[Suggestion] Sunderer revamp ideas?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WarmasterRaptor, Jan 31, 2024.

  1. WarmasterRaptor

    Hi there all,

    I just want to throw this brainstorm I had about our lovely Sunderer.
    As it was hinted at, there's a desire to bring back Sunderes into a Troop transport function, as well as split its current functionnalities.

    Here are my mad ramblings :

    Default Mode : Troops Transport (12 seats - 1 Driver+ 1 Turret+ 10 Passengers)
    Make the Sunderer have "internal" rumble seats.
    The one point I am not sure about is either to limit passengers to only have Primaries available or all their loadout too. I tend to go with Primaries only, to offset the fact that they are already fully shielded by the vehicle itself.
    There should be 'slits/embrasures' on the sides for passenger infantry to be able to shoot out from.
    Disables secondary turrets. (Keeps only the front one)
    People disembarking from the sunderer get a temporary boost to their run speed and shield healthpool.
    No deployment options.
    No spawns option
    More +armor+hp
    This explosively make the sunderer into a more formidable fighting platform from the get go, and offer an incentive to stay inside the sunderer!

    Droppod Beacon Mode : Troops Spawn point (6 seats - 1 Driver+ 2 Turret+ 3 Passengers)
    Reduces the cargo option above and allows to use the Sunderers as a Beacon, a bit like the Bastion, but with at a reduced capacity. People that would spawn into the Cargo on stand-by, couldn't disembark, waiting for their turn to drop from above.
    The two turrets emplacements are kept.
    Deployment option to increase range of droppod area
    Main spawn option.
    This would help reducing the abject farming of people freshly spawning from the sunderer and increase its defensive+offensive potential.

    Engineer Mode : Vehicle Rearm and Repair (1 seats - 1 Driver+ 0 Turret+ 0 Passengers)
    As above, removes cargo option, to transform the sunderer into a vehicle-engineer.
    Disables Sunderers turrets.
    When deployed, has two repair drones spawned (floating above turret emplacements?)
    to repair and assits surrounding vehicles. (could also cert up to also repair buildings?)
    ammo boxes included to supply allies around Sunderer to joyfully bombard to their hearts content.
    Deployment option to double rates and area of repair and ammunition support
    No spawn options.
    It gives away all offensive, spawn and transport capabilities and options to become a strong central point for an armored column. The combination of the two support function is to help lessen the "clutter" of repair + ammo sundies and better support the other fighting vehicles around it.

    Battle Mode : Battle Sunderer (3 seats - 1 Driver+ 2 Turret+ 0 Passengers)
    Cargo space removed, replaced by +armor+hp (even more than the troop transport option)
    Turrets are kept (evidently)
    Could have some Buff to ammo capacity and reload speed ?
    No spawn options.
    No deploy options.
    This makes the sunderer become a sexy juggernaut that goes WAAAAAAGH.

    I think those are changes that aren't too needy in terms of coding, as we already have these options in the game. It would be mostly copying them.

    Thank you for reading and have an excellent day :)
  2. AuricStarSand

    Toss sunderers a snare net to snare tanks. Or how else are sunderers going to run away from a tank? or run away from harasser?

    Toss sunderer a ramming shield that bounzes enemy tanks if you're going enough speed.

    Toss sunderer hill traction so they don't slide down average hills so easily. Without having to equip some hill traction spec.

    Toss sunderers a actual battle bus while driving spec. That doesn't need c4 resistance. Just needs damage reduction. Maybe more damage reduction if the sunderer is moving.

    Toss Sunderer drivers something fun to do. Same goes for Harasser drivers too. Something. Fire rockets once per minute. More turbo. Something. Drifting. Able to drop mines.
  3. WarmasterRaptor

    Ouh, a mine layer module could definitely be interesting !

    Could also deploy some of the static anti-tank obstacle too