still fail to grasp the issue.

    As I said you're all over the place and just seem to be grasping at straws. By that logic it should be a good thing that nobody plays the game since it's better for your performance? Weird argument. Besides it doesn't change the number of people alive, since they just respawn unless you kill their spawn. But idk I play this game to shoot, not sit in empty bases enjoying my slightly better bump in performance.

    I could've agreed if you said medics with certain implants could use a nerf, or some slight tweaks to make like add a movement penalty or increase the time it takes to rez someone. But this just seems like an incoherent personal rant, rather than an actual issue. Even if they removed revives and forced everyone to use the 13s redeploy timer, you'd be complaining even more. Cuz without coordination you would get farmed just the same, only when they kill you you'd have to stare at a screen for 10s before pushing again instead of hoping maybe a medic would revive you.