What does A2G really look like?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by littleshan1, Feb 27, 2024.

  1. littleshan1

    This is a video of me playing A2G, only killing 8 infantry in video, although there is an advantage that the enemy does not have A2A and this base is built high so I can hide below, this is the best condition for A2G

    and notice in the entire 8 minutes I only killed 8 infantry, 1 Harrased, 1 Sundere

    A2G is not the problem

    I can play LA and get 10x more kills than A2G in 8 minutes

    I'm top 11 on all servers

    need back the free ESF , A2G OP is lie , this is the weakest race in the game, A2G anti tank is not even effective to be a race


  2. AuricStarSand

    kool. your 4th post about this. o_O

    You " only killed 8 guys " dude, you're at 1-12 regions. First of all 1-12 regions as a esf is frowned upon, don't fly near low pop regions less you're a troll. That goes for everyone.

    Pretty much no different than these Libs who kill turretless Ant's. Use your class for something else.

    None of those guys even have AA equipped. So your just free to kill them dishonorably. Then you say, " oh look FIrearms is so high, yet they still don't AA. " just proves how dumb A2G is, even for bases with height, people still don't AA.

    Also WE ALL KNEW you were a ESF FLYER. Keep posting about this & I'd advocate for them to take the half cortium off entirely and just make the whole terminal cost nanites only. Then we'll really see some boo hoo my op esf who cheeses 1-12 regions doesn't get 20 free pulls of esf's; threads.

    Fly at 48+ regions or don't fly at all; that goes for all pilots. Not even 24vs24's are gonna have enough fair air detterant. So 48+ regions only. Else find a new play style that doesn't troll non AA regions.

    Dude didn't die the whole video and his only complaint was he flew to underpopped regions and didn't find enough people to A2G >.>

    If you want more vehicles to shoot and more vets to face, try not playing VS then.
    • Up x 1
  3. karlooo

    A2G ESF is a race. Do not be racist towards the ESF!

    Like I understand one thing about ESF A2G.
    You know the doodle drawing meme, which showed a Liberator choosing targets. On one side there is an armor column and on the other side there is one lone infantryman, and they drop the bomb on them?
    That is kind of true. Where the objective is, they cannot take part because they will just die.
    They want to make an impact on the battlefield but are forced off to the side, if they don't want to die in a continues loop.

    And I think this is so easy to fix.... I once made a complaint about this issue on the forums. It was about how I was in an ANT, and over all the targets, Sunderer, Prowler, the ESF decided to target me who was off to the side. And I was so mad, not because they decided to target me, but primarily because it took an entire minute. And what can they do in the objective with this type of anti-tank weaponry? They can just attack a lone target.
    I really had the urge to drive over to my base, switch loadouts to turbo if I could, and jump off the cliff to finish me off finally.
    If the ESF simply dropped a bomb on me and I died instantly, I wouldn't complain. I would question why, but I wouldn't complain.

    The issue with ESF is that it has too much ammunition and the damage is distributed that way.

    It would be better if there was A2G weapon whose damage was more compact, with the expense of requiring longer resupplies after each use.
    The only weapon that could be balanced this way with limited abuse (As opposed to linear moving projectiles), would be a literal bomb, which requires the aircraft to be in a certain motion, angle, speed to be able to use. Once dropped will rapidly deaccelerate with a projectile motion and explode after a short fuse hitting the ground.
    Damage type will be similar to NC JGX12, AOE damage to all targets including armor. And could one short an armored target with direct hit lets say. And resupply, I would say as an example, to be able to use the weapon once, you'd need to have 500 ticks of ammunition reloaded and you would have another 500 ticks of ammunition in reserve for second bomb if the game even works that way. And that would increase the rearming time at the tower.

    So, that's how I would change the aircraft, nose guns revolving around AA only and a selection of bombs, which would require longer rearm. No rockets.
    If you are asking why, well to be able to make an impact on the object while being able to fly away for rearmament. A quick strike. A very specialized unit.
    But how would you do that when we have so much trash weapons in the list. How would you rework all of them, remove them?
  4. AuricStarSand

    karloo try to shorten your feature ideas.

    I kinda write long drawn out posts. Tho I try to underline the main quest.

    It's good you have some out of the box alternative suggestions. However keep in mind of the devs funds.
    The devs adding new tactical items, a medium sized map for tree fights, extra implant slot, extra tactical slot, and so on. Are short edits. Similar to how they edited the max to not get ressed all the time. Are editing the sunderer now.

    - Reworking the entire infil class.
    - Having them have flying fortress bomb drops, players have asked for years. Theirs a new show " Masters of the Air ".
    - & I'm sure other of your suggestions; would all require them to stretch funds too far & also experiment. & Oshur was the last expirement. Now they have only time to work on what the players have voted for and they know what works and what won't work.

    So these threads of " what if submarines " are so 2021. 2022. Not that you asked for submarines.

    If I was going for drawn out feature suggestions, I'd ask for Class Crash UI Pages for all knifers, all mana turrets, all smoke attachment pub squads to happen more often. & other class crashes other than just max and medic only. Then attack helicopter tanky hovering valkyries for infantry to shoot from valks, without having to dodge esfs.

    I'm simply waiting for simple asks; giving Hermes ability to NC and TR. New tactical items, More the merrier infantry slots, tree battles. Since Wrel left theirs been some implant adds, ctf fix, and now sunderer slot edits soon.

    As for OP. It's not to take away from his ESF skills. Yet making 4 threads about the vehi term. Just because has has to wait an extra few mins after 8 pulls. Is wack. Sometimes its tough enough to kill the bounty mosi enemy just one time, non the less 8 to 20+ times.

    I've seen 2 vet mosi pilots just crash their planes non stop at enemy infantry and use the esfs and just a means to get their HA to the field. So no ESFs don't need to be free anymore.
  5. Ps2pIayer

    air to ground is a problem for everyone. and its hilarious the other day while on esamir i saw the most vocal players talking about infil nerfs on reddit using a base to still chain pull ESFS and the continent wasnt open either. i even filmed the dork owner who was filling the base do the cortium exploit too.

    what a coincidence that the most vocal infil haters on reddit are chain pulling ESFS at construction bases, its almost like infil is a counter to their gameply because they go inside their base and hack their terminals and disrupt their gameplay . . .
  6. Effect

    Skill issue
  7. 0storm1

    Personally, I am shaking my head at this impression.
    Of course what you are trying to say is that A2G is not that strong.
    But let me tell you from an infantry-centric point of view, A2G is strong.
    Without a doubt, when A2G comes to a place where you are fighting only with infantry, the battlefield changes for the better or for the worse.
    And even if you literally receive them, you are unlikely to get 10x kills with light assault.
    A2G is just too specialized in infantry as a Nanite to be able to force it because there are not many ways to counter other Nanites.

    I think the reason why few people show up on the leaderboards is because of the controls, or because they are too strong, or because they understand that using them, although they are strong, will cause other Nanites and the situation to deteriorate.

    Also, how is it that the A2G you describe as being the weakest is actually weak?
    I cannot understand without you specifying the weakness in detail.

    Personally, A2G is too strong against infantry at the moment.
    That is why the opponent takes measures to be aware of the weakness at all costs.
    It seems to me that you are saying it is weak as a result of being destroyed as a result.

    What you need now is not a question of ability values, but of the timing of the aircraft launch.
    Would you leave an opponent who is rampaging endlessly without thinking about when to pull back and when to attack?
    Since it is an adversarial game, both the adversary and the opponent grow at different rates.
    But growth does happen.
    It is a PvP game, so a crushing victory this time is not necessarily a crushing victory the next time.
  8. VV4LL3

    I dream and wish the Dervish, a quad copter, could fly and perform anywhere remotely close to this.
    But alas... it does not and cannot.