[Suggestion] Toss all the noob medics hp buffs & dps nerfs. 2nd tanky class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Feb 14, 2024.

  1. AuricStarSand

    HA is the tanky class. Why not 2 tanky classes? How about medic?

    Suggestion: Medic gets double the hp it has now & does 1/3rd less dmg to trade. One buff to hp. One nerf to dps.

    So all the noob medics don't have to be assault rifle headshot pros, which they never amount to anyways, at least not yet. Just saying.
    Only ever 2 vet medics are HS pros per 4 months. So why is medic made for only 2 OW medic vets? When the other 400 medics are new ish players?

    Medics aren't able to breach doors. Medics die too fast. They die too fast to even give them a chance to learn how to hs to begin with. So as of now, medic is a paper class. The glass cannon and what new player class should glass cannon? wouldn't suggest.

    No mini map tool, no shield, no jetpack, no defense.
    You rely on lighting fast assault rifle HS's to defend yourself,
    what new player has those skills? Most won't.

    So the medics die. If medics were given x2 the hp. They would survive. & get to learn how to play planetside 2.
    So this is a class edit and also a new player experience fix.

    Then Medics need a tool to breach doors. Perhaps their shield tool shields a small area to soak some damage?

    Essentially Medic would be the Health Points tank. That excels with Carapace.
    & HA would be a class made for Bionics. Shield Bar tank.

    Lastly, unrelated; teach new players how to buy try ambusher jets for LA with quests.
    Not enough people Ambusher jet. Should be a lvl 1 skill seen by many.
    However just some vets have ambusher jets.

    The medic rework. Also gives people " more hp to heal " so gives the medic tool more use for medics to heal other medics. Since medics have x2 the hp of others.

    Also what's the best way to learn ps2? On a paper hp class with zero defense? Or on a class that dies x2 slower than the rest of the classes without having to press a shield button as the HA has to? & the only thing you have to worry about is doing enough dps, since the dps got nerfed to trade for hp.
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  2. nahbro

    nah bro

    watch youtube videos, command cyrious guides. its a bit of a steep learning curve but just start and youll see improvements in your gameplay.
  3. AuricStarSand

    thanks ?

    This is so medics don't get stuck at doors not able to enter.
    Medics and Engis are the easiest to shoot at.
    However Engis at least have engi walls.
    " just get good " isn't the best suggestion.

    - this gives medics a defensive trait: hp

    - this makes the weakest faction who has many new player medics.
    stronger to rival the other factions. the other factions who have more vehicle and ninja vets.

    - least medics are beefy enough to distract the enemy,
    so the few vets that empire has, may sweep the floor.

    - improves new player experience. the new player class isn't paper.

    - improves new player experience. gives new players more time to aim

    - improves new player experience. helps medics survive door runs

    - gives medic tool more hp to heal. hp tool is more important.
    since medics would have x2 hp of other classes. traded for 1/3rd less dps

    - gives HA more to shoot at. more bullets to kill medics as HA

    - LA won't kill medics as easily from jumping over them

    - snipers won't kill medics as easily

    Literally like 1,000 new player medics benefit from this & only 2 OW HS hunting vet medics per server would mind.

    & even those OW vet few guys might not mind. seeing as they keep their accuracy still for assault rifles they just do 1/3rd less dmg, so they may still head hunt & get the trade off of x2 hp survivability.

    I'm not even a fan of dying to extreme headhunting 120 fps OW medics. You die as fast as someone who has the op unlocked auraxis scout rifles. 0.1 second death time, game needs less of that.

    Fast kills for what? So new players dying 24/7 paper style, may hug the wall near a door frame? Stalemate. Rather the new player class not die so fast they have time to understand what even killed them. Oh Light Assault shot them from a elevated hill. ok.
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  4. WarmasterRaptor

    I'm afraid you've never witnessed a Medic ball of death charging a point, it's quite effective.

    The Spam of rez nades, the AoE heals, synergising medic implantS, and their AR is not to be discarded so easily.
  5. AuricStarSand

    The charge is usually not effective unless the enemy is totally not around to defend. Else you overpopped the enemy. If the enemy isn't dug in, so to speak.

    As for situations where ress nade stands out, 98% of medic gameplay doesn't have ress nades, it's just regular fields.
    The 2% of the time; box building brawls where ress nades are used the most often, is niche. & when that happens both teams seem to know to switch to ress nades.

    Ultimately ress nade won't get your team past the door. Nor defend yourself for 1vs1's. Nor be useful for when only 2 teammates die at a time.

    The AR is good, yet only really elite with pro medic mains. 1% of the pop are medic mains maybe a lot less. & 65% who play medics are new players.

    So would you rather have those new players die fast? and just tell them to get good with the AR as good as a outfit war vet? Or just buff their hp and nerf their dps to help them survive.

    I mean what class really is hating on infils? Is it HA who just want to be able to kill everything? However HA at least able to shield some of the surprise attack often. So? Engi has walls and spitfire for safety. Not LA who often jump too fast for even snipers to shoot them. Then Medic is the most defenseless verses Infils.
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  6. Somentine

    Bro... I don't even know where to start to explain how wrong all this is, so I'm just hoping someone else has the patience to go through your points and explain why.

    Please, instead of putting time into posts like these, set an improvement goal and work towards it in-game. Your time would be far, far better spent that way, and as you get better you'll start to understand why your posts like these are just so far off from the reality of the game.

    And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the tiny trickle of new players coming into this game is not, and has continually been proven to be, a bad focus for dev time... especially with the current population.
  7. AuricStarSand

    Well I made points explaining why it is all right. 11+ points.

    So until someone mentions anything other than ress nades,
    as to why not, I'll stand for the feature suggestion.

    1/3rd of the medics don't even have ress nades unlocked first of all. Then as I said they don't help door pushes. You just ress the guys standing by the door frame waiting to enter, & they all die again a 2nd time. Ress nades won't get you past a single bullet screen door ever. You've never stood outside a TI door just ressing people & making no progress to enter the door till the base is lost? I have 100+ times for TI seen that. & that's just TI.

    A regen shield tool? Average. C4 is ok tho most medics don't have unlocked. So what then? A AR they need 100 fps to use right and 1,000 hours of practice 80% of the medics don't ever have. I don't have that fps either, half that.

    BR 30 medics are cannon fodder I want them to all survive longer now, not wait 1,000 hours for them to get good with the AR and learn to not die so soon. Lone medic runs across a road, he dies, he's lost, he's too vulnerable, his hp is paper.

    Were talking people so new to the game, they equip medic, even when surrounded by tons of enemy vehicles. You know how many times theirs 20 noob medics running around during a known tank field fight. Out of 48 allies nearby.

    TBH I'd give medics a free AV pistol that dmgs vehicles. Just so they aren't useless against enemy vehicles. & no many of them won't switch to LA or HA. & they won't survive trying to c4.

    I tell them " no medics " they still remain medic & ye they are ineffective at fighting off tanks. Even if they all have c4. Just no.
    Theirs still way more new player medics than medic vet mains, by far. Outnumbered 200 to 1.

    The medic revive tool is near range. That means medic is somewhat suppose to be a near range fighter. AR's are mid range. So what exactly is near range about the medic? nothing helps the front line medic be a front liner, maybe the shield tool, that's average.

    As I said I don't want 20 noob medics on my team HS hunting behind a box at mid range. I want them with more hp on the front line distracting the enemy, so I may knife or LA flank the enemy. Distracting the enemy with their buffed " HP " not their " new player skills ". Esp since enemy factions have more vets.
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    So to help the noob medics you will give a HUGE buff to all the veteran medics out there ? Bad idea.
    Zombie medic squads who revive each other when one dies are already a problem. They need no help.
  9. AuricStarSand

    I think people are missing the point about what RESS NADES are about.

    They AREN'T class tools, for class mains. Ress nades aren't a privatized meta. For unique mains.

    Ress nades are Literally what EVERYONE whips out when the timer is 1 min left on a building fight, then they switch back to whatever class they were playing before. I don't want to hear one single thing about how ress nades make the class, when they are just a general item every faction uses when the situation happens. Shouldn't even be viewed as class specific.

    So no matter what class people main, everyone uses these nades given the timer situation to A point holds. The ress nade may as well be given to every single class out there, it's so vaguely generally used like that.

    Also people keep acting as if the ress nade gets your team past a locked down door with bullets, IT DOES NOT. It only helps mainly for rooms you've already taken. So it has more to do with defense, then assault.

    When you ress a group of medics near a door waiting to enter, all 6 of them die a 2nd time to grenades or LA c4 from the roof. Theirs even plenty of times where you ress 8 allies around A point and they all die, ress nades aren't as good as people assume. They're good for defense half the time, tho not this magic I win button. & they suck for running to doors. If you ress a ton of people who are tied at the door frame, guess what, they die a 2nd time & a 3rd time, & a 4th time. To 10 enemies on the stairs shooting down.

    What then? just tell your medics to " get good with AR rifles ". As the guy stated above ," nah bro ".
    Even if they WERE all OW pro with AR rifles, they would STILL not be able to enter a door that's locked down with enemy LMG bullets.

    Not even Engi walls play a effect to enter doors. Max's just get launchered to death.

    No it's not a huge buff to medic vets, they get 1/3rd of their total dmg nerfed. Not just AR dmg nerfed, just general medic dmg with every gun is 1/3rd nerf. Traded for x2 more hp. The HP class with accuracy and less dmg > The paper class with dmg and zero defense.

    The short version is: Why is the new player class a glass cannon? Why wait for new players to get good with the AR? Why not just buff their hp.

    Also what is their to heal as far as " green life " goes. Theirs nothing, its almost meaningless to use your med tool to heal someones hp. No class has bonus hp to heal, they all have minimal green bars. Medic just got a new green bar heal aoe ability, to heal some allies hp, which hardly ever needs to happen. Shield bar regen pod is better. So why heal hp at all, if you're not some sweaty HA main. Waste of time to tool heal someone for a tiny sliver of hp. Why not more hp for one class to use the tool with? Ok.

    Also the noob faction who uses a ton of noob medics, does not, have equal strength to TR who may have more vehicle vets & VS also may have more vehicle vets. For sure vs has more ninja vets.

    So it's one empire of medic noobs verses vehicle vets verses ninja vets.
    & these replies want to what? Make sure my medics are paper?

    Just so maybe they will do good hs dmg verse vet enemies?!
    YE FREAKING RIGHT. They won't. New players are not out there out HS'ing vets.
    & the new players play medics.
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  10. AuricStarSand

    However you may help new players have more hp so when they get blindsided, from LA on roofs, HA vet enemies, A2G, and Snipers, they survive often?

    I don't even enjoy dying to a Medic main Assault rifle 0.1 seconds kill time, as fast as a sniper. Even HA kill too fast with that 0.1 second lmg stuff. So maybe HA should get a tankyness revisit too, for HA to do less dmg and have more shield ability buffs. So ye HA less dps, more shield ability. Else buff HA shield regen timer rate & nerf their hs dps too.

    I mean is HA even a tank class if their killing as fast as snipers?!
    The solo enemy vet HA is able to 0.1 second kill time hs 10 new player medics, yet the HA vet isn't tanky enough to enter most doors safely. Kek. Some tank? More like a sniper with a shield ability, not even built to be a tank, just a tank imposter who does way too much hs dmg too fast.

    So Medic got tankier with HP.
    HA gets tankier with shield regen stats.
    Both get their 0.1 second hs kill times nerfed.

    TBH ALL 0.1 second kill times should be ridden from the game. That includes all these hypocrit HA qq'ing about infil 1 shots, while all the HA are running around 1 shotting my 2hit knife infil, with HA commisioners. So the irony of HA talking about how OP fast sniper kill times are, when all the HA equip the most op LMGs and Pistols to get a 0.1 second ha kill time.

    Forget Allllllll the 0.1 second kill times for weapons. Does the future not have stronger helmets?? Maybe Ankle shots slow people down? Arm leg shots make people reload slower? I don't know lol. Just why reward headshot hunters only. HS's favor fps, while body shots having different strategy effect favors everyone fairy.

    Halo Infinite tried to fix this with by not allowing HS dmg till the shield bar was gone. Yet then Halo Infinite had all these stupid weapons that kill vehicles with 1 hit. The only one hit that should be allowed is a tank shooting a esf with 1 hit. Tank hitting flash with 1 hit is ok too.

    Not even Aurax Scout rifles should exist as 0.1 second kill guns, theirs a few scout rifles that fire too fast. They should just give those scout rifles unique attachments & not have them be lightning needle laser shooters. Not even a Javelin dying from a tank with 1 hit is enjoyable. Just make the Javelin a 220 nanite bike that survives 1 hit from tanks.
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  11. VV4LL3

    Mentor squads have pointed out that new players often find the combat pace excessively swift. Typically, newcomers survive only a few seconds upon first engagement before facing a wait of one to two minutes to rejoin the action. This rapid cycle of being quickly eliminated does not offer an inviting experience for new players, essentially reducing them to easy targets. It's worth pondering this perspective before the inevitable "Learn to Play" and "Get Good" remarks start to surface, which are likely to be dismissed or reported.
  12. Somentine

    It really isn't worth pondering in terms of balance because, for the most part, it isn't a difference in some mechanical advantage, it is a difference in knowledge and ability.

    There are a few mechanical advantages that vets have that allow them to do things new players can't, but those advantages aren't the vast, vast, vast majority of reasons a new player gets absolutely blasted in seconds.

    Never mind most 'mentor' squads being run by absolute trash players themselves.

    And all of this is ignoring how detrimental a lot of the 'NPE' updates have been to the balance of the game, and how much they've tried to capture new players at the expense of older players, only for the new players to leave anyway (when even Wrel admits this, you know it's bad). At some point you have to face the fact that a new player in this game is going to be **** on until they get better.

    As for OP's suggestion, it wouldn't even help new players, it would just be a straight buff to certed out medics and better players.
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  13. AuricStarSand

    Trading 1/3rd dps nerf for x2 hp, is not a " straight buff ". That's technically not even a buff. +1 - 1 = 0.

    How does more hp for new players " not even help them ". It helps them. For literally everything. From better defense verse snipers to grenades. To not dying so fast they don't know what hit them.

    It would prob help them more than some tutorial or reddit suggestion blaming zergs. " get good " isn't a solution.

    Making medics do 1/3rd less dmg, for x2 more hp, doesn't make certed out medics better. If anything OW vet medics are less annoying to deal with, since they aren't able to HS you SO fast you don't even know if they're hacking or not. AR's have sniper lvl kill times & I'm not a fan of the 0.1 second kill time as stated.

    New player play medic: They need x2 HP or hs dps more? they need HP more.

    New player light assault: They need to learn how to Ambusher Jet from missions and other ways.
  14. AuricStarSand

    1) New players DO need more HP, traded for less dmg.

    2) HA is not a tank class, it's a dps class, PS2 needs a tanky infantry class that's not the max.
    I'd make HA and Medic the tank classes that both have dps nerfs.
    So LMG's don't kill people in 0.1 seconds either at near range,
    & the HA has enough shield to walk past doors without dying.

    3) Most of the HS hunters are LA. Then snipers. Then Engi's.
    If were not counting HA. Why does the game need even more HS hunter oriented classes?

    Seriously this game needs a infantry class with x3 less dps, who is able to walk past a door, that has enemies raining down bullets from the stairs. Then walk past the door of bullets, and make it up the stairs. While his teamates follow. He shields the stairs. Not even a NC shield max is able to make it to the stairs, they die on entry, not counting max crashes. Tho just lone max, you die, less you're nso max.

    So theirs no infantry class to walk past bullet doors. So their IS NO TANK CLASS. Just some twitch based ha 1vs1 class to hunt hs's for 100+ fps users, which half the games users or more don't have that fps. I'd say HA isn't a " tank " class it's just a mow down class. Machine gun class. So a HA is only a " tank " for 1vs1's. Max's solo aren't tanks, seeing as they get hunted by rocket launchers too easily.

    So who's the real tank infantry? To shield bullets from 4 enemies while you enter a door? nobody that's who, nothing. Why even make so many bases for door fights? narrow lil doors that nobody is tanky enough to enter ever. No items to get you past hallway shootouts. nothing to advance. no hp, no shield, just headshot hunters only. *rolls eyes*

    Ok. Lets just tell these noob medics to " aim for headshots " when a Helois fireball is being shot down nasons tunnel. Lashers? Chainguns? Roof Vet LA. Snipers? Grenades? A2G? How does a noob medic getting good with their AR help defend them verses these? DPS Won't help, only HP is the solution.

    Also if medics are dying fast and I need them to distract the vet stacked enemy faction, how does them dying fast help me flank? Won't. How will a fleet of medics fight off a fleet of enemy tanks? Won't. Fleet of medics fighting off Air vets? Won't. Fleet of medics fighting off vet snipers? Every single time I'll be saying, " wow wish these noob teamates at least had x2 more hp ". Seeing as half my army won't make it further than 10 steps forward. Will fleet of noob medics even redeploy?? probably not. So they lose to ninja vets too. " hopefully they can out hs, hs pros " nope.

    I'm not saying they should make medic to a super tank. Tho ye still x2 more hp for medic. Then figure out if they want to turn HA into a real door shield tank and not just some machine gun hs hunter for 1vs1's.

    Less they want to make a new infantry class that's not a max, is a soldier, has a lot of defense, does get your team past doors, has a 2 handed battle hammer for aoe melee swings, has riot shields, has unique knifing specs. Has guns that do the weakest dmg out of all classes, yet has more dmg mitigation than all infantry.

    TBH I'd vote for all 3 features. So then PS2 has 3 tanky & 3 paper hs classes:

    - HA Blue Shield Buff / dps nerf
    - Medic HP Bar Buff / dps nerf
    - New 2 handed melee, or knife spec, riot shield class for door entries / low dps

    - So HA being more tanky with less dps, traded for better shield bar energy
    HA to have less near range 0.1 second kill times. As of now LMG's kill as fast as 1 tap shotguns? no thanks.

    - Medic with x2 more hp and 1/3rd less weapon dps.

    - Last a new tanky infantry class that has 2 hand melee weapons, knife specs, shields, and maybe uses pistols.
  15. Somentine

    You're right in that 'straight buff' was a poor choice of words, but it is a buff. You double a medic's TTK while only nerfing their DPS by 1/3. Ignoring certain weapons & mechanics, you basically suggest giving them a 27% buff. The reality of that is that you basically wouldn't ever beat a good Medic without cheese or numbers, and that is ignoring all the utility they bring.

    Because, just as Heavy doesn't stop a new player from being absolutely bodied, neither would 2k HP. Further, people would stop playing heavy and just use Medic instead, so now new players have to get through 2k HP while doing 1/3 less damage.

    Yes, it helps them not die to certain OHK or cheese, but that's only in a vacuum.

    So, even pretending that Medics only use ARs, and that other weapon types don't exist or that they would also lose 1/3 the dmg, the TTK doesn't increase evenly for all weapons. Some require 2 extra bullets, some require 1, for headshots. For bodyshots it is similar, some would require way more than others, very similar to how NWA broke BTK consistencies. Regardless, assuming roughly equal skill, a 2k HP with 1/3 dmg would demolish a 1k no dmg nerf Medic.

    As for the certed out part, it absolutely does make them better. More ability healing, faster reviving, faster shield recovery if no-carapace, more EHP when proccing combat surgeon, more shield to quickly recovery with assimilate, more weapon flexibility (especially with ASP), 4x med sticks, carapace would make a Medic a raid boss, and so on and so forth.

    How well does that work out for them when they play heavy (even though it is ~1.5x not 2x HP)? They still get absolutely obliterated, and that's without also nerfing their damage by 1/3rd.
  16. AuricStarSand

    1) Well to your first observation. The 1/3rd dmg nerf is just the test phase. If they want to go from 33% dps nerf to 40%, else whatever the fairness is for making a green bar tank class the medic. Then that lowers the gap of the 27% buff, you mention.

    2) HA requires a shield button to activate. HA isn't really a tank outside of 1vs1's. I've suggested to buff both defensively. Both have different guns still. Medic is based on hp implants. While HA is based on shield bar implants. If more people become medic mains then so be it. Theirs way more HA mains then medic mains.

    Yes any hp helps them survive anything, even non cheese. Yes they'll still die, tho dying at 0.8+ seconds, rather than 0.1 seconds, usually makes for a better game.

    3) Yes they get to play with HP implants. Since the medic is the hp class. Will it make them op? Not if they got their dps nerfed enough to equalize.

    Yes the game has 1 hits and 2 hits. Tho why should the game bend a knee to 1 hits and 2 hits, when most people even if they don't admit, dislike 1 hits. Take 1 hits out of the game and the infil rants would be gone years ago.

    I personally believe scout rifles should be a 3 hs gun & snipers a 2 hs gun. So if some classes allow for that, then okay. That's how it is with 2 tanky classes suggestively. You still get to 1 hit LA, 1 hit other Infils, and 1hit Engis with snipers. Just not medics at all, nor HA if they shield. Less they rebuff HA shield bar, and nerf HA dmg, then 2 hits always for HA too.

    Do they really want medics to be 1 hitted anyways? Is that a demand by the people for more 1 hits to happen? Save the 1 hitter? They'll still get to 1 hit 4/5 classes is that not enough for snipers? 3/5 if HA uses his ability or gets a buff too. Still 3/5 is good. Isn't a sniper suppose to sit in the back and snipe the field anyways? So what if they get some more assists, instead of 1 hits. Even 2 hit scouts often are op. 0.2 second kill time still. Boo hoo for them.

    Essentially I don't give a hoot if snipers and scout rifles have to shoot a extra hs bullet to kill some classes sometimes. Just means; some sniper vet or HA vet isn't out there fps killing 10 noob medics.
    Yet I get why'd you'd mention 1 hit and 2 hits, for dps nerfs. For training room stats.

    The only area where extra hp for infantry may be op, is for AV.
    Yet medics only have c4 so that's not good enough to fight off tanks anyways, so that's fine.
    Even tho I believe medics should still get a new type AV pistol, for all the times noobs don't switch classes verse enemy vet tanks. Less you got an idea how to support 20 noob NC medics who won't get vehicles for 2 hours. Who are surrounded by enemy prowlers around Watersons.

    4) Yes. I've stated HA isn't a good tank, isn't a tank at all, is just a poser tank. More of a machine gunner 1vs1'er. Tho being a good HA 1vs1'er doesn't " tank " anything for your allies.

    HA is tanky for 1vs1's nothing else. & even then requires quick reflexes to start the ability. Well for new players that is. Either way HA isn't a tank class, they're just a dps class with a slight mitigation ability. HA don't enter bullet locked down doors, which PS2 has soooooooo many of.

    TBH HA is the last class I've played. Requires high fps to enjoy. Isn't new player friendly. Another reason to rework HA as a tank class. So it's not just some niche high fps guys go to class for the few people who have 2,000$ pc's.

    Tthe shield timing isn't new player friendly either, since the shield is so slight. Suppose that's part of the skill. Yet sure isn't a skill most people try to learn till 1,000 hours later. After they've played Medic, LA, & Infil more.

    So if HA don't really shield their team to walk forward past doors, then PS2 has no infantry tanky class. & this topic isn't just about making medics a 2nd tanky class. It's also about how PS2 needs door infantry with enough hp, shields, riot shields, tactical items, & utilities to get past doors. Withou having to max crash every time.

    & I said ress nades only ress rooms and get past doors with few bodyguards, they don't advance your team past doors of equal fights. 24vs24 doors. equal strength. door to stair hold. rain of bullets. for the situation ress nades are useless.

    Lastly. Besides Medic & HA. Theirs Engi for Infantry fighting;
    Engi is also underrated and not new player friendly enough either. It's not because the class has many items. TBH I'd rather have more slots and items. The class doesn't have a character theme or something. Engi is just missing something theme wise for infantry fighting. New players see Engi as mainly only a vehicle class till 1,000+ hours. Maybe one of the engi walls should be free. Some way to highlight engi as a infantry class too.

    TBH Ress nades since they're not seen as medic main items, tho as just general A room timer items to switch to. Suggest ress nades cost +50 nanites more. Then make the grenade universal for other classes. & give medics a new unique grenade, something that recharges hp and shield slowly. Heal nades. Run speed area nades. Buff effect area nades. Mini citadel shield grenade, since they all get stuck at doors and die at stairs.