Performance deterioration since NSO faction and beyond, IMPORTANT, pls read

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by karlooo, Feb 7, 2024.

  1. karlooo

    Ever since the addition of NSO I very well noticed my FPS dropping in fights by an absurd 30 FPS back then and complained about it instantly.
    I used to play on high graphics settings with my normal 1920x1080 resolution.

    And ever since I always had to make adjustments in my settings to maintain sufficient performance.

    I have gone to a point where the game right now maintains the FPS of what I had back then (stably above 60), now with Low graphics settings and 1152x864 resolution. And I am getting to a point where I also have to adjust Render Distances to near minimal values....

    This is not good. It's the same PC which runs normal as usual. (GTX 1050, Intel core i7).
    Imagine going from High settings, 1920x1080, in the span of a few years to --> Low settings, 1152x864, decreasing render distance by kilometers, to maintain the same FPS.

    Oshur is unoptimized. I cannot lower my graphics settings more than it is to maintain stable FPS, because I lose 60 FPS by looking in certain directions, not to mention the FPS decrease by just being there.
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  2. ganthercage

    I think this is a common issue for the GTX Gpus
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  3. FLHuk

    I've given up trying to keep the rock solid 144 fps I enjoyed up to Oct/Nov 23.

    Tried every trick learnt from playing the patch fps lottery since 2012.

    Currently running super potato mode 1080 just to maintain 144 fps as much as I can. Then trying my best to ignore the dips to 80 fps from looking the wrong way....

    Bearing in mind the news RE the IP I'm just glad the lights are still on!
  4. AlcyoneSerene

    Same experience as OP. Game dips to low 40 fps, with continuous input lag.

    I used to run PS2 on the old hardware on ultra, now I can't on potato mode, and the declines were steady and constant.

    Construction rework patch just before Wrel left ruined my frame rate, and latest patch with valentine's day event destroyed the little I had before, trading the continuous microstuttering and regular frame-freezing/hitching into input lag and even worse framerate.

    As if dealing with the waves of subtle cheaters, horrible network performance (which also degraded), influx of 200+ ping players with smoke signal type packet loss, butchering of sound effects and sound localization, wrel-era general destruction of the maps and gameplay wasn't enough, now it's on to destroy the last remaining fun to be had which used to be smooth frames with linear input in large battles.

    REALITY CHECK: it's a fast paced FPS ... mmorpgvehiclewhatever. If the bare bones of it, input and performance, is left to degrade, don't bother with anything else.

    I can only hope the community does a PS2forever, with an original pre-wrel era of the game.
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