[Suggestion] ANT Cortium transfer

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VV4LL3, Dec 4, 2023.

  1. VV4LL3

    ANTS should be able to transfer cortium to other ANTs.

    This would allow base builders to make chains from resources to other ANTs, or allow players to transfer cortium from one ANT to the next, for their own purposes.
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  2. ganthercage

    that is a nice suggestion
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  3. VV4LL3

    Then thumbs up it Warrior!
  4. Roo_Original

    I don't see this as beneficial, purely because of the time it would take to fill up the other ANT. Also requires a lot of co-ordination which I don't think is very present in most player made bases.

    What WOULD work is stealing cortium from an enemy Silo/ANT. Unless that function already exists....
  5. Ps2pIayer

    Cortium can be scarce on prime time and people making useless bases contribute to that in areas with no action. i once thought they did a silo buff because my silo had 12k in it as soon as it was done building, but an ant player filled it when i wasnt looking, but the idea of that came to mind and it would be good if starting silos had 10k to start to actually help set up a base faster.
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  6. VV4LL3

    1. During intense alerts, ~30min left, many nodes are depleted nearby. Being able to transfer from far away to close is very useful. Furthermore, passing cortium to ANTS on plateaus or hard to reach areas is helpful.
    2. Requiring a lot of coordination shouldn't be a setback, but rather the point--Team work. Game development should provide bonuses or great incentive ototeamwork.