Self-Propelled Artillery.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ZORN777, Mar 15, 2024.

  1. ZORN777

    I propose to introduce a new type of equipment into the game, a self-propelled artillery installation that will work like the NS Scorpion infantry missile launcher only with a much longer range and the ability to choose ammunition. Types of ammunition (or guns). 1.) High-explosive fragmentation projectile, causes fixed damage to equipment and infantry, has a splash, is effective against base buildings (unable to penetrate base shields. 2.) A cluster munition similar to the NS Scorpion ammunition, only more powerful and carries a larger number of submunitions (cassettes) An air-detonated cluster projectile that scatters explosive parts to the ground has high damage to infantry, each individual projectile has an average splash, does not cause damage to equipment and buildings (moderate damage to lightly armored Pursuer type targets). 3.) Cumulative ammunition (it is recommended to use it with an active ammunition correction module using laser. guidance, see the Modules column).
    This munition causes huge damage to equipment, average damage to buildings, very little damage to infantry (it is almost impossible to hit infantry in motion). Modules. 1.) An active module, a correctable munition, an allied soldier accepts a laser guidance device and aims projectiles at the target. Passive module, counter-battery radar, Counter-battery radar detects enemy artillery shots, approximate location on the minimap from where the fire is being fired (a certain radius where the enemy's artillery installation is located) (I will add modules). The shooter's armament is predominantly machine-gun, standard turrets of equipment. The strength and armor of a self-propelled artillery mount is less than that of a lightning bolt. To shoot, you need to switch to siege mode. In my opinion, everything is in the normal balance, since alone and in an open area, a self-propelled artillery installation will die from enemy tank and aviation fire, but with the support of allied armored vehicles and support against aviation, this machine can cause many problems to the enemy. It is advisable to use it with the support of scouts to know where to fire
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  2. ZORN777

    Modules. 1.) The active module. the ammunition correction module. An allied soldier takes a laser designator and aims projectiles at enemy equipment or buildings. 2.) Passive module, Counter-battery warfare module, this module detects enemy artillery shots and shows on the minimap the approximate location of enemy artillery (a certain radius)
  3. ZORN777

    The shooter's armament is mainly machine-gun, standard turrets. In order to bring a self-propelled artillery installation to combat, the driver - operator must switch to siege mode.
  4. ZORN777

    The reservation and HP count are less than lightning. In an open area and without Allied cover, an artillery installation will be quickly destroyed by enemy tank or aircraft fire. But if it is covered by allied forces and air defense systems, then such an installation can bring many problems to the enemy.
  5. Effect

    We don't need more low-effort AOE cheese, we need less.
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  6. ZORN777

    I didn't understand you
  7. AuricStarSand

    Everybody wants Howitzers. That ye don't perform like normal tank sniping shells. performs more like the Scorpion with the ranges and height settings.

    & Ye would enjoy seeing Shield Regen Ammo. So I may hit A and instantly regens allies shields & give them 20% more bonus shield too. So Shield buff & instant shield regen ammo for artillery shells, rained on A point, to support allies. & ye that smoke effect and gravity of firing the weapon has to sfx.

    That's why I've suggested a medium build menu for siege items & field items. That you don't need cortium to place; is for infantry. Siege Items: Trebuchet. Battering ram; moving shield walls on wheels for vehicles to have moving cover, ballista, 2 people to load huge alien arrows; siege tower even for watersons walls. A row of linked engi walls that only greenlights outside. Sandbag walls. Front line sentry fox dug outs. Snipers nests.


    Then again for planes; they still don't have B-17 bombs to drop, only missiles.

    Also mounted Flak artillery. That's slow to shoot & has a ton of gravity to it, meaning your're not meant to hit the planes directly just hit the flak smoke near the planes wings 10 meters.
    See show: " Masters of The Air "
  8. karlooo

    Oh, now that is genius! The devs should read this one....
    Use NS Scorpion mechanics to design a Construction artillery piece.

    I just didn't understand a few parts. For example, there was mention of equipping a module terminal to pull the dart gun, and IMO that should get fully removed from the game. Dart mechanic was overall an illogical, unbalanced and toxic design. User should stay at the base, not leave it, and teamwork should be required to use the weapon effectively. The targeting.

    Also in terms of construction, it to me feels butchered and would require an additional rework. Rework of shapes and size of structures. IMO they should use shapes which are simple, and structures should be lower to the ground from my experience of building frontline bases, which I don't want to get into. Devs did opposite, they pulled the height towards the sky for unknown reasons lol. And many more backwards changes were made by the team.
    Simply said, the AV Turret should have been the inspiration to the devs and not the Tower turret version.
    Also, creativity of designs should have been inspiration to the devs, and not spam, to form a million HP damage soaker.

    The counter-battery radar module is also a genius idea. May as well be a structure itself with more functionality. I believe it should just display on the map the artillery piece that is shooting. This will form interaction on the outskirts of the lattice base. You know, it will attract the attention of tanks, they will try stop it and it'd overall spread out the battle, but realistically construction needs more guns.... It needs more turrets. (Ground turrets would have simplified balance)

    And this part I didn't understand.
  9. ZORN777

    I thought about the idea of self-propelled artillery for a long time and finally came up with it when I saw the principle of operation of the catapult on the Corsair Boat.
    I am currently working on Balancing this type of equipment. AND HOW TO BRING THIS TO THE DEVELOPERS. In addition, the language barrier hinders me, in some ways I may not be very clear. Apologize
  10. karlooo

    I wish I knew. Maybe just drag out the conversation. Or update it.
  11. VV4LL3

    Play an NSO Max with a detonator attached and tell us how terrible the gameplay experience is in the current state.
  12. ZORN777

    MAX NSO is one of the most effective max units in this game, in addition to the advantage in armament, it has two additional abilities
  13. VV4LL3

    There are by far too many posts that contradict your assertion, but it is your own.